• 2

    posted a message on Brann Bronzebeard Mill Rogue

    Thanks buddy, you put a smile on my face.

    Posted in: Brann Bronzebeard Mill Rogue
  • 53

    posted a message on Miracle Rogue

    Why do you keep updating this deck.. Just stop. He's taking advantage of being the top rated deck. Nobody cares about this anymore just please stop updating it unless you have an actual Miracle Rogue update, not your garbage input about the Rogue meta.

    Posted in: Miracle Rogue
  • 4

    posted a message on Brann Bronzebeard Mill Rogue

    I don't know if this is serious or not. I'll just respond to it as if is: Thank you, that compliment means more to me than you think.

    Posted in: Brann Bronzebeard Mill Rogue
  • 18

    posted a message on Brann Bronzebeard Mill Rogue

    I used this deck for four games at Rank 9 to 7.:

    1. A Face Hunter. He played a nothing turn one. Turn two he played a Leper Gnome and a Worgen Infiltrator. I play a Deathlord. He stares at his screen for about 45-60 seconds, then concedes. Not too satisfying, but still a victory. 1-0.

    2. A Control Priest. He played amazingly on curve, and I thought I couldn't win. My friend spectated me for his quest, I knew I couldn't let him down. My mind was a calculator at that point, calculating chances to draw the next Coldlight Oracle and his potential damage. I Vanished very efficiently, and Sap the same. I should have Gang Up'd an Antique Healbot for my second Gang Up but I was greedy and did two Coldlight Oracles. This was a very close game, and if I misplayed one bit I would have lost. I literally won with 1 HP. This is not an exaggeration. One of the most satisfying victories i've ever had. 2-0.

    3. Mid-Range hunter. My worst enemy. He played perfectly on curve, I played a Dark Iron Skulker(I techd one in instead of the second Azure Drake. It works extremely well against Aggro..) He flooded the board next turn too. I got greedy and milled him a bit instead of healing. He beat me. I misplayed, it was my fault not the deck's. Understandable loss, and was close. I predicted i'd lose from my starting hand anyways. 2-1.

    4. Hand Lock. "Oh no!" I thought, as he tapped on turn two. "My mill will help his Twilight Drakes and Mountain Giants! I should concede now!" Then I drew Vanish and it hit me. My plan was, he plays all his big guys. I mill him with a Coldlight Oracle and a Shadowstep back to the Coldlight Oracle. He will then have 10 cards, plus have overdrawn one. I will then Vanish and destroy his whole field! The plan was flawless. I executed it perfectly. He overdrew his Mountain Giant. He plays his other one, and a Twilight Drake and throws a Defender of Argus in between them. "Easy." I thought. I played another Coldlight Oracle and then Vanish killing two of the cards and throwing the Mountain Giant back to his hand. He is now out of cards in his deck, I pretty much spam Coldlight Oracles and mill him, all the while him spamming "Well Played." I satisfying respond with "Well Played." because I am not a douchebag face hunter or aggro pally. THIS is the most satisfying win I have ever had. 3-1.

    I forgot to mention, I also added Lorewalker Cho to the deck instead of Youthful Brewmaster and it has worked amazingly. I usually give them a card that is useless to them like Backstab or useful to me like Vanish. It is a great addition and I very much recommend it.

    Thanks for your variation on the deck. I recommend it to anyone who has the cards.


    Posted in: Brann Bronzebeard Mill Rogue
  • 4

    posted a message on Mill Rogue [LOE] Updated!

    I used this deck for four games at Rank 9 to 7.:

    1. A Face Hunter. He played a nothing turn one. Turn two he played a Leper Gnome and a Worgen Infiltrator. I play a Deathlord. He stares at his screen for about 45-60 seconds, then concedes. Not too satisfying, but still a victory. 1-0.

