Lowly Squire
Card Text
Inspire: Gain +1 Attack.
Flavor Text
But not the lowliest!
Card Sounds
Inspire: Gain +1 Attack.
But not the lowliest!
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Took only 5 years and a hole new class to get good xD
one of the only non-legendary cards to have entry music. odd.
i hate his golden animation
Oi mate! one day i will be a real knight
pensear is gone.. YES! i like golden animation
Where is he?
I wonder if this card is in some way a slight nod to the Magic: The Gathering's "Squire":
Often considered one of the worst cards ever printed - "But not the lowliest" makes me sort of think it's a reference to MTG's Squire - especially given they share the dubious 1/2 starting stats.
This sounds like quite a usable card on paper. Unfortunately, as long as Zombie Chow exists this card will simply be outclassed.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to be hating this guy in a month or so. Not quite as bad at snowballing as the old undertaker, but it's probably on par with mana wyrm at least, and some classes really need an early play turn 1; this will be amazing in shaman, I'll bet. It'll probably crop up in a lot of other decks as well.
looks like a decent opener for some classes. With mage, rogue, or druid, you can clear those pesky 1/3s or 2/3s early on. If it survives, you can take out an x/4 card, which isn't terrible. Or trade against 3/2s and 2/2s while activating your "do nothing to the board" hero power, like warlock and warrior. It's a slow card for sure, but the synergy with other inspire cards is good and I think it's a pretty good 1 drop
I love this as a 1 drop in oil rogue. Zombie is obviously great but you have to run 2 to have a good chance of playing it turn 1 and the drawback will put you out of burst range sometimes. This and hero power will do 3 damage turn 2 just like chow. It might die early, but the trade off again is that you don't have to worry about having a dead card late game
Lowly Squire + Coldarra Drake + Maiden of the Lake
10 taps later and suddenly this guy is eating giants for lunch! lol
Have people forgotten about Hobgoblin? I've had success with a Hobgoblin Warrior deck so I can see the potential in this card. Maybe not the best turn 4 move (Hob into Lowly Squire) but you get a 2/3 and 3/4 on the board that continues to be buffed with Hero Power. I like the idea of the opponent having to make a decision of what's more important to kill, if they can't kill both at the same time. Can't wait to put it to the test!
But... 3 health vs 2 allows for 2 for 1 trading.
If you play a class that works well with him, that doesn't have to be the case.
You play Lowly Squire as a mage. Opponent plays Voidwalker. You use hero power on the Voidwalker. Your Lowly Squire now has 2 attack and cleanly kills the Voidwalker.
why not a 0/3 enrage +1 atk and inspire +1 atk? would be good to stop aggro
EDIT: or why not +1/+1? would be more balanced than undertaker
1-drop for handlocks that are probably tapping for the next two turns anyways? Still weaker than chow. Might see some play if this hero-power mage archetype they seem to be trying to make is competitive. It's insane to expect Maiden and Coldarra to stick to the field together, but a turn 10 Maiden/Squire/5x hero power could be a hell of a tempo play, especially with Trueheart coming in earlier (16 stats on the field and 10 damage of board clearing)
But outside of essentially being the mana wyrm for that deck, not a lot of use. Would be much more interesting as a 0/3, I think.
Really interesting card. Normally aggressive or midgame oriented decks wont like to use heropower on turn 2 cause they want to built board and make pressure. Paladin and Shaman on the other hand suffer less from this problematic. We might see some using this in combination with Zombie Chow to increase the earlygame potential in the midrange decktype. Also tempo rogue might want to use this brave little guy.
through using heropower
Could this be useful for rogues, because they weapon up anyway on turn 2?