• 3

    posted a message on Pls. Blizzard make RENO JACKSON part of the basic/classic set!
    Quote from saiburOFFICIAL >>
    Quote from Udder1988 >>

    I love how this post bounces from wanting to keep Reno to some people saying we should have kept Dr. Boom to some people wanting  a return of Loatheb or to keep Justicar. I'm quite glad that we have a card rotation system in place now. There is 0 justification to add any of these cards into the basic set, as it breaks the mold recently installed. If you enjoy Reno, play him while he's here. Let's however, not pretend like there are SOO many classes with Tier A decks running Reno atm and that it would be so devasting to standard when he leaves. OP may as well have titled this "I Love Reno Lock."  Reno decks will always be limited by a smaller card pool in standard. However as some others have stated Reno may shine in wild over time.

     Justicar Trueheart:
    Doesn't have decks built around it.
    Doesn't create a new archetype.
    Has a very unique effect.

    Doesn't have decks built around it.
    Doesn't create a new archetype.
    Has a very unique effect.

    Dr. Boom:
    Doesn't have decks built around it.
    Doesn't create a new archetype.
    Hasnot very special though technically unique effect.

    Reno Jackson:
    Does have decks built around it.
    Does create a new archetype.
    Has a very unique effect.

    That's why I think, that of all these cards, Reno Jackson deserves to stay in standard the most. That's my argument, the fact that I like Reno is not relevant in any way.
     This is exactly why Reno should not stay in standard. Reno, by being able to create an entire deck archetype means that several decks, while slightly different each time, will always be in rotation, which is exactly the reason why the devs decided to create standard in the first place. Loatheb and Justicar are versatile and interesting, and they don't enable specific decks so people would still play them but not the same deck archetype after rotation, which is why they would actually work in classic (Dr. Boom is a little too versatile, by virtue of it's general OPness, which is a perfect example of why cards should also be lower in power level on top of being versatile). Ultimately though, even those cards shouldn't be added to standard, because that would ultimately remove the point of standard if cards could just be added back in arbitrarily.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on Pls. Blizzard make RENO JACKSON part of the basic/classic set!

    Yes, but only because if this card was only restricted to one game mode, wild would become insufferable. People who say this card is the pinnacle of balance and think that its drawback makes up for the battlecry in anyway are flat-out wrong. Yes, having one-ofs of each card is worse than having two-ofs, but the ability of getting a full heal for 6 mana is just crazy, and frankly, takes all the skill out of managing one's health in a control deck. But that isn't even the reason that Reno shouldn't be in the classic set. 

    Reno propagates only a few specific deck types, Reno decks (obviously), and has a crazy effect that by itself enables the decks it plays.  As cool as the concept of Reno decks are (I totally think they're cool, just Reno himself is crazy broken), having a card with such a narrow scope will leave some very specific decks in standard forever, and that kind of goes against the point of standard in general. Think about the other legendaries in classic, Ysera, Tirion Fordring, Sylvanas Windrunner, Alexstrasza. The overall impact of these cards on the match is much lower (yes, even Tirion) and none of them solely enable the decks they're in but fit in a variety of decks. A valid comparison would be N'Zoth, the Corruptor. I personally enjoy N'zoth decks, but they would most certainly become very tired after remaining in the meta for a year or two, even if they aren't that popular.

    In my opinion, the kind of card that should stay in the meta would be Loatheb. This card is exactly what a legendary should be, a great utility card  with an interesting effect. Loatheb's effect, while simple, is really cool because of all the opportunities for strategy. It can be played in many decks, counters combo decks, and can solidify your turn in case of a board clear. Yet, it's ability is balanced enough that it only provides another option for the deck and can frequently be swapped out with something else. It's just really good.

    Personally I think Reno is none of this. It has a narrow scope. Its effect, while cool in it's drawback, is boring in the payoff and is broken as hell. But hey, I play wild, so the more Reno decks in standard the better.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Wild Shop

    You should set up a poll :). I personally would love this, though I'm not sure if it goes against the initial intentions of blizzard when creating standard.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 9

    posted a message on Most neutral minions are useless?

    No, otherwise people wouldn't play class cards as much and classes wouldn't have nearly as much identity.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 7

    posted a message on Arcanosmith
    Quote from Banjankrii25 >>

    Foe Reaper 4000 is a GvG card...

    Posted in: Arcanosmith
  • 1

    posted a message on Hearthpwn's community > Always pessimists

    I don't want to be "that guy", but I don't feel what you're saying in this post is exactly fair. First of all, people who enjoy this game aren't different people than your "whiners". Everyone who plays this game and is on hearthpwn clearly enjoys this game, and I personally don't hate Ben Brode and I appreciate the hard work he's put into this for the sake of this community. The only part of the community I have an issue with, however, is the part that complains about other's complaints, in order to give them some false sense of moral high ground. People shouldn't be ridiculed for their opinions on a card game, regardless of how salty and loud they might be, and I think it's annoying how people feel the need to dismiss all complaints as "whining" without even considering the irony of that statement. Complaining about complaining isn't constructive, and I hate how people seem to applaud it. There are problems with this adventure and as a consumer I think its fair to complain about it. We are all addicted to this game, for better or for worse, and when new content arrives it affects us. All I ask is that you please consider that "whiners" have a legitimate argument, even if you don't agree with it, that doesn't say anything about our enjoyment of this game or our opinion of the developers. Please don't mistake your not complaining of the game at the moment as any indication of your respect for the game either. Thank you.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 8

    posted a message on New Shaman Card - Spirit Claws

    Guys this card is bad. There is no reason to waste a deckslot for this in aggro shaman along with other unnecessary spell damage cards. The benefit of this card is far outweighed by the cost of having out-of-place spell damage minions. No sensible aggro shaman would put this in a deck so don't worry about it. Also, I don't think there are enough tools to see an entire spell damage shaman archetype so I doubt this card will see any play. Overall pretty disappointed with the shaman cards this adventure.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Moat Lurker

    How does this guy work with reincarnate and N'zoth? If the deathrattle is nullified when it's resummoned I'm not planning on including this in my deck. If not, this is my favorite card this expansion!

    Posted in: Moat Lurker
  • -7

    posted a message on One Night in Karazhan - A Hearthstone Adventure

     Fuck Blizzard. I wanted good cards for control shaman, and all we got was a marginally better arcane explosion, an unplayable weapon, and a card that will end up being be cut out of most totem shaman decks. Meanwhile priest got a card that effectively makes most cards worse and in order to see any play in a deck will have to include a lot of bad cards in it. The only cards I'm hyped for are the curator and barnes, and I'm only convinced barnes will actually end up seeing a lot of play. Overall I'm pretty miffed.

    Posted in: Guides
  • 5

    posted a message on New Card Reveals - Fool's Bane & Moonglade Portal

    I'm a little salty that the best class in the game right now gets the crazy control powerhouse weapon which, with all the tools it currently has, might not even put it to good use, while shaman has turned into an almost exclusively face class with barely any diversity. I would've taken this card over doomhammer any day. I just hope that with the new shaman cards control shaman will actually be good. Maybe the new shaman portal is some kind of aoe with healing or something.

    Posted in: News
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