Theotar, the Mad Duke
Card Text
Battlecry: Discover a
card in each player's hand and swap them.
Flavor Text
"I'm afraid you've gone mad! You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best souls are."
Battlecry: Discover a
card in each player's hand and swap them.
"I'm afraid you've gone mad! You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best souls are."
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for some reason this card always finds that one core card in my hand, even if i have 10 different ones in it.
i feel like it is coded to always find a legendary in the opponent hand, if they hold any.
Really doubt that mana increase will affect the play rate, because you HAVE TO unless you are okay with getting shit on by all the broken cards like Sire.
Worst card ever made! Only played by no skill twats
Toxic card.
Just stole Xyrella from priest and creamed myself.
God I hate this card. It's really unhealthy for the game. Needs a pretty drastic change.
Oh look it’s another way to regret or play King Togwaggle ‘s swap decks card, tho there are mor reliable ways to yews it.
The greatest weakness this card will have will be the fact that every opponent will play it. And given how unlikely it will be that you'll be able to play this card AND the stolen card on the same turn, most of the time it will end up with your opponent snatching back his card the turn after...
This isn't a card you want to play ASAP in the game. You are forgetting that right now, we have a Control meta (Curselock/Druid/Control Warrior/Spell Mage/Reno decks) that involve a lot of hand holding. I have played these decks, and also played against them. It's best against Combo/Control because the probability of getting the stolen card back drops the more full you hand is.
I'd like a refund on this abyssal curse
Our wild friends are gonna love this hand-me-down! Maybe if they find a way to cheat him out on turn 2 they can play him before the game ends.
Battlecry: Tell Combo players to go fuck themselves.
Yet another card to stomp OTK/combo decks...alongsideSteamcleaner and Ashen Elemental that already stops card cycling. Do they really wana kill this archtype. Example Mechatun lock that is somewhat decent OTK,competitive in wild format is just destroyed by this card.
First of all... not a single combo deck will see itself get thrown out of the meta because of this card, MAYBE the winrate will drop by like...nothing%...booohooo
Secondly in the impossible case that they did....GOOD RIDDANCE, not only have they been at least prevalent, if not dominant, for a long time, but they are also the ONLY playstyle that invalidates other archetypes for no reason (the same thing you wrongly say this card will do)
How can you say OTK invalidates archtypes ,it invalidates value be it (hand/board/HP)... It loses to agro,burst decks , it also loses to some midrange decks depending on how slow they are built. The only sure win currently (100%) is against slow control decks...
To Quote you:"what keeps control in check, midrange is the archetype for the job,as they have a clearly winning matchup vs it" midrange has the worst chance of wining against control decks of all 4 archtypes i agree. Midrange deck with few (2/3/4) high cost cards usualy loses to control in value/in the long run.That dosn't mean the healthy thing is a rock paper scissor scenario with only 3 archtypes
I won't sound rather confusing there friend:
First you say "How can you say OTK invalidates archetypes" and then proceed to bring up example of multiple archetypes that get run over by the desease that are mill/OTK/infinite decks AND you bring up archetypes that basically autowin vs them (so you prove that those decks are ALSO polarizing as hell). I believe that a WAY less confusing way to phrase your first paragraph is: mill/OTK/infinite decks practically autowin vs ANY deck that doesn't have constant, good earlygame pressure and basically autolose vs ANY deck that does have constant, good earlygame pressure.
The second paragraph is even weirder (somehow):
First of all you don't even quote me properly given that you conveniently left out the examples I gave of midrange decks that (when they were in the meta) beat control, THEN you "agree" with me while saying the opposite of what I said (I'm saying midrange BEATS control). ANYWAY midrange is a VERY flexible archetype that can be built in different ways, the midrange decks YOU are talking about are the ones that lean more onto the aggro side and so they lose to control because aggro loses to control in HS (this apparently is not true in other games though from what I heard), the midrange decks I'm talking about are on the "heavier" side of midrange, the ones that can put constant, meaningful pressure that is hard to remove or stop like big priest, hadronox/clown druid, cubelock, deathrattle hunter (with DKRexxar mostly) ...THESE are the ones that beat control (maybe I should have mentioned it, I thought it was clear given the examples I gave).
Anyways your "rock/paper/scissors" argument is just horrible to me, let me explain;
There are 2 alternatives here:
1) (this is your supposed "rock/paper/scissors") Aggro>midrange>control>aggro where ">" means "usually wins the matchup but it's 100% possible for the losing side of the matchup to win"
2)Aggro(and "faster" midrange)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>OTK/mill/infinite>>>>>>>>>>>>>>control>aggro>"heavier" midrange>control here ">" means the same as in point 1 and ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>" means "you're not winning lol"
Now....1 of these options is balanced and healthy while the other is a clusterfuck of uncounterable BS where playing the game is basically irrelevant in some matchups. No prize for guessing. (I do admit the "uncounterable BS" option can definitely be balanced but it will NEVER be healthy as it removes archetypes from the equation completely)
"I won't sound rather confusing there friend: ..... Aggro>midrange>control>aggro where ">" means "usually wins "
This is where the confusion is coming from , in my experience Control usualy wins against Midrange , Midrange usualy wins against Aggro , agro usualy wins against Control , , while otk/combo mostly wins against control with 50/50 vs midrange and mostly loses to aggro.
