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    posted a message on DEATHWING NEEDS A FRIENDWING (Class Creation Competition #4) - Phase I [Discussion Topic]
    Quote from Phoenixfeather >>

    The Artist

    The artist class focuses on minion buffs, especially with adjacence and positioning rearrangement. Using certain mechanics, minions may attack multiple times per turn.

    Notable Mechanics (Coming Soon)

    1. Adjacent/Board buffs
    2. Positioning Rearrangement
    3. Spells and abilities that summon more minions - Notably 0/4 Animations
    4. Tales (That draw cards in various ways)
    5. Musical Instruments as weapons
    6. Dance - A psudowindfury
    7. 11-Cost cards
    8. Dragon Synergy


       Cyr skips along the icy plains, bright blue eyes twinkling. She looks around, wondering. Where was she? When was she? Where were the Knight Radiant’s lightweavers and Nix, her spren? Storms! Even the gods are different! Cyr looks around, slightly fearful, yet curious. Nix had forementioned a possible danger when she’d fallen through the portal.
       Suddenly, Cyr hears a soft melody. She whirls, looking for a source. In an instant, two animations spring to life. The voice grows louder. Siren? No, it wasn’t quite right. Cyr completes the spin whilst summoning a few of her friends. A series of stone golems spring from the ground. An entire army of frivolous musicians and jovial dancers from various realms appear.. Within ten heartbeats, the field is covered in an ensemble of flying lights and flashing steel.
       “Cyr?” A small voice calls, “That is quite the overkill.”
       “Nixolium, I swear, you’re no better than Wit at times”
       In an instant, the parade vanishes. Golems crumble to dust. Illusions fade to nothingness. All the various confused artists return to their respective realms. A glowing boy wreathed in a cloak of flames prances around Cyr.
       “So where did Odium trap us?”
       “The better question is... How are you not cold in that dress?”
       “It looks pretty. Comfort comes second-”
       “It’s twenty below! At least put cover your back!”
       Cyr sighs. Nix was being annoying again. “One more irrelevant comment and I feed you to Ninian.”
       Nix’s voice suddenly rises a few octaves at the mention of the manakete. “Sorry miss. We’re in Azeroth. One of Chaos’s realms.”
       “Shards, I hate her. Probably one of the worse goddesses to exist.” Rage flashed across Cyr’s normally optimistic face.
       “Come, quit feeling dismal. There’s a tavern up ahead. There’d be people you can… well... persuade… to work for you.”
       Cyr ignores the sardonic tone and looks ahead. Surely enough, a small hut stood a few fathoms away.
       “A tavern in the middle of nowhere?”
       Nix just shrugs. The two bound over anyway.
       “Hearthstone,” Cyr reads from the signpost, “Curious indeed.”
       Cyr walks in to the joyous shouting of “Welcome to the inn, friend”.
    To be continued... (Yes, I've already written the next section)


    This is pretty simple. It's already seen in Dire Wolf Alpha, Wee Spellstopper, and Flametongue Totem.

    The first card here would become the second using the keyword Spur.

    Update: Removing Maddening Tale since Cogito says Carve doesn't count as an elemental ;-;

    Cyr Caelus: Cyr is an artist from Rahsor, a faraway unknown plane. Somehow, she finds herself in an unidentified place in Azeroth with little but her magical affinity and a performer's personality. She certainly knows how to put on one heck of a show to distract, manipulate, and "convince" her opponents. Upon arrival to Azeroth, she finds a mysterious world-hopping tavern full of grand mysteries and frivolous adventure.

    Compose: This is similar to a weaker version of Preparation. It can stack and be transferred through turns. This is especially useful when casting some of the incoming 11-cost cards.

    Dance: Give a minion Windfury for a turn. And funny wording to avoid keywords in basic. Fair enough. Wait a moment. It says an additional time… So my windfury minions can attack 3 times? Actually 4 if I run two copies of it? Wait no! More if I get in Ninian, Destiny Dancer! Oh. You don’t know who Ninian is yet. Right… Uhh… You’ll have to wait until the next round. Sorry.

    Avid Artist: Simple. Sweet. Dire Wolf Alpha but not Dire Wolf Alpha. This showcases a simple example of the keyword Spur.

    Maddening Tale: The creator must have gone crazy. And perhaps she truly has. (She as in Cyr, not Nix) This is one of a series of “Tales” that allow you to draw cards. A few future plans include “Great Tale”, “Illustrive Tale”, “Legendary Tale”, and “Comedic Tale”. What are they? You’ll find out as we continue through this competition.

    Carve: So why isn’t this just a 3/3 with adapt? Well, artists don’t just summon elementals from nothingness. We have to make them ourselves. By uplifting stones, we can create golems. And based on how we carve them, these golems can have a variety of interesting abilities. There will be multiple other cards that have similar effects in summoning a minion using spells. I'll need to get legality rules on this card counting as an elemental though.

    Dance with Death: Nice board clear. No... Nice finisher for your board? This card can be used with great versatility, providing a board clear for your opponent or giving yourself a few more points of damage to finish the game. One of the many examples of how Spur can be used.

    Drakonid Lightweaver: A little guy trained by Cyr in the Lightweaving arcanics. There will be a lot more dragon synergy (and manaketes :D) throughout the set. In addition, these Animations have multiple ways to gain buffs, one of whom being through Avid Artist.

    Feedback/comments are welcome. I have a few more cards prepared in advance (roughly 20), although I don't feel like the above best showcases things as a whole.

