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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 8.17 - Discussion Topic
    Quote from Noah_McGrath >>

    Modified stuff a bit:

    Fake Coin:


    Soulcast allows you to discard a specific card in your hand, or play a spell with greatly reduced cost. It would still count as a discard for discard-related interactions if the left-most card is a spell.

    Shady trader is hand disruption that doesn't completely ruin your opponent's combo. It just asks them to pay 1 mana and 1 health to get whatever you stole back. If you manage to draw and play said card, they don't get anything from playing the fake coin.

    Added a bit more flavour to Shadow Codes. If you just want a third or fourth copy of a card, then you have to pay 1 more mana, but you could just play the original itself for a reduced cost.

    I don't know if i can say anything that hasn't already been told by others, so sorry for no feedback.

     Soulcast it kind of interesting. It plays off of the spell-cheating theme started by Bloodbloom. Shady Dealer looks like Curse of Rafaam pretending to be hand disruption since the card is so easy to get back; not a fan. The new Shadow Codex is maybe more interesting gameplay-wise, but it doesn't have the simplicity that I think was a big draw to the original.

    Quote from WUBRGWUBRG >>

    Feedback is highly appreciated! 

     I like this just because it's so out there; definitely one of the most unique ideas here. I'd change the name, though; it doesn't sound very Legendary. I think 5 cards is good since you need to draw 2 before they do anything and might need to play some since they're dead draws otherwise. My only other concern is that (2) may be too big a Cost reduction.

    Quote from Vignu >>


    A twisted Earthen Ring Farseer that will make you keep an eye on the opponent's hand, and yes, she's intended to work whit Auchenai Soulpriest to.

     This is definitely better than your other card. I like the information-giving aspect especially.

    Quote from ChildOfTheAtom12 >>
    Quote from Lathy >>
    Quote from ChildOfTheAtom12 >>
    Quote from WUBRGWUBRG >>

    Kind of struggling with the text box limitations. I highly  appreciate any kind of feedback and help for fixing/simplifying the wording.

     That's a really tough one. I tried a couple of ways of re-wording it, but I couldn't find anything shorter than what you've put. The idea is interesting, but it's a pretty brutal downside if that ends up in your opening hand as the left-most card.

    Quote from Pumpkin03 >>

    Can't find a better art... thoughs on flavor / balance / wording (mostly last one)?

     I would have phrased it as "Deal 5 to your opponent's middle minion and to your opponent, and destroy the middle card in his hand." Also, what happens if your opponent has six cards in his hand? Does it destroy the 3rd and 4th cards, or does it choose one randomly? I feel like there should be something in the text of the card to clarify that, but then you might not be able to fit it all in.

    I've reworked my original idea and come up with a couple of others, feedback would be much appreciated.

     I can dig the idea of a sort of Recruit-style warrior, that shuffles minions back in your deck. The only thing that bothers me is the stats, which I believe are on point if it shuffles a minion back, but if you only have spells in hand, it's a bit too good. Not over the top, so I think it'll work. I don't like the art though.

     Thanks for the feedback. Would you mind giving me your thoughts on my re-worked version?

    It now shuffles any card, not just a minion, and the art is (in my opinion) a lot better. I suspect that this will be the card that I post in the submission thread but I'm interested to see if anyone can spot any flaws with it


     This is pretty solid. It might benefit from being a stat point bigger because the effect effectively discards a card, which is worth one mana. This is pretty minor, but to me it feels weird in Boomsday since it interferes with The Boomship, though the robot guy wouldn't really fit anywhere else. 

    Quote from ffinderous >>

    Two new ideas. And ask for better arts, thanks.

     Of the two, I prefer Faquir, though I'm not sure what the flavor is supposed to be. I don't know what to suggest art-wise since I'm not sure what you're going for. Bartleby isn't bad, but he feels a little complex, and there are the potential Open the Waygate shenanigans.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 8.17 - Discussion Topic
    Quote from Wailor >>

    I know we had a Druid overdose last week, but my idea cannot fit in any other class. It basically lets you mulligan your left most or your right most card in your hand.

