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Armor Goons

  • Last updated Dec 10, 2017 (Kobolds Patch)
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  • 15 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Tempo Warrior
  • Crafting Cost: 5680
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/5/2017 (Marin's Treasure)
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The goal for the deck is to endure until turn 5+ where the deck will have loads of nasty tempo plays at its disposal.  The combination of Cornered Sentry, Drywhisker Armorer and Shield Slam is nasty, and Gemstudded Golem is a very obnoxious taunt minion and played comfortably on curve and can almost always attack.  The finishing combo is buffed Dopplegangsters.

A lot of single Warrior spells are here because they're powerful but situational and pretty unwieldy; they need a good amount of card draw involved in order to be viable.  Heroic Strike for example can take out a crucial 4-health minion, provide lethal or cleave the opponent's board for 8 damage with the DK weapon but those opportunities are few and far between.  There are no Brawls at all however because the deck will be wanting to play and keep minions on the board very often because it's a tempo deck (albeit a slow-rolling one). 

If Dopplegangsters ever get buffed in hand with anything the odds skew heavily in this deck's favor to win, and the deck focuses on drawing them quickly alongside their hand buffs.  The great thing about running two of them is their consistency as a win-con: you only really need to draw one and drawing the second one makes it incredibly easy to land hand buffs on either of them.  The draw power ensures that the deck WILL draw them even if most of the deck has to be sifted through.

The original build included Lone Champions and a Second-rate Bruiser.  I replaced them with Acolyte of Pains and an Inner Rage because the deck needed to be to be less durdly and more straight-to-the point: draw the hand buffs and removal combos.  The Lone Champion version could work with second Battle Rage instead and another spell to help trigger it but it might be unweldy; I'm on the fence as to which I like better but the deck does really want to draw a significant amount of cards as (again) Warrior cards in general are good but very situational.

Another alternative for the deck is to replace Acolyte of Pain and some other minions with more control spells, another Brass Knuckles and two Fight Promoters.  Fight Promoter will almost always represent two drawn cards; the downside is that the deck will have to do other things until turn 6+ in order to play it which can be tricky with 2 Dopplegangsters in the deck as well.  Lone Champion is worth considering for this version of the deck as he appreciates buffs as well and the deck wouldn't be running very many minions otherwise.

I've had success with this version of the deck so far but I might keep experimenting with it.  Best of luck on the ladder!