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    posted a message on New Card - Gadgetzan Socialite

    Oddly enough, if it was a 2/3 it would be an auto-include on the same level of Flame Juggler. In fact, why did they make Flame Juggler a 2/3 but not this??

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Rogue Card Reveal: Gadgetzan Ferryman

    AceGene actually has a point. One problem with Youthful Brewmaster, especially in Arena, is that the 3/2 body is unavailable to you if you have a minion still on the board and you don't wan to lose tempo. This card is a 2/3 body ,which is pretty ideal 2 drop in Arena. The fact that it *can* return a card to your hand, if you choose to, makes it pretty strong for Arena. So after thinking about this, I don't think this card was meant for constructed.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on New Rogue Card - Shadow Sensei

    There is a huge difference between buffing a beast, and a stealth minion. Stealth minion is VERY likely to survive turn 3/etc, in order to receive it's +2/+2 buff. That's actually quite a huge difference. This card is either Very good (as is Hound Master is), or maybe meta-defining... BUT, only if making a stealth based deck is viable. It probably isn't, as rogues aren't known for having a tempo/midrange based deck since forever. Will MSG+WOTG give them such a deck? I doubt it, but maybe??


    Very good, if tempo/mid-range stealth rogue is viable. Otherwise it's a "Bad" card, unless Blizzard releases more good stealth rogue cards and finally pushes the stealth rogue archetype to being playable in  constructed.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Druid Card - Jade Behemoth

    I voted 'Very good', here's why:


    Taunt minions are strong, they have an immediate impact on the board, we all know that they are actually playable compared to regular stat minions like 3/5 Elise Starseeker. Basically in Tempostone, you play cards of these types only: Battlecry (impacts board state), charge (impacts board state if it has divine shield it's a tempo swing sometimes), taunt minions (impacts board state by preventing ideal trades from hurting your tempo) and lastly deathrattle (to counter simple removal, to resist stuff that impacts board state).


    So it's a taunt minion, it has potential. It's not as good as something like Fire Elemental, a card that costs the same and promotes a tempo swing. However, summoning a 2/2, 3/3, etc behind a taunt minion is HUGE. It's basically a delayed charge minon, or a way of overloading your opponent by about 2 mana and discards a card from their hand (it takes about 2 mana and a card from hand to remove a 3/3). If it isn't removed, the 2/2 golem or 3/3 golem (on average) will trade for something, maybe just do damage, etc, AND you still have the 3/6 taunt minion, which is amazing stats. It's like a Sludge Belcher but witout death rattle, has battyle cry instead, and the minion it summons hides behind the 3/6 body. Even if someone counters this card with The Blackknight, the 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, etc body still exists on board, so the devasting tempo swing is no longer as sever as TBK countering Ancient of War.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on [Rank 1 LEGEND] Malygos Rogue

    I win with malygos rogue versus tempo mage/ hunter many times. I think you are probably trying to min/max too much. You need to simply take board, which is very do-able with tempo cards like Preparation

    Posted in: [Rank 1 LEGEND] Malygos Rogue
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    posted a message on New Warlock Card - Bloodfury Potion

    Warlock and pallydin don't do the same buffs. Paladin focuses on buffing divine shield minions, which often have low health starting out. Warlock sacraficies tokens to trade up. So it's not really as good as Blessing of Kings since the divine sheild syngery is missing.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Card - Spiked Hogrider

    This card can be compared to an Argent Commander. If you think about it, most times Spiked Hogrider trades it will end up as something similar to a 4/2, it will be a 5/2, 5/3, 5/1, etc. So having 1 more reach is big, and costing 1 less mana is also big. Argent Commander isn't a bad card either, it used to be a staple when only classic cards were competing for deck space, and also because it countered the even more ever-present Azure Drake's that were in the classic meta even more than now.


    So this card seems playable. It's comparable to an Argent Commander, and that card was playable in constructed, but with Thing from Below it's really not any good now. Although this is a 5 mana removal for Thing From Below, which is pretty crappy. And there are so many 6 HP+ Taunt minions that this card seems really lackluster. I would say this card fits squarely in bad, but maybe when Thing from Below rotates out and this remains in, then it would be good, but so many 6 HP+ taunt minions exist... So i'd say ths card will always be bad. The Black Knight is the proper tech choice for taunt as it doesn't lose HP and it kills all the taunt minions with more than 5 HP. I have a feeling that this card was printed to counter all the Sledge Belchers in Wild. So oddly enough, it may actually be meta defining for Wild!

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Silvermoon Portal

    1 year. This card is garbage compared to Keeper of Uldaman.

    Posted in: Silvermoon Portal
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    posted a message on Barnes

    Okay, and if he's in your hand then he's a dead card. So more than 50% of the games that entire gimmick won't work.

    Posted in: Barnes
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    posted a message on Babbling Book

    Novice Engineer exists to cycle. Not gain cards to your hand.

    Posted in: Babbling Book
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    posted a message on Babbling Book

    Try pointing this out and get down votes. The Hype is real. I tried to point out that Cabalist's Tome would be too crappy in control mage pre WoTG, and people thought I was crazy. Where's control mage in the meta?? I like Cabalist's Tome  personally though, I just dared to go against the hype (and was right) and I see this same thing happening with this adventure. Most all of these cards are bad, but that's a good thing (less power creep).

    Posted in: Babbling Book
  • 0

    posted a message on Kindly Grandmother

    Worth noting is that my predictions (the few I make) are never wrong so far. Mostly because every card released is way over hyped, so coming into situations like that it's easy to b correct. People so desperately want their new cards to be strong and I get that.


    Yeah Abusive Sergeant is an OP card. I forgot about that. However, this isn't Zoolock though. And trying to pull off a turn 3, 2 card combo (which can be broken with cards like earthshock) is really situational and inconsistent. Spawning a 3/2 on turn 3 is shit.

    Posted in: Kindly Grandmother
  • -6

    posted a message on Kindly Grandmother

    I think it is a very bad card. On turn 2, you want to play something that contests the board. Perhaps in the current Fiery Waraxe meta, this card is good. But against zoolock and face shaman (earthshock) it is utter trash.


    edit: actually tempo warrior can shut this card down by easily pinging the 1 HP with something like Inner Rage. So it's a very bad card.

    Posted in: Kindly Grandmother
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    posted a message on Greed / Value [S26 Legend]

    I recently took this list to legend with a very high winrate as well. Thanks for posting. I had to make 2 changes at rank 2 to adapt to the faster meta at that rank:


    -1x Master of Evolution

    -1x Azure Drake

    +1x Argent Squire

    +1x Flame Juggler


    No other changes made.

    Posted in: Greed / Value [S26 Legend]
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    posted a message on [84% Winrate] Totem Shaman - Easy Climb

    Really fucking strange deck. Went on a win streak from rank 12 to rank 9. Then went on a loss streak from rank 9 to rank 10. Seems like a really gimmicky deck that is very very fragile. When I play during school hours the deck just stomps noobs. But during midnight/after-work hours the deck gets the shit beat out of it.

    Posted in: [84% Winrate] Totem Shaman - Easy Climb
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