    If anyone can find a way to explain the effect in a shorter or more elegant fashion, it will be very welcome.

    Also, I'm considering to make it cheaper, as the effect can be really useful in the early game.

     I would word it "Shuffle the right-most; or left-most card in your hand into your deck. Draw a card" so the things common to both options are on the same side of the choice. The current wording is fine too, though; just be sure to add a semicolon.

    Quote from Noah_McGrath >>

    Here are my ideas for now:

    For adaptive incantation i wanted to include equipping a 3/1 weapon if it's a weapon, but there was too much text. It's probably too weak. I'm not sure if i should make it better than Frostbold/ decent 2 drops or i should make it weaker because it is situational. Shadow Codex would transform itself immediately after you draw it and change accordingly to what you play. If it somehow end being the left-most card (you played everything you drew before it) then it's a dead card, but it can act as a third copy of something.

     For Shadow Codex, having it be the left-most card is problematic not only because is becomes dead, but it's also dependent on draw order. Since cards are only added to hand from the right, it's limited to imitating things you had in hand before you drew it. If you get the Codex early, then, before you draw any good cards, it's still practically dead. Making it right-most would gear the card toward more of a combo application than Big/Control Priest - not sure how you feel about that - but I think it would also be a funner card in general. It would be more dynamic; instead of just knowing what to copy and hoping you draw well, you constantly have to evaluate and decide if the card you just drew is worth copying. Just some thoughts. Also the art should be more centered on the book.

    @Linkblade91 and Lathy I agree with everyone else.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 8.15 - Final Poll

    Congrats to all the finalists! I wasn't expecting much from this theme, but there are some neat ideas here. Voted for Garona, King's Guard, and Edwin - they all have great flavor, don't restrict rarity design space, and encourage counterplay or deckbuilding - though I also like Michelo, Erin, and Reflecting Gyreworm.

    (No, I don't usually post in final polls, but it looks weird for there to be no replies here, and 7 hours in to boot. Where is everyone?)

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 8.15 - Discussion Topic

    @linkblade91 Rip, I forgot to actually return feedback. Here you go: Edwin's flavor is on-point, and Rush is fitting mechanically and thematically. I'm generally reluctant about things that buff cards of a certain rarity because of design space - Blizz now has to watch what they put at what rarity, which could have implications on the F2P experience - though that concern is mitigated here because you have to go all-in. Even right now, you'd be challenged to find enough good Commons to make a whole deck out of 'em. Pretty solid card.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 6

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 8.15 - Submission Topic

    This young Grand Tournament attendee is inspired by the great heroes she sees and wants to imitate them. Compared to Shifter Zerus , her transform pool is better, but she has a barrier to transforming. If you get something good, though, you could refrain from using your Hero Power and keep her as-is for when the time is right.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 8.15 - Discussion Topic

    @linkblade91 Thanks for the feedback! I didn't even think of clarifying if she keeps the effect. I guess I just took other shifting cards for granted, and other people seem to do so as well. Still, for clarity's and precedence's sake, specifying wouldn't be a bad idea. I can fit it on there without looking too wordy. It's probably not necessary, but better safe than sorry.

    @RaisuAUT Welcome! Glad you decided to make your first post here in the land of FC. One thing you need to know, though, is how to insert images into your post. If you just put it on as an attachment, chances are no one will look at it. To imbed images, you need to upload them to Imgur or another image hosting site and get the image URL (in Imgur, hover the dropdown arrow, click "Get Share Links", and copy the BBCode). From there, click on this  icon and paste the link where it says "Source". If you use the BBCode, you'll have to delete the stuff in brackets at the beginning and end of the link.