Ofc there are exceptions to this, when midrange has cards that gen infinite value it can beat control like you mentioned Hydronox resurection,Deathstalker Rexar,Cube Lock or newer Kazakusan,Rat King ressurection but all these decks can be made with a fast tempo so you hold your own against aggro decks, till you draw the 1-2 high cost cards in the deck that generate so much value that can even beat control.
Big Priest (with Barnes ) and Big shaman (with Ancestor's Call) and Lady Prestor Druid are all Combo decks(in the OTK category) you want to get your cards that cheats out the other card that cheats out the other card that is then ressurected or copyd generating huge value. Yes most OTK decks/combo decks have alot of cycle in them so there similar to midrange but there not.
OTK/combo is a coinflip you got an agro matchup may as well concede, you got a control lucky lucky easy star , there is a balance.
Ok so, while I do 100% believe that your take on what archetype beats what is just wrong I'll pretend it's correct for the sake of argument in this reply since there are a couple of WAY more worrying statements in what you said just then:
0)I wasn't confused by your idea of who beats who...I was confused by the inconsistency of you saying one thing...and then saying the opposite right after
1)"Infinite value" is a very misused term in the community as many people simply go "oooh nooo...opponent does thing more than 4 times....he go infinite wheeheee" but in reality the best way to define it is: "the ability to never run out of cards in hand and (most importantly) deck aka, you always have something notable to do AND fatigue is of no issue" . NOW of the examples you brought NOT A SINGLE ONE is infinite value since Hadronox can only be resurrected like 4/5 times at most iIrc (still no more then 7), DKRexxar and cubelock were some of my favourite decks to play against because the games were a battle of extremely powerful things that most of the time would end in a last card fatigue struggle so (obviously) they're not infinite, Kazakusan isn't infinite...he just kills you with extreme BS bordering on OTK (toxic card IMO) and Rat king loses to fatigue...these decks are/were HARD to outvalue in a non-infinite way (so they had a good matchup vs control) but it is/was still 100% possible so NO, none of your examples are infinte value, these are midrange decks with A TON of consistent pressure
2)Big priest,Big shaman and Prestor Druid are NOT OTK decks (I can do some Velen BS in priest but nobody does that anyomre...thank C'thun), they are EXTREMELY heavy midrange decks (huge, hard to remove threats one after the other that aim to overwhelm the opponent's defense), what makes them NOT be OTK is that...well...everything they do is "stoppable" after they did it. Yes it is EXTREMELY hard to do so but good transform effects or just straight up insane defenses CAN beat them AFTER they reached their "combo", something that (by nature) is IMPOSSIBLE to do vs OTK decks so nice try but NO.
3)Let me see if I understand, you would argue that your "coinflip" is a healthy thing for the metagame?
That the idea that how you play is nearly irrelevant since most matchups are either autowins or autolosses is a good thing for the game?
That your alternative is better than having a "triangle" (aggro/midrange/control) metagame where everyone has clear advantages vs an archetype and clear disadvantages vs another but everyone can beat everyone else with good play? (at least on paper, OP decks will always exist)
If that's what you're arguing you are going to need to bring A LOT of convincing evidence because that does NOT sound like a good idea.
its funny how nobody else has any input, i thougth this was a comunity site,its just us 2 having a conversation/debating stuff :)))
Anyways im not saying the 3 decks mentioned are OTK decks, i said there combo decks . i just grouped them together with OTK since as a deck type they also favor slower deck opponents , so winning against control losing against aggro . And because both are heavily effected by 2 new cards Theotar, the Mad Duke,Ashen Elemental
its funny how nobody else has any input, i thougth this was a comunity site,its just us 2 having a conversation/debating stuff :)))
Well yea, most people probably either don't go into the card pages a lot or don't want to read through a discussion that has been going on for a while, not that I blame them though, "dropping in" in the middle of a conversation is ont too easy
Anyways im not saying the 3 decks mentioned are OTK decks, i said there combo decks . i just grouped them together with OTK since as a deck type they also favor slower deck opponents , so winning against control losing against aggro . And because both are heavily effected by 2 new cards Theotar, the Mad Duke,Ashen Elemental
Well you did say those were combo decks (in the OTK category) and even if you meant that the "idea" behind them is somewhat similar....itisn't...those are VASTLY different playstyles AND I can assure you big priest/shaman won't even notice you played Ashen Elemental and won't really care for this card too much either