Annoying Fan

Card Text
Battlecry: Choose a minion. It can't attack while this is alive.
Flavor Text
No, Annoy-o-Tron, an air horn is not an instrument.
Battlecry: Choose a minion. It can't attack while this is alive.
No, Annoy-o-Tron, an air horn is not an instrument.
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can the marked minion attack if you bounce it back to your hand with Shadowstep or Youthful Brewmaster cuz technicly it didn't die. Like Edwin, Defias Kingpin still get's buffed if he's in your hand...
This looks like some yu gi oh shit if your opponent plays deathwing..
Laughs in Rush
Might see play in Mech Mage. An efficient 1/2 that helps you keep a body around in the early game, particularly to help you activate Seascout Operator and Gorillabot A-3
How does it work if the opponent kills it on their turn. Can their minion then again attack normaly or does it have to wait the next turn.
Should be able to attack immediately. It doesn't consume their attack, just prevents them from doing so.
Similar to silencing your frozen minion - it can then attack.
This card is actually really good. Permanent freeze if it can hold on will prevent all sorts of damage.