    @Noah_McGrath Coming of Age is problematic because, as others have pointed out, minions of the same rarity vary too widely. Going to Epic, for instance, you could get Hungry Crab or Obsidian Statue. The results vary from a minion much worse than you started or a 9/9 on 4, and all at the whim of RNG. Pay to Win is interesting but kind of useless because of how little Coin generators there are, especially in Standard. I think the Spellstone, yet again, is your best bet.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 8.15 - Discussion Topic

    I'll be honest: I was a little skeptical of this topic at first. People have made with some neat stuff, though. This is what I managed to think up:

    Bounty Hunter is just something simple and flavorful. The idea behind Alia is that she's inspired by all the heroes at the Grand Tournament and wants to imitate them. Compared to Shifter Zerus, her transform pool is better, but she has a barrier to transforming. If you get something good, though, you could refrain from using your Hero Power and keep her as-is for when the time is right.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 8.15 - Discussion Topic

    @wailor I was going to make Telepathy Apprentice :P But that means I like the idea. The crystal is also interesting, though even with a Cost increase, I could see it being abused.

    @WeoWeoVi The Pantheon flavor is fitting, and I like how it takes an already ambitious deck and makes it even more outrageous. I just think that 7 Legendaries may be too much. The Reward is naturally slow, and combined with the inherent slowness of legend-heavy decks, you'd be dead before you could get much out of this.

    @The_Edel_Bernal This just feels like a convoluted Burgle, though it doesn't even specify "from your opponent's class". It would be a lot simpler if it was just "Choose an enemy minion. Add 2 cards of its rarity" for (3); the Deathrattle thing, though flavorful, feels contrived to me.

    @Lathy I'm assuming that Gronn Slayer can't attack heroes. With that assumption, it's probably my favorite of your 3; 4 mana 7/7 may be overtuned, but I like the simplicity. Loot Crate seems pretty swingy since most Legendary weapons have to be built around. Only Val'anyr would be consistently really good, with Aluneth, The Runespear and Woecleaver being the other decent ones. My main problem with The Collector is that he's neutral hard removal, which presents problems for class identity, but I also don't find him that interesting.

    @CecilHoshino The theme behind True to Form is really fun, and Legendary Dragons are similar enough that it isn't tooo swingy. I like it. As for Dragon Tamer, anything that tutors is an automatic red flag for me, but I'm not sure what you'd do with a Dragon, and the condition is pretty significant. In fact, the card seems pretty niche. Golden Egg is just straight value, which means it's either trash or near auto-include. Not huge on that one.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on The 200th Competition - A Fan Creations Special - Submissions Topic

    Winter's Veil Gift ; Stolen Winter's Veil Gift (the Treasure is a class card that costs (5) or more, and its Cost is reduced by (5))

    Greatfather Winter: Satisfies "Festival" and "Unexpected Cooperation." Playing off the idea of a "Secret Santa", he encourages interesting deck-building to take advantage of his Gifts. They can be a powerful boost, but you have to be careful to not let your opponent steal them.

    Blessed Outrigger: Satisfies "Double Up" and "Brand New Lands". The Outriggers are a group of monster hunters on Kul Tiras, so she's a Kul Tiran human. The card is perfect for tempo decks: it can make great trades, but is unlikely to survive unless you already have some board control. Pair her with buffs for extra spicy plays.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on The 200th Competition - a Fan Creations Special - Discussion Topic

    On that note, here's a post for feedback:


    Winter's Veil Gift; Stolen Winter's Veil Gift. The Treasure is a class card that costs (5) or more; its Cost is reduced by (5).



     Greatfather Winter is a build-around card based on killing the Gifts. His stats aren't too reduced for the effect, but you have to be careful when you play him, lest your opponent be able to take those gifts from you. I'm concerned that the Stealth feels out of place; I considered calling him "Secret Santa" (the phrase that inspired the card), but I thought he needed to be Legendary and that that name wouldn't fit.

    Blessed Outrigger is a kind of reverse Tar Creeper except she gets extra benefit from buffs. While the Creeper is the ideal defensive card, she's for tempo decks; she can make great trades but is unlikely to survive that long unless you already have good board presence. The Outriggers are an organization of monster hunters on Kul Tiras, so she's a Kul Tiran human.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on The 200th Competition - a Fan Creations Special - Discussion Topic

    @Shatterstar1998 I don't think Zandalari Captain is too problematic because of how conditional he is: you need both a Pirate and a big enough weapon. Sethdusa is neat, though it appears to meet only one requirement. I'm torn on Happy Birthday; the Inner Fire player in me likes it, but my more rational side fears degenerate combos.