    I like the theme of the class, I've always thought if there was a Bard in WoW, it would work better as a spec of a more general class... like an Artist!
    Compose seems at a good power level to me; I think it's great that it inherently has different ways to be played, like it allows for super greedy plays just Hero Power and passing, which comes at obvious tempo loss. 
    Avid Artist is a good class 1-Mana 1/3, it has an ongoing effect that reflects the class
    Dance is very interesting to me. I think thematically it works very well. In terms of its value, it reminds me more of Charge than Windfury, of course without the game-breaking problems Charge had. It's hard to say between 1 and 2 mana, I think there's an argument for either cost, it is quite tricky to evaluate. You could always make it 3-Mana and add "Draw a card".
    Even though Carve isn't a valid example card, you should definitely keep it for the class. I think it's underestimated how much flavor is added by minion-summoning spells and it works so well for this class with the Adapt.
    Dance with Death I love very much, but I will say, I have a totally different opinion on how much this should cost. I don't think "Spur: +3 Attack" is worth 7 alone, between Dire Wolf Alpha to Flametongue Totem, and I could see how more and more Attack should come with an increasingly steeper Cost, but even looking at Fireball or Tinker's Sharpsword Oil this card does roughly the same with as much, if not more, setup, and it has a downside. Now, I could be completely off my rocker and in practice this is a totally busted card, but that's just my initial reaction. I do really like the idea.
    For Drakonid Lightweaver I think the 0/4's are ever so slightly overvalued, but I think that's reasonable considering the class's ability to put them to use. I like it.
    You've definitely put a lot of effort into the flavor of the class and it shows. Flavor tends to be one of the aspects I focus mostly on, so it does strike me as a very appealing class. Good stuff.
    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on DEATHWING NEEDS A FRIENDWING (Class Creation Competition #4) - Phase I [Discussion Topic]

    I don't have that much of a solid foundation, but I'd appreciate some feedback on what I'm working with so far.

    The Inquisitor!

    *Placeholder Hero


    The Inquisitor is about taking extreme measures to seek justice, vengeance, or what have you, even if it means using the instruments of what you abhor against your enemies. The class has a focus on summoning, in different ways such as manipulating mana costs; and removing your opponent's threats effectively.

    Here's what I've come up with so far.

    While I was coming up with the idea for the class, I, for whatever reason, did not anticipate the keyword challenge going through, so it's still very much in the works, but here's what I'm thinking:

    So if you play a Watch card where its Cost is increased, it will repeat an effect, once for each Crystal you over-paid.

    An example:

    So, if you played this and she cost 7 mana, you would resurrect 2 friendly minions, all the way up to 5 at a Cost of 10.

    **(Ignore the fact that Inquisitor Whitemane is a card from the same set)

    A trouble with formatting that I have with this is that it really should be able to work as a Battlecry or Deathrattle, or any other trigger, but I'm not so sure how to phrase it, since it's close to Choose One or Combo, both of which replace Battlecries.

    I don't mean to be shoving myself into a one-trick pony corner with these examples, but I feel they're the best to reflect what I've been thinking about.

    Any thoughts?

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on DEATHWING NEEDS A FRIENDWING (Class Creation Competition #4) - Phase I [Challenges Poll]
    Quote from Whammerist >>

     Here's what I've got so far -- this is my first custom class, so criticism is highly encouraged and appreciated! :)


    The Battlemancer uses both magic and hand-to-hand to dispatch their foes in the most efficient ways possible. The class is based around combos between both combat skills and magic, and using these combos as both ways to gain tempo and ultimately dispatch your opponent. Your specialty is using your wide set of skills to gain the upper hand in combat, and doing so should feel very rewarding -- the class is built upon cards and combinations that require skill and setup to be used properly. The best way to show you my vision with this class is you provide you with some of the cards I've designed so far.

    Spare Mana is similar to cards like Innervate and Counterfeit Coin, serving as a way to both cheat out cards in the early-game and assemble combos in the late-game. It's also a cheap spell that can be used to activate effects that rely on spells being played, like your Mana Golem or a Gadgetzan Auctioneer.

    Amateur Alchemist is a nice early drop, able to both contest a board with its solid 1/3 stat line and possibly neutralize an enemy minion as well. However, the upside can very likely backfire if this card is included in aggressive decks, as once you do have control of the board it's likely the Battlecry will hit your own minions rather than your opponents.

    The Harder They Fall is a hard removal spell similar in design to Shadow Word: Death, except it's conditional on its target having 5 or more Health rather than Attack. It's a solid removal spell fitting into the class themes with nice flavor included. Not much more to say.

    Mana Golem is a solid mid-game drop that combines the bulk and combat abilities of a golem with elements of the arcane. While it has a decent stat line on its own, you're able to use spells to increase its Health and subsequently obtain value trades you might not be able to otherwise, or to survive possible incoming board clears like a Hellfire, Flamestrike, or Dragonfire Potion.

    Last but certainly not least is Intimidation, allowing you to take control of an enemy minion for only 4 mana, provided it's at 2 or less Health. This card has many different applications depending on how you play and where you want to use it. You can steal a 3/2 from your opponent, maybe steal a damaged Northshire Cleric before your opponent can heal it back up again, or wait! If I trade my Mana Golem into his Cobalt Scalebane, I can steal it for myself to finish it off! It's a cool effect which allows and encourages many different lines of play.

    Thank you so much for looking over my initial ideas for this class, and please comment with your thoughts. I hope I was able to convey the class identity I have in mind to you guys, and I hope you at least find some of these ideas interesting.

