Here are some lovely things that can help you present your fan-made cards in a nice, new way! This is a recreation of an old thread I created, but this one's a bit more cleaner and concise, and it includes some new Hearthcards tips. Enjoy!
Custom Card Templates
In order to create custom card templates, you will need to go to:
This is for very advanced creators who want to make their custom class really pop and stand out.
However, every creator can use custom templates with ease. In order to use them, simply put in the code (for example, "{{CLASS=customclass1111}}") at the end of card text you want to add to the card.
Here is a list of some additional custom class borders.
Some do not have a hero card, or may use the old style of weapon card border.
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{{CLASS=custom1}} Chef, CheeseEtc |
{{CLASS=custom4}} Firelord, Logovaz |
{{CLASS=custom5}} Gambler, Tox |
{{CLASS=custom6}} Gambler, Otovent |
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{{CCLASS=ninja5958}} Ninja, McF4rtson |
{{CCLASS=warden1846}} Warden, Jengus |
{{CCLASS=riftblade5344}} Riftblade, McF4rtson |
{{CCLASS=beepboop5916}} "Motherboard", Jengus & McF4rtson |
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{{CCLASS=seawitch25473}} Improved Sea Witch, McF4rtson |
{{CCLASS=runic9352}} Runic, original artist unknown, McF4rtson |
{{CCLASS=ringmaster9507}} Ringmaster, Walrus, McF4rtson |
Furthermore, here is a list of custom emblems. Simply click on them to get the code you need to put in. Like a custom class, they go at the end of your card's text.>>>Emblems-
In addition, two emblems were added later on: {{EMBLEM=custom50}}, {{EMBLEM=custom51}}
Updated Custom Card Tools:
Demonxz95 pointed out a button that might save you a lot of time.
Rarity Colours (Copy and Paste)
Source Code for Rarity Colours (for mobile devices)
- <strong><a class="rarity-0">Token</a></strong> (e.g. The Coin)
- <strong><a class="rarity-1">Common</a></strong> (e.g. Wisp)
- <strong><a class="rarity-2">Basic</a></strong> (e.g. Magma Rager)
- <strong><a class="rarity-3">Rare</a></strong> (e.g. Alarm-o-Bot)
- <strong><a class="rarity-4">Epic</a></strong> (e.g. Doomsayer)
- <strong><a class="rarity-5">Legendary</a></strong> (e.g. Ragnaros the Firelord)
Charts (Copy and Paste)
Legend: AxB where A is the amount of boxes along the horizonal axis and B is the amount of boxes along the vertical axis.
Source Code Guide for Charts
- "<table>
<tbody>" = Beginning of Table - "</tbody>
</table>" = End of Table - "<tr>" = Beginning of Table Row
- "</tr>" = End of Table Row
- "<th>Insert Words Here</th>" = Table Heading (Black Box)
- "<td>Insert Words Here</td>" = Table Cell (Beige blocks)
<th>Warcraft Faction</th>
<th>Basic Hearthstone Heroes</th>
<td>Jaina, Anduin, Uther, Valeera</td>
<td>Thrall, Garrosh, Rexxar</td>
<td>Gul'dan, Malfurion</td>
Warcraft Faction | Basic Hearthstone Heroes |
Alliance | Jaina, Anduin, Uther, Valeera |
Horde | Thrall, Garrosh, Rexxar |
Other | Gul'dan, Malfurion |
Superscript and Subscript
- <sup>Superscript</sup> (e.g. Fe2+)
- <sub>Subscript</sub> (e.g. H2O)
Hearthcards Tricks
Unorthodox Rarity Gem
Type {{CUSTOMGEM=red/green/limegreen/gray}} within the "card text" box.
Font Size
Type {{FONTSIZE=x}} within the "card text" box. "x" is a whole number between -15 (smallest font size) and 15 (largest font size).
Coloured Stat Numbers
Type {{MANACOLOR=red/green}}, {{HEALTHCOLOR=red/green}}, or {{ATTACKCOLOR=red/green}} within the "card text" box.
You can also use hexadecimal colors like this {{MANACOLOR=#f442f4}}
The above cards were made by RazorOfArtorias in his expansion Servitors of the Loa.
Any other recommendations for presentation tools is appreciated and will be added to this thread.
I am sure that Even Shaman counters Odd Paladin thanks to Devolve, Maelstrom Portal and Jade Claws - they can deal easily even with Paladin's buffed board and develop their own.
Have you built and won with Reno deck with all 9 classes?
Have you ever won a game using all Old Gods?
Have you ever drew a game due to the turn limit?
Thanks for a beautiful deck! Unfortunately I don't have Zola the Gorgon and Lightbomb - I replaced them with Seance and Psychic Scream. I have one question - why did you choose exactly those board clears (Was Mass Hysteria good for you enough? I don't really like its RNG aspect...) and how to tech them against current meta decks?
What about both? You are a member of one side and sometimes show yourself in your opponents' disguise?
Hi! Which legendary would you recommend for a Wild player, who loves heavy Deathrattle decks?
Val'anyr - for Handbuff Paladin, maybe even for Control with 2xImmortal Prelate? I must admit that I don't have majority of Paladin heal and buff legendaries - I miss Shirvallah, the Tiger, High Priest Thekal, Ragnaros, the Lightlord, Lynessa Sunsorrow and The Last Kaleidosaur...
Spiritsinger Umbra - for Deathrattle Priest (in this case next in queue will be Awaken the Makers), Big Rogue, Big Warlock and other fun decks.
Da Undatakah - Taunt Druid (in this case next in queue will be Hadronox), Jade Deathrattle Rogue, Control Paladin, maybe even Reno Hunter?
Zul'jin - to complete Spell Hunter, but I am not sure how strong is it in Wild currently.
I'm trying now Control Paladin with Prince Liam and Hakkar, the Soulflayer...
Shirvallah, the Tiger got a significant buff with this!
Val'anyr approves it! Also Twig of the World Tree, Dragon Soul...
Not really, because he can't return himself, he must have a copy to do it.
Wrong. It actually draws a card, it is only hidden behind a "Casts when drawn" keyword. You draw it, get 3 damage, draw your normal card and then it reshuffles x2, so you will take also fatigue damage when it will be your last card in a deck.