    @Noah_McGrath Friendship Day is the only one I really like. The other two feel clunky, especially Sethrak Invader, though Hallow's End has an interesting effect. It doesn't need the first "you control", though; that's implied by "friendly".

    @turkeybag Obvious Assassin has great flavor, though I'm not feeling the Festival connection. It also seems weird for Rogue to cheat out minions, and there are so few good targets that he doesn't seem that useful anyway. Timely Testing, on the other hand, I like a lot. For clarity, though, you might consider changing it to just "Fully heal a minion" instead of specifying a number; that's what it does 95% of the time anyway.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 5

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 8.14 - Submission Thread

    In the spirit of big Mech plays, Mekgineer Oglethorpe has the potential to enable huge turns. Instead of the more traditional aggressive-tempo decks, he encourages slower strats where you hoard lots of Mechs to barf them all at once.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 8.14 - Discussion Thread

    @Demonxz95 Of the many Goblin Bomb cards I've seen on this site, I think yours is my favorite. It has inherent Deathrattle synergy and encourages a Goblin Bomb archetype while still requiring you to build around it. It does look a bit weak, though, even compared to other Goblin Bomb cards.

    @hereharehere I agree with everyone else: the Tortollan is the better card, but the flavor is really weird, even with the pun. I would do something like CecilHoshino suggested and abandon the turtle thing.

    @CecilHoshino My preferred card is JC. He's kind of a unique take on Magnetic and forces you to make decisions about whether to take the tempo drop or save him to buff a big Mech. Wailor has a point about balance, though. Time Travel Engineer is interesting because of deckbuilding considerations, though to me she just feels like the new Spiteful Summoner. On another note, I don't think Hunter's Magnetic options would prove problematic. She just does something that you could already do anyway, and I think Zilliax or Wargear would still be stronger pulls.

    @wailor I'm all for encouraging big Magnetic plays. I do think she should be understatted some, though, because of how big of a swing she could cause, especially with Zilliax; with the two new Taunts, she'd be hard to kill, allowing you to get even more value out of her.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 8.14 - Discussion Thread

    @Noah_McGrath I don't think the card should have any explanation, just the one sentence saying what it does. You can put any clarifications in your submission post; on the card, they just clutter the text box and make it look complicated. The Health thing in particular is pretty intuitive and doesn't need to be on there, I think.

    @RazorOfArtorias It looks odd to me for a minion with a triggered effect to be Attack-heavy. The card looks balanced, though, given how conditional the effect is and how his stats make him unlikely to snowball.

    @Sillyraptor The racer is neat, though someone's already submitted something similar on page 1. Other than that, I prefer it over Glitter Crew. I can see the flavor, but the effect itself just doesn't stand out.

    @anyone A couple of simple ideas for me:

    Scale-Up Specialist is to support an all-in Magnetic deck where you just try to make the biggest Mech possible. Oglethorpe is for slower strats where you hoard Mechs and then barf them all on 10. I wanted him to be a Mech so you could Magnetize onto him, but it do be like that sometimes.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 8.13 - Discussion Topic

    @linkblade91 Not bad; I like how the Trial and the burden kind of parallel each other. The Voodoo Hexxer effect doesn't seem that strong, though, so the Cost increase on the Burden is probably too punishing.

    @wailor I like the Rogue version better in every way except that Tracking is a Hunter card. I think that alone would keep Team 5 from making it Rogue, though the community might not be so discerning. In the end, it's your call; I wish I could be more helpful, but it comes down to what you want to go for.

    @Noah_McGrath How it works is clear from the text for me. I don't think you need the "different" condition on the Trial, though. The card is already complex enough, and because of the Burden you're unlikely to do the same spell anyway. Also, "my" and "champion" need to be capitalized.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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