    - Whammerist :)


    So, I think you've given a good sense of the feel for how the class should play, which is a good thing. The Hero Power seems balanced to me, and the example cards show a unique combination of mechanics which I think is important because I would say something to keep in mind is what sets a Battlemancer apart from other classes thematically. The identity so far gives a strong enough sense for that though, so I think that's a good direction for design.
    Amateur Alchemist I go back and forth on. Mad Bomber seems to be an apt comparison, but it's still hard to get a sense of how good a 1/3 giving a random enemy minion -1 Attack is when it could just be a 1/3 with a negative impact. Of course, you can set up around it. One thing to mention was in your set of cards, it is kind of an outlier. You have a good explanation for it, but you might want to give a better idea of where it fits into the game plan of the class overall.
    Ultimately, I think all the cards are fine, really. I would say they're all balanced. Flavor-wise they're cool and they fit together. I do like Intimidation, I think the cost for that kind of effect can be tricky to determine, but 4 does seem like a good place. The strategy is cool, cards seem fun, good stuff!
    Quote from Maldoni >>

    Hello everyone! :D

    I've been working on a class the last few days, and i would love to hear your opinions on it.
    So here it is.


    The class is build on the idea of someone who takes care of others. That could be cute animals, orphans or even other defenseless creatures in the Warcraft universe such as Wisps and Lesser Elementals. For this reason, the class won't feature that many big minions, nor really any boardclears and direct damage, as it does not really feel that... Caring.

    There is also a new Keyword:


    Whenever the Tame effect would occur, which could be as a Battlecry, Deathrattle or a static effect, one or more minions from your deck would be revealed, and any that cost less than the card that Tames, are put into the battlefield from your deck.

    This effect obviously has a lot of variance, but is the most effective in a deck that revolves around the Mechanic.

    Here is an example of a card with Tame.

    Whenever you would attack your opponent with this minion, a minion from your deck would be revealed, and if it cost less than this card. 
    (2, or less mana) Then it would be put from your deck into the battlefield.

    Also a question for the moderators.

    Would it be acceptable to make a new race for the class, that includes a few already existing cards?
    I was thinking about making an Ethereal class, with spirits and Wisps and that kind.

    PS: I know the colorschemes are a mess. Also Hearthcards mentioned a name for the guy that made the "Dragonkin" class colors as a guy named Technician, and i recall seeing that name here before. So thanks to you if you made it :D

    And at last, a rainbow :D

    Billedresultat for Rainbow

    I like the idea of the class; it's not really an area that has too much overlap with any other existing class in terms of theme. I do really like the keyword, however I think it might be a concern that it's pretty similar to Recruit. It would seem to me that it could be edited to be a bit more different, while still keeping the idea intact. And just for wording, I would suggest writing "Tame one minion" rather than "a minion" at least for the example, because I think that would make the keyword easier to understand. I think you have a really cool concept though!
    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 6.12 - Discussion Topic

    Any general opinions on this?

    I think I've seen some similar ideas but nothing exactly like this, let me know if it's too close to anything.

    The idea would be you swap heroes — that is, portrait, weapon, and power — but it's an ongoing effect so it ends if the minion dies, to get around the problem of it being un-interactive.

    Would be mostly just a weird tech card I guess. Any thoughts?

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Expansion Creation Competition- [Phase I Discussion]

    Alright, so here's what I'm working with so far

    The new Keyword:

    Kind of like Adapt, there are five different Invocations to choose from:

     There's meant to be a pretty heavy focus on Hero Power interaction for one of the aspects of the set

    Another idea I'm working with is introducing new weapon types, Daggers and Bows. Some shoddily photoshopped examples of existing weapons:

    My concern with this is that they're pretty much limited to Rogue and Hunter respectively. Each weapon class could have a unique weapon type, but I feel like that would make the point of the tribes kind of redundant and take away from the theme. Maybe there's something else I come up with.

    I had the idea of Off-Hand weapons that would replace your Hero Power if you have a weapon equipped, and you would activate your Hero Power to attack with it, but it got kind of too complex, and thematically only so many of the weapon classes really use off-hands, unless I wanted to make shields or something, which just added more complications.

    Anyway, what I have for example cards for the showcase:

    I haven't really come up with something for the neutral slot. I'd think a small (probably 1-mana) minion with something like "Battlecry: Invoke" would make sense as another example of the new keyword, but it's already pretty close to the legendary and I'm not sure if it should be so accessible to be put on a cheap body.

    Either way, looking to hear what you guys think. Thanks for any feedback.


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    posted a message on Expansion Creation Competition- [Phase I Discussion]
    Quote from Vilegloom >>
    Quote from Vilegloom >>

    I've personally have had a tough time trying to figure out mechanics for a full expansion. Took me some time, but here's me taking shot at it.


    A city of wonders hidden away for eons by the everlasting sands of the desert, Uldum hides many secrets itself. From the enigmatic, stone-skinned Tol'vir, to the ancient temples bearing riches beyond imagining. Some of these riches come in the form of Relics.

    Relics work similarly to weapons. They take up the weapon slot, meaning you can only use either a Relic or weapon at a time. Relics, however, do not offer an offensive ability nor count as a weapon. They work passively, and last a number of turns before wearing out. 

    These Relics have also caught the eye of many interested... businesspeople. From all over the world raiders have come to claim the prizes of Uldum for their own. To do this however, they will have to overcome the many obstacles that may appear, such as the four Constructs.


