Miracle Rogue
- Last updated Dec 14, 2015 (Explorers)
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- 11 Minions
- 19 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 6780
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 5/29/2013 (Beta Release)
- LegacyDecks
- Registered User
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Miracle Rogue was first created by a player name Sveno. He created the deck before Hearthstone was even playable. Then sometime later after balance changes, a guy that went my the name of Travis built it again, and that is the original post on Hearthpwn. Then, it was nerfed again. After that, a very popular player named Kolento remade the deck in the summer of 2014. Finally, miracle rogue was nerfed again. The nerfs to both Gadgetzan Auctioneer and Leeroy Jenkinskilled the deck.
The History of Rogue
Beta Travis Miracle
Kolento Miracle
This isn't true. And it's sad to see this historic deck post be tarnished by someone wanting to claim fame so many years after we moved the deck post this puppet legacydecks account.
The Miracle Rogue deck idea existed when I played in the NDA Alpha in early 2013 with 0 mana conceal. The game was "playable" before the public even saw the cards (during the closed beta which I was also a part of), so no, this unknown Sveno person did not create Miracle Rogue.
In fact, there is no 'creator' of Miracle Rogue. Day 1 of the closed beta I was playing Miracle Rogue with 1 Mana Shiv and Stealth Edwin before any decklists were even shared online, does this mean I created it? No, because the deck was being played before it was possible to share online, so the first person to actually play Miracle Rogue will never be known, but it certainly wasn't whoever Sveno was. Unless they can show a similar decklist in an Alpha screenshot, they are not the creator and Miracle Rogue has no 'creator'.
In 2015, I was asked to comment as the 'creator' of Miracle Rogue for the Gusiness Book of World Records Gamer Edition, 2016. I stated very clearly Miracle was not my deck, despite me owning this deck post at the time. This got Hearthpwn in a Guiness World Records book, which was cool, but it was very important to me that no one claimed to 'create' Miracle Rogue because I played it before before net-decking even existed for Hearthstone.
Please remove this, or provide some evidence that this unknown person was the creator of a deck that myself and other people were playing under an NDA in 2013 before Hearthstone was even public.
I'd love to update this post with some history and link out to relevant sources
- Travis AKA Flood
Good old classic deck!
Hi , i am new to hearthstone so i don't have these cards yet but i wanted to craft it. Can anyone add me ,i wanna watch this deck gameplay and decide. thank you!
my tag is riya#11536
Why is this in the Standard section???
lol look at the crafting cost, 6660
If anyone can answer is still deck viable???
I wouldn't suggest it, but it could be
The deck kinda revolves around vancleef so...
Leeroy nerfs kind of kill the shadowstep+charge combo. you'd be better off comboing up VanCleef
Yay, Sorta Viable again!
It's up there because it's a legendary deck, if you want decks that still work don't sort it by top of all time.
Playing those 0-1 mana cards with the Auctioneer on board sure did feel good man.
9/10 Works great at rank 25
This deck is not from LoE... it's deprecated
....any chance that this, or a variation of this, is playable again in standard after the incoming update?
-1483 votes, unplayable legacy deck. No need to upvote this is not currently relevant
Please check out my deck and tell me what you think, it's called $1 mech rogue, I think it's really cool and relevant now
Why the **** do you keep upvoting this deck? STOP IT!!!
Up-voted just for you bae ;)