I am sure that Even Shaman counters Odd Paladin thanks to Devolve, Maelstrom Portal and Jade Claws - they can deal easily even with Paladin's buffed board and develop their own.
Time Out! - Tech against combo decks (Not so effective, but I don't have Mojomaster Zihi and Dirty Rat), competes with Deathlord. Can be also used as stall tool and free trade with your weapon - I use it often with Grave Vengeance. Probably the least valuable card in the deck, very situational.
I was experimenting with this archetype on ladder (rank 10-6). It wasn't very successful, but definitely very fun! What do you think about this kind of a deck?
Thanks for a beautiful deck! Unfortunately I don't have Zola the Gorgon and Lightbomb - I replaced them with Seance and Psychic Scream. I have one question - why did you choose exactly those board clears (Was Mass Hysteria good for you enough? I don't really like its RNG aspect...) and how to tech them against current meta decks?
1. Pity timer for legendaries is set on 40 packs, so there is still a chance that legendary is waiting...
2. ... but you mentioned that you have opened packs from different sets, so it is just a matter of luck. You may open 150 more packs from those expansions and still get nothing, so your situation is definitely not the worst.
I am sure that Even Shaman counters Odd Paladin thanks to Devolve, Maelstrom Portal and Jade Claws - they can deal easily even with Paladin's buffed board and develop their own.
I suppose OTK here is 6 mana Boommaster Flark + 3 mana Baron Rivendare + 0 mana Tentacle of N'Zoth + 1 mana Feign Death - 28 damage.
Have you built and won with Reno deck with all 9 classes?
Have you ever won a game using all Old Gods?
Have you ever drew a game due to the turn limit?
Hi! What do you think about Lady in White here? Is it good idea to include it instead Master Oakheart, or just Mass Dispel/Shadow Madness as you suggested in VOD?
Thank you for your response! I will explain those weird inclusions:
Sound the Bells! - I use it mostly as another effective board clear with Wild Pyromancer, also it has synergy with Immortal Prelate and Da Undatakah.
Time Out! - Tech against combo decks (Not so effective, but I don't have Mojomaster Zihi and Dirty Rat), competes with Deathlord. Can be also used as stall tool and free trade with your weapon - I use it often with Grave Vengeance. Probably the least valuable card in the deck, very situational.
Scorp-o-matic - As you mentioned, mostly as removal with Aldor Peacekeeper and Shrink Ray, but can be also used without them to remove all eggs, spirits, Doomsayer, Flametongue Totem, Jeeves, Acolyte of Pain and many others. I really recommend trying it.
On the other hand, have anyone tried Enter the Coliseum? Are Spiritsinger Umbra and Val'anyr valuable additions?
I was experimenting with this archetype on ladder (rank 10-6). It wasn't very successful, but definitely very fun! What do you think about this kind of a deck?
I think that Hakkar works better with Paladin's heal synergies, such as Shirvallah, the Tiger, High Priest Thekal, Crystalsmith Kangor, Uther of the Ebon Blade, Zilliax, Flash of Light and Soup Vendor as draw engine. Unfortunately I don't have first two legendaries to try it, but I can say that just straightforward playing Hakkar as 10-drop is very difficult, because it is a dead turn for you. I believe that Priest version of this deck (Combo: Spiritsinger Umbra -> Coffin Crasher -> summons Hakkar, the Soulflayer -> activates Hakkar's Deathrattle, so you don't have to worry about Silence. To not kill yourself with Corrupted Bloods you have to include Quest and play Amara, Warden of Hope multiple times with Seances) is much more reliable, but I also don't have Umbra. :c
Thanks for a beautiful deck! Unfortunately I don't have Zola the Gorgon and Lightbomb - I replaced them with Seance and Psychic Scream. I have one question - why did you choose exactly those board clears (Was Mass Hysteria good for you enough? I don't really like its RNG aspect...) and how to tech them against current meta decks?
What about both? You are a member of one side and sometimes show yourself in your opponents' disguise?
Hi! Which legendary would you recommend for a Wild player, who loves heavy Deathrattle decks?
Val'anyr - for Handbuff Paladin, maybe even for Control with 2xImmortal Prelate? I must admit that I don't have majority of Paladin heal and buff legendaries - I miss Shirvallah, the Tiger, High Priest Thekal, Ragnaros, the Lightlord, Lynessa Sunsorrow and The Last Kaleidosaur...
Spiritsinger Umbra - for Deathrattle Priest (in this case next in queue will be Awaken the Makers), Big Rogue, Big Warlock and other fun decks.
Da Undatakah - Taunt Druid (in this case next in queue will be Hadronox), Jade Deathrattle Rogue, Control Paladin, maybe even Reno Hunter?
Zul'jin - to complete Spell Hunter, but I am not sure how strong is it in Wild currently.
1. Pity timer for legendaries is set on 40 packs, so there is still a chance that legendary is waiting...
2. ... but you mentioned that you have opened packs from different sets, so it is just a matter of luck. You may open 150 more packs from those expansions and still get nothing, so your situation is definitely not the worst.
Unfortunately I miss Akali, the Rhino [/card], [card]Oondasta, Woecleaver and Scourgelord Garrosh... I guess I can only miss the last?
I'm trying now Control Paladin with Prince Liam and Hakkar, the Soulflayer...
Shirvallah, the Tiger got a significant buff with this!
Val'anyr approves it! Also Twig of the World Tree, Dragon Soul...