    There are four Constructs hidden away in the Halls of Origination. One of them is the Construct of Magic known as Isiset. All Constructs offer a different playstyle. In the case of Isiset, her and her followers may lack strength, but they make up in firepower; boosting the power of spells permanently to deliver a devastating blow.

    Raiders have their Resources as well, though. Rogues use Gold Coins to "buy" their way to the top. Holding the Gold Coins grant the access to not only Combo triggering, but also triggering effects of different cards. For example: 


    Not showcasing these in the actual submission, this is just to give a broader idea.

    Token Gold Coin: 

     (Maybe I should raise the cost by 1)

    In the end, there is no better feeling than uncovering the many hidden treasures that lie in the city.

    When said card is drawn, Loot will come to effect. Meaning that if the card is pulled out of the deck or discovered, the effect won't trigger. However, when they are drawn the effect will be much more powerful.

    So, what did you guys think? Feedback is appreciated. I have other mechanics planned, like Hunters and Druid using token Scarab-minion synergy and Elementals, among others I'm still developing.

    Edit: Obviousy balance is not the main priority here, just showcasing the mechanics. I'll rebalance them in due time. 

    Bump. May I get some feedback ? :/


    I think you've a great theme going here. The Relic idea is really cool, although there is the concern of counter-play. If there isn't any planned then their power level should be kept checked, and if there is, I don't think you'd want to showcase it. Just a thought. The Druid one you have seems like a good example. Strong, but I wouldn't say totally busted.
    Gold Coins seem like a good idea, I like how they work. Raiding Knifejuggler I think could use another stat point, seeing as it's like a more specific Violet Teacher with a reward worth roughly the same. The other two are good and demonstrate the Gold Coins' value well.
    I feel like Isiset would already get a lot of value with just Spell Damage +1. The effect is really powerful even with there being a condition. You could keep the text but I'd say it would have to lose some stats for giving +4 damage permanently. I like its effect, it definitely feels legendary. Large ancient power. It works well.
    I really like how Loot works. I think since cards like Flame Leviathan are very unique, on-draw effects should be pretty exclusive, HOWEVER, Shifting Sands is more comparable to the tokens from Ancient Shade or Beneath the Grounds as its own card, which I can really dig. I think it's a good example of the keyword and I hope more with it are in that vein.
    Quote from Wishmaster333 >>

    Oh damn, this thread really blew up while I was busy. Finally had some time today to post my revisions.I know it's late in the game to bring up a new keyword, but I always wanted to use it so here we go.Really would love to hear y'alls feedback on it. I thought it would fit Duskwood with the amount of worgen and undead, it really could be flavorful. I did sort of pull this from MTG.  Either way, let's get on with the show.I know, I know the new legendary is a class card, but it's so cool I had to show it. Besides, I'm unsure how to balance it.

    My expansion, The Depths of Duskwood, brings you to the dark heart of the southern Eastern Kingdoms where many mysterious and treacherous creatures lurk around every corner. Ghouls, Worgen, Ogres, Ghosts, and more hide in the harsh land known as Duskwood. To live here you must be willing to play by their rules. A new Keyword Transform and some old favorites like Deathrattle and Poisonous help you battle the horrors of Duskwood.

    Transform Keyword

    Gravedigger HS cardPlagued GhoulForlorn SoulProtectorate Sven



    Plague WormSven, The Beserker


    Transform can really be any criteria, whether it be number of spells cast, certain damage amounts, etc. I think it's a rather flexible, but fair new keyword that won't impose on the designs of Hearthstone. I really think Gravedigger is just sort of expected for Rogue at this point, given their classes push towards more cards that aren't theirs. Plagued Ghoul is just a good 3 drop. Forlorn Soul is here as a staple of the set to finally give us a decent neutral silence. I know, Silence is powerful but there are a ton of other powerful cards as well, I don't think it's out of place in Hearthstone as it is now, let alone my own set. Protectorate Sven I was a little unsure how to balance. I probably need a tuning pass on him, but I'm throwing him out here anyway to see what y'all think. Now I guess I need to scroll back and see if anyone else still needs some help or ideas thrown around.


    I like the set of examples you have, they do a good job of showcasing what the expansion's about, thematically.
    Gravedigger is a little strange to me, since Ethereal Peddler is permanent with greater reduction and vanilla stats. If a lot of the Rogue stuff is going to be pushing the burgle effect, I think you could have a more unique approach to it. And it's a gravedigger with nothing to do with dead minions! Also, while it's good flavor, there's nothing really specific to the set. I don't mean to be bashing this card so much, I just think there's better opportunity to show something off.
    I like Plagued Ghoul. Looks like a solid card. Strong in some situations, pretty weak in others. It's mechanically interesting too. Very much so, actually.
    Forlorn Soul is a nice way to bring back that Wailing Soul effect. Makes me interested to see some synergies.
    Assuming Sven is meant to work on your turn, I think you should rephrase it to "takes damage". The way it's written now suggests the enemy has to deal damage to it, or you'd have to target him with a spell, which now that I think about it, makes sense as a Warrior card. I think it would still be balanced by with the condition being taking damage. That aside, I think it's a really cool card. Unique effect, suits a legendary, works with the theme. 
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    posted a message on Expansion Creation Competition- [Phase I Discussion]
    Quote from FunPolice749 >>

    Alright just a dump of ideas that I thought up tonight. 

    Exapansion is Legion based and deals with many demon and a new mechanic Fel Crystals.

    Here's some things I got so far:

    Needs rewording I know just don't know the best wording yet.

    Still need to make up Illidan's weapon choices.

