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Sir Murlocula! TEMPO [D5-LEGEND 3760 post-nerf]

  • Last updated Oct 23, 2022 (Castle Nathria Druid & Mage Nerfs)
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  • 29 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Evolve Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 25360
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/15/2022 (Castle Nathria Druid & Mage Nerfs)
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***10/23/22 UPDATED MATCH UPS***

Tried this after the hunter nerfs and found quite a bit of success! I replaced 2x Famished Fool with Sir Finley Mrrgglton and Murlocula. It was just the tweak this deck needed. Good luck!

YOU MUST BE PATIENT. Many games swung hard in the late game.





MULLIGANS - (3 Up Votes)


  • Lifetap most games. I will get a heal ability if it is an aggressive deck, and Damage if I want to put early pressure on against control decks. Just think what you need the most to get you by til Bru'kan is played.

MATCH UPS - (7 Up Votes)

[These are suggested play styles ONLY. Don't forget to use standard Tempo Deck principles. There is no perfect "if this, then that" guide]

  • Imp/Curse Warlock - AOE/Rush minions are your friend. You might consider keeping Gorloc so you can use murlocs to flood/control board. Look for AOE from your School Teachers. Devolve buffed minions and boards of imps. Don't forget to trade curses with Theotar! Keeping them from flooding you in the early game is tough but can be done most games.
  • Combo Priest - Mulligan hard for Primordial Wave and then Sylvanas. You must use them when you feel confident they have over committed on buffs/minions. Dig for more CC from naga battlecry parties. Don't over commit on your own board either, even if you have the mana.
  • Pure/Control Paladin - This can be a tough match if you don't draw well. Your goal is to control the board reasonably but also put pressure on their face so they have to worry about healing, and not controlling you. You also want them to be as low as possible before they use Cariel. (This match up makes me want weapon removal!) Use your Primordial Waves and Gnolls/murlocs right in the mid game and you can get a concede too. DON'T over commit on the board unless you know for sure they are out of CC.
  • Relic Demon Hunter - This match is a bit of a race against the clock. If they are able to get out 7/7+ Phantasms, the game is almost un-winnable. Put lots of pressure in the early/mid game with murlocs and beasts, so you are in a healthy spot to deal with their big board late game. Double/Triple Insatiable Devourer is a must. Also, get rid of S'theno ASAP with rush minions or primordial wave. Keep track of your Denathrius count. It is easy to miss lethal over a couple turns.
  • Big Spell/Skelly Mage - Early pressure with beasts/murlocs. You want to get an evolved Gnoll ASAP so they have to burn all there CC on it, or punish them if they don't have it. Devolve if they have a big board of Skells to neuter Kel'Thuzad. If you're lucky you can steal Dawngrasp, Mogresh stink-eye, or Spell Casino. Also, Devour Dragons in late game.

PIC OF MY PUPPY - (just ask) 


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