WAY more enjoyable than battlegrounds IMO. The limited pool kind of nudges new players out of highly competitive play I'd imagine, but overall the concept is great and I think it'll be better moving forward. The lack of hero powers and treasures currently available definitely limit the potential. but it's only going to get better with the full release.
You can like or dislike battleground and it is fine. Especially now, battleground is quite unbalance due to elementals and many people can dislike it.
But battleground is a real new game mode. Battleground is a totally new game mode, it is not a dungeon run in pvp like Duels. Calling Duels a new game mode is an heavy word, it is a fake new game mode.
This, This was the thing i was looking in the comments. Duel's is NOT a new game mode. Its just arena with a new dress. And thats the only reason why i am dissapointed with it
Cool, you found ONE opinion to validate how you feel.
A game mode is a distinct configuration that varies gameplay and affects how other game mechanics behave.
It has elements of Arena and Dungeon Run. Class Specific hero powers and Class Specific items do offer enough distinction to change gameplay even though you want to focus on the similarities. From a game design perspective this a new mode because it changes the mechanics enough even though it does borrow from PVP and PVE game modes. Sure, it's not the most original concept but calling it Arena with a twist just you trying to push semantics in your favor to fit your view.
I’m enjoying the new game mode. It feels like people are net decking some form of demon hunter. The experience feels exactly like constructed standard so from a design point it feels stale. The other classes feel different enough.
If you have to post multiple times on end that you aren’t “complaining” then guess what....
“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”
Guess what? That I'm wrong and I don't know what I was writing? Or that one genius after another put words and tone in my mouth that I didn't say or have. It's fair to say that tone is always the hardest part of writing something as without it people can misinterpret someone's words, but to continually say that you know how I feel about something because you yourself feel a certain way isn't very intelligent. The hostility is just so wasteful. But, even though I'm wasting my time replying to those that feel they have to attack an opinion, I guess it's helpful to me so next time I post something I can try to make my tone more clearly understood along with my words. So, thank you.
You play a slow & greedy control deck and then go on to state you sometimes feel envious of faster decks being able to meet their win condition. Perhaps you chose the wrong word? Envy means feeling of discontented or resentful.
So lets re-summarize this: You sometimes feel discontent because you lose games by not meeting your win condition soon enough. That is right there is complaining, there is no way around it. You aren't intelligent enough to comprehend what you wrote. And you won't receive any sympathy for playing Priest, this belongs in the salt thread.
Perhaps instead of calling me unintelligent you should refrain from complaining when your slow & greedy control deck "doesn't have a fast enough win condition." The very notion is moronic and that is why everyone is calling you a complainer.
Title. They nerf mage (I understand) but then druid? Was Guardian Druid even considered a top tier 1 deck?
If you understood anything about game design you wouldn't be the author of this topic.
Before you say "nerf priest" asks yourself what class is the strong control package now? And if you remove a strong control deck which control deck will replace it?
I love how mods don't allow people to call each other retards without getting slapped on the wrist but allow that derogatory term to exist as acceptable deck name. I'm not opposed to the word retard just don't try to ban me when I use it to describe other people meanwhile letting it exist to some other degree in a different capacity. It just makes the mods looks like hypocritical, double standard d__che bags.
Was the purpose of this thread just to attack people after they comment?!
I’m sorry we have aims for this game and in life. I guess you enjoy the casual substanceless lifestyle. If your parents had thought you a lick of respect you have better things to do with your time than make this kind of thread...
Lets get this worthless thread cancelled.
Speaking of which :" If your parents had thought you a lick of respect you have better things to do with your time than make a response to this thread"... It would appear "your aims in life" means being a troll on this forum. Yes, you must being doing your parents "proud" ...
Idiots like you are so pathetic, you lurk on this forum without a family and you dedicated your life to craft of being a worthless human being. You dedicated your entire life to being the biggest scrub you can be, and believe us... you sold us on it... your are a rat, a vermin, a scrub... someone in society detest... you are true to your very nature... be proud your parents invested much in you to be a keyboard warrior.
Was the purpose of this thread just to attack people after they comment?!
I’m sorry we have aims for this game and in life. I guess you enjoy the casual substanceless lifestyle. If your parents had thought you a lick of respect you have better things to do with your time than make this kind of thread...
Lets get this worthless thread cancelled.
Speaking of which :" If your parents had thought you a lick of respect you have better things to do with your time than make a response to this thread"... It would appear "your aims in life" means being a troll on this forum. Yes, you must being doing your parents "proud" ...
I don't play ladder at all, I don't grind for rewards because I don't care to. I play off meta/fun/meme decks... you have the reading comprehension of a brick-wall so that's on you and how much your parents have failed you to teach you how to read.
I had it originally, trying to balance out the greed vs practical situations.
Just sharing my Dragon Paladin deck I've been playing. Feel free to collaborate on making this deck optimized over the course of the new expansion.
Cool, you found ONE opinion to validate how you feel.
I’m enjoying the new game mode. It feels like people are net decking some form of demon hunter. The experience feels exactly like constructed standard so from a design point it feels stale. The other classes feel different enough.
Title should read "fabjx not so smart in the end" and then move it to the salt thread, lol.
You're welcome, now say it without crying.
You play a slow & greedy control deck and then go on to state you sometimes feel envious of faster decks being able to meet their win condition. Perhaps you chose the wrong word? Envy means feeling of discontented or resentful.
So lets re-summarize this: You sometimes feel discontent because you lose games by not meeting your win condition soon enough. That is right there is complaining, there is no way around it. You aren't intelligent enough to comprehend what you wrote. And you won't receive any sympathy for playing Priest, this belongs in the salt thread.
Perhaps instead of calling me unintelligent you should refrain from complaining when your slow & greedy control deck "doesn't have a fast enough win condition." The very notion is moronic and that is why everyone is calling you a complainer.
If you have to post multiple times on end that you aren’t “complaining” then guess what....
“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”
If you understood anything about game design you wouldn't be the author of this topic.
Before you say "nerf priest" asks yourself what class is the strong control package now? And if you remove a strong control deck which control deck will replace it?
Oh look, more or less the same decks from previous weeks....
I love how mods don't allow people to call each other retards without getting slapped on the wrist but allow that derogatory term to exist as acceptable deck name. I'm not opposed to the word retard just don't try to ban me when I use it to describe other people meanwhile letting it exist to some other degree in a different capacity. It just makes the mods looks like hypocritical, double standard d__che bags.
Idiots like you are so pathetic, you lurk on this forum without a family and you dedicated your life to craft of being a worthless human being. You dedicated your entire life to being the biggest scrub you can be, and believe us... you sold us on it... your are a rat, a vermin, a scrub... someone in society detest... you are true to your very nature... be proud your parents invested much in you to be a keyboard warrior.
Speaking of which :" If your parents had thought you a lick of respect you have better things to do with your time than make a response to this thread"... It would appear "your aims in life" means being a troll on this forum. Yes, you must being doing your parents "proud" ...
I don't play ladder at all, I don't grind for rewards because I don't care to. I play off meta/fun/meme decks... you have the reading comprehension of a brick-wall so that's on you and how much your parents have failed you to teach you how to read.
Obvious answer is that I would play face hunter if I want to climber ladder efficiently.