    And hopefully these cards show the new feature of the expansion somewhat good. Any feedback is welcome.

    On the Fel Crystals, the only trouble I see right now is that there doesn't seem to be a solid idea of the value of them with the cards shown. To me, Corrupted Shaman and Dark Portal seem to get less/more out of one than the other. They are pretty different cards of course, but for an example they don't give a very clear idea.
    Illidan looks very cool though. I think it would be a great example legendary, having a cool effect that incorporates the new key word is really good and it might give a better idea of how Fel Crystals work.
    Demon Hunter is a good example card too; it does a good job of showcasing the theme while being an interesting card in itself. I think it's balanced as is, only I believe "Demon" and "+2 Attack" should be capitalized.
    Quote from Livienna >>

    @Mewdrops thanks for your thoughts. Ughhhh, Gruul. Sigh. Well, by making it a keyword, the idea here is that minions with Growth will have more going on than just the growth effect, making them more of a threat, often. I like your idea for Mithra, thanks! Also, in terms of them being one-dimensional keywords... yeah. I mean, they're kind of like Taunt, Charge, Windfury, etc... they're all boring on their own but can make for interesting synergies.

    Here are a few more ideas.

    Getting more detailed below, but for these examples:
    Woodland Dryad looks balanced. On your enemy's turn it's basically 3 mana 2/2 Battlecry: Give a minion +1/+1 which has the upside of growing. Good example of the mechanic that's not just a basic minion with the keyword (no shade on nymph though).
    Helping Hand -- this is really cool design, the card works and I like it, however, aesthetically it feels like a Druid card to me. I think different art alone could aid that, if it's a real concern.
    Nymph and Frost Drake go to point on Growth and Decay vs Chill and Warm which I'm going over after the next quote
    Sadistic Succubus -- good effect, balanced. Feels like other Succubi cards, good flavor, good mechanics. Solid card.
    Frigid Blade I think is a problem because you can play this on turn one with no minions, so there's effectively no downside. I think a slightly more expensive version with better stats would make the downside more significant.
    Quote from Liam3Bucks >>
    Quote from Livienna >>
    Quote from nurgling13 >>
    Quote from Livienna >>

    Pretty sure this will be my final post, unless anyone has any suggestions/thoughts on the cards I've included! :D Thank you for the feedback. Could use balance thoughts on the legendary. Oh, and mods? Are we allowed to have a banner...?


    An unusual warmth has settled over the wintery landscapes of Azeroth...

    From Northrend to Winterspring, snow is melting, flowers are blooming, and dormant beings are awakening.

    Yes, the rumors are true: SPRING IS COMING. 

    Flavor: "The Great Thaw" expansion is all about the clash of Winter and Spring. We have Frostsabers, Ice Elementals, and Avalanches, as well as Forest Spirits, Flowery Glades, and Woodland Creatures. The Hourglass watermark signifies both the passing of time as the lands shift from winter to spring, and the benefits players get from taking their time in games (see below).

    Mechanics: A big push in this expansion is to slow down individual games and reward players for pushing value rather than tempo. In other words, this expansion seeks a less aggressive meta game. Specific mechanics include: incentives to hold cards in your hand, minions that go Dormant (as introduced by Sherazin, Corpse Flower), and three new keywords (but really two) - Chill, Warm, and Elusive (the Faerie Dragon effect). Also, some classes will have specific mechanical focuses, to be revealed later.


    Keyword explanations under spoiler:

    Chill - Chilled minions have a shimmering light blue mist surrounding their token. The Chill damage takes place at the end of each player's turn, so if you Chill an enemy minion, it's like dealing it 1 damage, and another 1 at the end of their turn. It keeps going, but this mechanic encourages trading; it's not often that a Chilled minion will last long enough on board to accumulate a ton of damage from the Chill effect.

    Warm - An example of this currently in the game is Shifter Zerus (although he would keep his text for flavor reasons, similar to how Totemic Slam was not changed to Discover when LoE was released). Like Zerus, your opponent will not see the trigger take place. Most Warm effects encourage you to hold cards in your hand, however some are still stuck in winter - and will lose value as they Warm (as with Kalecgos below!).

    Elusive - I know Brode said they do not intend to make this a keyword as it would be too confusing for new players, but hey this is just for fun and none of US are new players... so yeah. basically, I WANT THAT TEXT SPACE!!! xD


    Phase One Cards:

    Blossoming Nymph - This nymph is thrilled about the warming lands, and grows tougher with each passing turn. She is a basic example of the Warm keyword in action.

    Greater Wind Spirit - A spirit borne of the winter, this guy starts worse than even a Wisp. But with a quick self-heal, the spirit grows and changes, and becomes a burly 3/4 for 3 mana (of course, you get the heal as well!). Perfect for turn one when you don't have a turn 2 play, and a nice example of the design space opened up with the Dormant mechanic.

    Chilling Gaze - Mage's first alternate hero power! Ping, meet uber-ping! It can't go face, but it's certainly value-tastic. Just wait until you see the full Mage set in Phase Two to see Chill synergy in action.

    Kalecgos - Leader of the Blue Dragonflight in Winterspring, Kalecgos is one of those who is determinedly unhappy about The Great Thaw. His Arcane Powers are great, yes, but the Warmth is causing him discomfort. Since he is a former servant of Malygos, I decided to give him good spell damage with some major Elusive protection (Polymorph can't save you now, Pavel mage!!). It's a strong card, thus the Warm drawback. Let's be honest though... even if you play this guy with low attack, he's still gonna do some work via his spell damage.