    2. A Control Priest. He played amazingly on curve, and I thought I couldn't win. My friend spectated me for his quest, I knew I couldn't let him down. My mind was a calculator at that point, calculating chances to draw the next Coldlight Oracle and his potential damage. I Vanished very efficiently, and Sap the same. I should have Gang Up'd an Antique Healbot for my second Gang Up but I was greedy and did two Coldlight Oracles. This was a very close game, and if I misplayed one bit I would have lost. I literally won with 1 HP. This is not an exaggeration. One of the most satisfying victories i've ever had. 2-0.

    3. Mid-Range hunter. My worst enemy. He played perfectly on curve, I played a Dark Iron Skulker(I techd one in instead of the Beneath the Grounds. It works extremely well against Aggro.. He flooded the board next turn too. I got greedy and milled him a bit instead of healing. He beat me. I misplayed, it was my fault not the deck's. Understandable loss, and was close. I predicted i'd lose from my starting hand anyways. 2-1.

    4. Hand Lock. "Oh no!" I thought, as he tapped on turn two. "My mill will help his Twilight Drakes and Mountain Giants! I should concede now!" Then I drew Vanish and it hit me. My plan was, he plays all his big guys. I mill him with a Coldlight Oracle and a Shadowstep back to the Coldlight Oracle. He will then have 10 cards, plus have overdrawn one. I will then Vanish and destroy his whole field! The plan was flawless. I executed it perfectly. He overdrew his Mountain Giant. He plays his other one, and a Twilight Drake and throws a Defender of Argus in between them. "Easy." I thought. I played another Coldlight Oracle and then Vanish killing two of the cards and throwing the Mountain Giant back to his hand. He is now out of cards in his deck, I pretty much spam Coldlight Oracles and mill him, all the while him spamming "Well Played." I satisfying respond with "Well Played." because I am not a douchebag face hunter or aggro pally. THIS is the most satisfying win I have ever had. 3-1.

    I forgot to mention, I also added Lorewalker Cho to the deck instead of King Mukla and it has worked amazingly. I usually give them a card that is useless to them like Backstab or useful to me like Vanish. It is a great addition and I very much recommend it.

    Thanks for your variation on the deck. I recommend it to anyone who has the cards.


    Posted in: Mill Rogue [LOE] Updated!
  • 2

    posted a message on [UPDATED] Top 5 NA Shaman

    I dont believe so. It doesn't use any Rockbiter Weapons in it. Those are very mandatory for him.

    Posted in: [UPDATED] Top 5 NA Shaman
  • 2

    posted a message on [S20] LEGEND EU- Fatigue KING

    I have saved up so much dust for control warrior, and still can't craft the full thing. I crafted the shield slams and a brawl(I already had one) and tried this deck out. I am 5-0 so far, having won 4/5 games with over 50 HP. The other win was a one health Reno Jackson clutch heal win. Get this, ALL FIVE PEOPLE added me and complimented me on the deck. This is my first time being successful as Warrior, considering i've never played control, and i'm LOVING it. The only change I made is:

    -1 Bouncing Blades

    +1 Dr. Boom

    Thank you so much for this deck. People who are saying that it doesn't make sense because it's a Reno deck with lots of double copies of cards don't understand that you will barely ever use Reno Jackson before you draw out 90% of your deck anyways. If you use a deck tracker (one for Windows here) then you will never misuse him too, if you're worried about that. I also love that this deck is so flexible. I feel like Acidic Swamp Ooze, Antique Healbot and most of the other cards can be exchanged with one that holds a similar concept. For example, if you wanted to, you could swap out the Acidic Swamp Ooze with a Harrison Jones for the concept of destroying the opponent's weapon. You could also swap out the Antique Healbot with a Doomsayer, a Sylvanas Windrunner or even a The Black Knight for the purpose of stalling the game or throwing off your opponent.

    All in all, great deck. Thank you. I will be using this for a LONG while.

    Posted in: [S20] LEGEND EU- Fatigue KING
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