Thx for selecting my deck, but it´s just a copy of Danehearth´s one. I just wanted to try some changes.
The credit is for Danehearth, it´s his deck
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Cool, you found ONE opinion to validate how you feel.
You play a slow & greedy control deck and then go on to state you sometimes feel envious of faster decks being able to meet their win condition. Perhaps you chose the wrong word? Envy means feeling of discontented or resentful.
So lets re-summarize this: You sometimes feel discontent because you lose games by not meeting your win condition soon enough. That is right there is complaining, there is no way around it. You aren't intelligent enough to comprehend what you wrote. And you won't receive any sympathy for playing Priest, this belongs in the salt thread.
Perhaps instead of calling me unintelligent you should refrain from complaining when your slow & greedy control deck "doesn't have a fast enough win condition." The very notion is moronic and that is why everyone is calling you a complainer.
If you have to post multiple times on end that you aren’t “complaining” then guess what....
“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”
If you understood anything about game design you wouldn't be the author of this topic.
Before you say "nerf priest" asks yourself what class is the strong control package now? And if you remove a strong control deck which control deck will replace it?
Oh look, more or less the same decks from previous weeks....
I love how mods don't allow people to call each other retards without getting slapped on the wrist but allow that derogatory term to exist as acceptable deck name. I'm not opposed to the word retard just don't try to ban me when I use it to describe other people meanwhile letting it exist to some other degree in a different capacity. It just makes the mods looks like hypocritical, double standard d__che bags.
Secret Passage says hi
I got 9 Legendaries from 85 packs.
Star Student Stelina, Forest Warden Omu, Jandice Barov, Lord Barov, Ras Frostwhisper, High Abbess Alura, Disciplinarian Gandling, Archwitch Willow and Headmaster Kel'Thuzad.
With 56,575 dust and 12,610 gold I'll be in a good spot for the rest of the year. I mainly got the pre-order for the Hero Portrait and to open cards early.
Haters gonna hate which is why it sucks to suck.
Just a fun deck I'm playing around with that is a little better now that Dr. Boom is back to 7 mana cost.