    I'm gonna be honest, I don't really like Chill and Warm. They seem kinda boring and their names don't seem to have any connection to what they do. Chill, first of all, sounds too similar to Freeze. And the effect isn't worth introducing a keyword. Dealing 1 damage to a minion at the end of every turn isn't a good effect, and I can't see anyone getting excited about it being added to the game. Warm is a better keyword, but it doesn't make sense either. It also isn't a great keyword. The game is too fast to have a bunch of cards that you want to keep in your hand. Warm anti-synergizes with itself because of that. It's also been a real hit-or-miss, with Bolvar Fordragon being terrible. 
    Thanks so much for your review. As you're the CCC winner, I greatly value your insight. I've been thinking about this all morning, and I don't know if I have the creative energy to rethink the expansion. I quite like Chill... even if its not the strongest of mechanics, it'll be costed that way. I get your point of it feeling too close to Freeze... hmmm. So maybe not. Well, I think changing Warm could be a good move. Your point about Bolvar is solid. I just have to come up with a spring-themed keyword xD I'll brainstorm some ideas here...
    So I came up with this Growth/Decay concept... it fits the flavor of the expansion well, and I think it's a decent mechanic. It still has that "slow" aspect to it... Mithra is basically a must-kill 5 mana 5/5, and the Iceshard dude is a 6 mana 4/6 (by the time it gets to attack) with a strong Freeze effect.
    So yeah... would love to know your thoughts! And anyone else's if they feel like chiming in!!! 
     I may be in the minority here, but I think the Chill and Warm keywords are really good. The Warm keyword leads to some interesting decisions. Do I play this minion now? Or do I leave it in my hand for more value? Chill is also something that you can't write out on the card very well. Battlecry: Give a minion "deal 1 damage to this minion at the end of each player's turn," sounds like a mouthful. It saves a lot of text space and makes it easier to understand, which is exactly what keywords are supposed to do. Yes, they could have slightly different names, but I like the concept better than decay and growth.


    I tend to agree here. I've seen the DoT kind of effect before with Chill, and I think a 'Chill' kind of mechanic could have a better opportunity in interacting with Freeze in some way.  Warm though, I'm a pretty big fan of. It's different enough from Handbuff and Bolvar's effect where it's more consistent being based off a precise trigger, and simple enough to feel fluid and understandable. It also allows for more diverse uses I feel, rather than something straightforward like Growth.
    The original Blossoming Nymph feels like a better example card to me. It's more reminiscent to things like Cogmaster or Lowly Squire to me. While the one with Growth is vanilla enough, it doesn't really demonstrate the keyword as a selling point as much, since there are already similar effects. And Frost Drake feels very much like it's meant to have a kind of Chilly effect rather than Decay, thematically.
    Quote from Shatterstar1998 >>
    Quote from Shatterstar1998 >>
    Quote from Shatterstar1998 >>

    OK, so I have a general idea of my expansion:

    Rebuilding the Outland

    Flavor: After an invasion of the Burning Legion, leaders from both Alliance and Horde are now in the process of rebuilding this forsaken place into something more hospitable. Expect to see a lot of Draenei, Elves, Ogres, Orcs, Arakkoa, Elementals along with a few returning members of the Explorers League and their Horde friendnemy the Reliquary competing with one another.

    Mechanic: A big push for this expansion is decision making. Many of the mechanic reward planning ahead to get maximum value for the player with the most in-depth decision making skill



    • Shaping: The creatures at the Outland along with the people who come to rebuild the place are highly unstable. All of them are capable to Shape themselves or others into something else. Each turn the card is in your hand, their shape becomes more unstable to the point of a certain time, they will transform into a different form. When you hover to the card, it will show the turns remain for card to transform. For example, if a card has Shaping (2), at the start of your next turn it will show as Shaping (1) on the card and when you hover onto it. Shaping allows more flexibility in how to build your deck as minions with Shaping can be used both as their original form or their transformed form.
    • Study: To rebuild something, you first must understand it! The Study mechanic is introduced in this expansion as the Explorer's League and the Reliquary study the local creatures to have a better knowledge on how to understand them in order to rebuild this broken land. Similar but yet different in many ways to the Shaping mechanic, Study allows you more potency in your card in exchange for delay yourselves from playing them. For graphic, it is similar to Shaping in showing how many turns left with the different is that when the Study number reach 0, the effect will add on or replace the former effect.
    • Another mechanic that will be introduced in this expansion is Side Quest: This mechanic is similar in many ways to the Quest: They present an objective for the players to complete. However, unlike Quests, they do NOT start in your opening hand. Most of the Side Quests are much easier to complete but their reward are also less game-winning and permanent. They cost 2 mana and can also be completed alongside your main Quest but, like Secret, you can only have 1 Side Quest with the same name at once. The good news is that they are Epic cards, which mean you can choose to include and complete two Side Quest in one game!
    • New Tribe! The Plants are now officially a Tribe for this expansion. A list of Plant that already existed in Hearthstone can be seen here. The Plants tribe cards are a diverse bunch and has various effect ranging from getting value, single target removal, big Taunt and summoning tokens. For example: Vilespine Slayer, Curious Glimmerroot, Ancient of Lore and Living Mana.

    Sample Cards:



    The Legendary minion:

    Quote from Shatterstar1998 >>
    Finley can swap in for Brann.
     Bump my thread. I decided to made Cabal Apprentice as one of the showcase card and design another Side Quest and post to see whether or not it can replace the Druid Side Quest:
    Quote from michalsuch429 >>

    Is there any limit for the amount of token cards in the competition? I have a keyword Idea that requires around 20 tokens to work properly, I'm not sure if it's not too much.

    The keyword would be Archive. I think that the best way to explain this keyword is to show the cards and explain what they do simaltenously.

    Firstly the tokens. There are 3 types of token cards. Scrolls, Books and Artifacts. All of these have "Archive: do something" on them. You can get Scrolls using different cards from the expansion. When you have 2 copies of the same scroll in your hand they merge and create a Book card in your hand. Once you have 2 books of the same type, they merge and create an Artifact in your hand. When you play "Archive: do something" card, you get to discover a new scroll. Here is the tokens' initial concept:







    (this is a scroll you can discover in order to remove a scroll card from your hand)



     To use the scrolls, books and artifacts you need special cards with "Use your Archives". If you can't activate the scrolls, they do nothing by themselves (except for the Corrupted Files). When you "Use your Archives", you activate all scrolls, books and artifacts from your hand. Note that you can target only 1 character when using Archives, so you don't want to hold "Tome of Blessings" and "Scroll of Mischiev" at the same time for example.  Here are 2 examples of cards with Archive synergy. The first one is a generic neutral minion that adds scrolls to your hand and the second one is the end game legendary of Archive decks. There would be more scroll generators and activators obviously.


    Is this mechanic any good? Can it be used in the expansion or are there too many tokens?

     While I think there isn't a limitation, it will turn off voters from voting your entries with so many tokens and it'll be annoying to play with and against since there are less chance of fishing the effect you want.


    Shaping and Study feel close enough that they could be one effect, but from a thematic perspective they make sense individually. Since it's a bit of a more complex mechanic, I think introducing Studying first makes more sense, since Shaping is effectively a more specific variation of it. The example cards you use the effects well, and while I think there could be a more simple card to demonstrate either effect, the two you have are interesting enough and are still understandable.
    I think the Side Quests are cool, but they seem a little strange here, as for an introduction to a new set there's a mechanic that's like one from the last set, but smaller. I think they could be introduced later, but if you want them there as more material and a more diverse set of examples, it would still be fine.
    Quote from Demonxz95 >>

    I've made some changes. Notably, Dark Matter Orbs are now called Void Orbs. Darksayer also has some new, better artwork (I know I've had people suggest to change it, but I'm keeping it as is for now, for flavor purposes).

    Skalvar's Tokens

    So, I'd like to see how people think of these changes, as well as what I should change amongst the cards or the showcase.

    For the showcase, all of these cards have some interaction with Void Orbs, where you may want other cards to offer more info about the set. There would be a much different introduction to Un'Goro if the first four cards shown were all Adapt minions, y'know?
    That being said
    Deathcaller -- It slightly bothers me that this card is a 1 mana 1/3, just because the only Neutral minion with that statline in Finley, and he's a legendary. There's nothing stopping you from making it that, but I think a 1/2 should be enough. Otherwise it's a good example of the effect.
    Dragon Knight brings up a question about how they work. Do they refill each turn like normal Mana? Because otherwise, it could probably be worded as "Destroy" rather than "Spend." Besides that, it's a fine card with a cool interaction. Reminds me of something like Blood Knight; a big pay-off card.
    Darksayer -- Cool take on Doomsayer, more familiar cards for reference. If you're going to limit the amount of Void Orb cards you showcase I think Deathcaller is already close enough to this.
    Skalvar -- I just want to say, I really like the Dark Contract. I think it's such a great idea and yet it's so simple and works well with a card like this. I think the legendary is cool enough, but about Void Orbs it makes it seem very slow to gain where Dragon Knight is the only example of a pay-off. Just something to think about.
    And on the point of Void Orbs being close to Fel Crystals, I think it's fine for the both of them to be here, considering there was a plan for a Red Mana effect that was scrapped in Mean Streets of Gadgetzan.
    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Expansion Creation Competition- [Phase I Discussion]

    I don't know if I'd be able to keep up with this competition but I did come up with an idea for a new mechanic, before I look over some other posts later:

    Thought about doing something more simple like Spare Parts, as well as general liking Hero Power interactions

    And the Invocations:

    Obviously not completely finish. Also unsure if there should be more than three choices. It makes it more diverse but then there's more RNG, unless you choose between 5 or something like that. Also debating the cost of the powers and value of the effects.

    For a legendary, it got me thinking I could do something like this:

    Let me know what you think!


    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Class Development and Discussion Thread!! EVERYONE GET IN HERE!!!
    Quote from Brooknt >>

    Basic Set done! yay!



     Please leave comments if u dont mind

    I think a lot of these look good as a basic set. I'd say something to consider for the other sets is to try to have some general themes. As cool as some of these cards are, it doesn't feel like there's that much holding them together.
    For specific cards:
    Current Bottle — I like this card because it's really not obvious where it would be useful. That being said, there's nothing really in either the basic set for this class or the basic set for neutral cards that it works with. You may want to swap this with a card in the classic set.
    Rich for Life — I think the fact that this makes the opponent burn a card makes it a little bit better than it should be. I would suggest changing the amount of coins to a specific amount. Anything from 2 to 4 coins would make sense to me.
    Disagreement — This is one of those cards that's tricky to judge without seeing it play out. I think it's fine as it is, comparing Darkbomb to Hellfire, you could say it's likeBetrayal to Disagreement. It's just that it may end up working more likeLightbomb, but I think it's fine for now.
    Taking Rest — Some may argue, but I think this could cost 5 mana.
    Overall you have some pretty interesting ideas and I'd like to see where this class goes. Keep at it!
    Edit: I realized this is probably for the insanity challenge, in which case most of the points I made are that way for a reason, so you probably shouldn't worry about changing too much
    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Class Development and Discussion Thread!! EVERYONE GET IN HERE!!!

    Hey, super cool thread! I was planning on finishing, and more importantly, fine-tuning my class since I enjoyed the competition so much (looking forward to that finale!) I have been somewhat busier and it would appear deadlines are the best motivation, but I'm working on it!

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on ASYLUM'S GAUNTLET (Class Creation Competition #3) - Phase V Discussion
    Quote from thepowrofcheese >>

    Thanks @SoulshifterX and @nobravery. Those are the typical reactions I get with my submissions!

    For Prolong Indefinitely (thanks for the spelling fix!) it can be compared to hard removal like Assassinate, so it might need to cost 5 or more. We'll see what others think. Fatesplitter is set this way so it's harder to get infinite Duplicates. Or it is as long as it doesn't trigger the secret itself. Does Mad Scientist trigger a Duplicate it draws from your deck? Maybe someone would know how that all works out.

    Id also like feedback for my Fatigue aoe, End Times.

    The first was my original idea, but I worry about stacking Fatigue cards for the opponent too fast. There are two other Fatigue makers: Murozond which I posted before (WotOG legendary, can post again if needed) and Time Keeper from TGT. I'm also unsure of the cost.

    I think Prolong Indefinitely should cost at least 5. Freezing Trap would be the step-up from Sap and (2) more to (10) seems like it should be more than one mana. Compared to Assassinate, this also effectively silences and eats up a space in your opponent's hand.
    Whichever End Times you go with, I think 2 is the right cost. There are only so many other cards that can work with it, and you only really need 2 to be drawn to get value out of it. And if the game is naturally at fatigue, the cost isn't going to make much of a difference. Cool cards, also!
    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.08 - Discussion Topic
    Quote from ZorkKnight >>
    Quote from Livienna1683 >>
    Quote from ZorkKnight >>
    Quote from ZorkKnight >>

    Usuall this will just be a -1/-1 Blackwing Corruptor for one less mana.  Any thoughts?

     Hmmmm. I mostly like this. I feel like the wording is off but I'm not sure why. Maybe it should be "Deal your weapon's attack as damage to an enemy character" or simply "Deal your weapon's attack as damage"... this also feels more like a rare effect than an epic effect. Seems balanced!
     I based the wording on Blade Flurry. Guess I'll change the rarity too.
     Maybe since it's single target Savagery would be a better reference. Up to you, though.
    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.08 - Discussion Topic
    Quote from BGgungame >>
    Quote from LookingForOwls >>

    Hemet is super weak, if you hit the conditional (turn 8 in hunter, which is not ideal) then you only get 9/9 in stats for 8. I mean sure, the 6/6 is stealthed, but stealth really isnt that great

     Well, like father like son, right? But yeah, I was thinking that too. I'll think about it. The thing is I want Bangalash to be stronger than a Stranglethorn Tiger because in WoW Bangalash is supposed to be the toughest beast in STV.
    This is kinda different from what you have now, but I think it would be cool if you had it summon Bangalash for the opponent The Beast-style and changed the way Hemet Jr. worked (and maybe synergy with the OG Hemet Nesingwary). Just an idea!
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    posted a message on WIP "Elven Companion" legendary hunter spell WINDRUNNERS :D

    If I may add some input, each animal companion is worth 4 mana, and Animal Companion costs 3 because which one you get is random, so I'd say it's fair for each sister to be really worth around 7 mana.

    Normally charge is straightforwardly around 1 mana, but with Reckless Rocketeer it gets kinda weird at higher mana costs. Basically, there are many ways to go looking about this, each one putting it at a different cost. I think you can say a 5/5 (4.5) + Charge (1) + Draw a Card (1.5) = 7 mana (though you may get varying values for effects asking someone else). Another way could be Doomguard (5) - 2 Health (1) - Discard 2 (-2) + Blessing of Wisdom (1) = 7 mana. In short, looks good!

    For Sylvanas, I thought of Wee Spellstopper, then going from adjacent minions to all friendly minions, Dire Wolf Alpha toRaid Leader, if you will, should be 1 mana. Wee Spellstopper has a 3-mana body for 4, so we can say this effect would be 2 mana all things considered. A 5/5 with taunt IMO is worth 5 mana, add 2 and you get 7 mana. On point as well.

    Now, in defense of Alleria, Tirion Fordring is a nuts card that is pretty close. Without getting all math, I argue his deathrattle says the weapon is worth 1.5 mana, when it's closer to 7. Whether you want to balance against that is up to you. Looking at Doomhammer, or even Fool's Bane, I don't think Windfury actually has that much effect on the value of a weapon. Stranglethorn Tiger is a 5 mana 5/5 with Stealth, meaning you have 2 mana to work with, and in general, deathrattle effects save half a mana (Loot Hoarder -> Novice Engineer). So, you get what I'd call a 5 mana weapon for 2.5, which is a lot closer compared to Tirion. Of course, it's a lot stronger than the other two, but that's the precedent Hearthstone gives us.

    I do really like this card though, theme and everything. It makes sense for a legendary spell, as well. Really cool!

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on ASYLUM'S GAUNTLET (Class Creation Competition #3) - Phase IV Discussion

    Darn, wanted to change a card but I was in the middle of traveling. Never got a chance between posting and now.

    Good luck to all!

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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