[x5 Legend] RIP With Patch 22.2
- Last updated Jan 26, 2022 (Fractured in Alterac Valley)
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- 2 Minions
- 25 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Weapon Rogue
- Crafting Cost: 6720
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/25/2021 (Incanter's Nerfs)

- PussslayerF9
- Registered User
- 1
- 5
- 14
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
Happy new year, boys and girls 02/01/2022
best version over 60% wr ------------->
well first of all i am glad to see pros are getting rank 1 or top 100 with it
this season I been using the "old weapon rogue". the only reason why is that this meta is a bit slow and there is no reason to have Brain Freeze in the deck...personal preference...
there are many versions of weapon rogue (3 of mine and [RANK 1] [RANK 8] + many others)
but this version imo is THE BEST one (without Auctioneer Jaxon)
Games mostly end by turn 7-10
plan is to get the Swinetusk Shank by turn 5 with the most of the weapon upgrades and by turn 7 when Shadowcrafter Scabbs comes to play....is just math and how to exicute the win
Secret Passage (MUST KEEP IN MULLIGAN!!)
any removal card exept Wicked Stab (Rank 1)
if Swinetusk Shank is in mulligan keep every weapon upgrade , but dont remove Secret Passage 3Head.....
Shadowcrafter Scabbs keep only vs fast aggro decks
Swindle is a keep only if u can play it in first few turns soo Coin or with Preparation
Auctioneer Jaxon is a keep only if there is no Swinetusk Shank in the opening stage
Silverleaf Poison keep only if there is no cards above
Match ups
Deathrattle DH/ < Weapon Rogue
Shadowcrafter Scabbs carries hard vs deathrattle DH
Quest Guff Druid > Weapon Rogue
if u can pressure them in early game before they play guff and armor up there is a winning chance, but overall its a hard match up that most of the times goes to Druid side
Face Hunter = Weapon Rogue
Stick to the plan and you should be good
Mage < Weapon Rogue
Last expansion there was a 96% win rate vs mage, but this expansion they have Deepwater Evoker and Amplified Snowflurry and slow the draw potential... soo use the Cloak of Shadows to get out of that situation and prep for the "OTK"/ dmg burst , Also keep your hp over 20 cuz Mask of C'Thun overall try and finish before turn 8
Paladin < Weapon Rogue
Rustrot Viper > The Immovable Object
Priest < Weapon Rogue
just keep Guild Trader in the deck
Shaman = Weapon Rogue
new freeze Shaman and quest Shaman are fun to play it could take over the meta in this season, but back to the track.... sžtick to the plan and there shouldnt be a probleem unless u get really unlucky
Warlock ? Weapon Rogue
there is a lack of warlock deck in meta ,soo i cant give you any info on that one...
Warrion <= Weapon ROgue
Best match up you can get
Cute/Thief/Deathrattle Rogue < Weapon Rogue
most satisfying match up that u cant lose
Long story short Shadowcrafter Scabbs is just nuts
63.89% win rate 46w-26l
Works after the nerfs....
Have fun
Trying stuff out.....
tier 3 deck btw, but still beats quest shaman, quest hunter, mage, warlock and Jace Darkweaver DH
All info about the deck is below
for anyone wondering why i run Auctioneer Jaxon
Version 1 (Classic weapon rogue) and Version 2 (focuses on finding the right cards) of the deck are in comments
(with version 2 of the deck I hit legend)
waiting for mini set to see if the deck will improve
last season we finished at rank 685 after 200+ games (55%win rate)
only update i can give is that Efficient Octo-bot is a keep vs aggro and garrot rogue even if u dont hit 1 card from the combo. Still the Efficient Octo-bot will give u that tempo in early game...
aggro -> https://hsreplay.net/replay/qwFS4JCnR7qBBxauGr78eK
also we hit legend with this deck for the third time
UPDATE 9 (nerfs and buffs 24/09/2021) :
Its just free win after a free win....
UPDATE 8 (nerfs and buffs 21/09/2021) :
added Flightmaster Dungar and removed x1 Brain Freeze
quest warrior is kinda fast...in end game u have (lets say) 5 hp and batteling with The Juggernaut just to stay alive... hopefully Flightmaster Dungar will elp with that....
Flightmaster Dungar too slow
Thinking of adding Blackjack Stunner
i will find a way....
............................................................FEW MINUTES LATER......................................................
+2 Blackjack Stunner+1 Ambush+1 Dirty Tricks-2 Wicked Stab (Rank 1)-1 Flightmaster Dungar-1Rustrot Viper
............................................................FEW GAMES LATER......................................................
Lion's Guard is in the deck.... (also losing me mind over this game)
had problems finding the weapon...in few games...was planing to add the Self-Sharpening Sword but change me mind...
sooo Sphere of Sapience cheap wepon that can help in early game...
but not sure that removing Rustrot Viper for Sphere of Sapience was correct...
since Rustrot Viper helped a lot vs control warrior games...
will find the correct card to remove after a few games...
............................................................FEW HOURS LATER......................................................
went back to Enthusiastic Banker .... strong card in this deck
............................................................FEW GAMES LATER......................................................
added back Brain Freeze
uninstalled hearthstone and going to wait for mini set
had problems with Rustrot Viper , coudnt do the combo with the weapon and SI:7 Extortion were used on minions...soo tried the Grand Empress Shek'zara that didnt work cuz , not always u hit the second Garrote or Guild Trader...soo how do u shuffle...hit them with there own medicine...
https://hsreplay.net/replay/zronBYA3LXLXRdrysb2REe (was pretty mad about that lose)
removed -1X Preparation and added +1x Rustrot Viper
Preparation is a temperary removed card...just to feel the deck....
now the Brute DH shoudn't be a problem or a mirror/weapon rogue matchup
even slowing the quest warrior
https://hsreplay.net/replay/JY9oFPKEu4UDho2uTKgbXG (works)
https://hsreplay.net/replay/dKcrxezTRzz55jg9Swsiqg (that turn 8 50/50 was insaine...)
second prep is needed might remove one Dirty Tricks but the deck looks good...
https://hsreplay.net/replay/opPo3SCk7bFJAzkEQYLXXR (YEP DED)
gl :)
day 2 of ranked: turned the game on and got to Platinum 5
day 3 of ranked: got to Diamond 5.
day 4 of ranked: stuck at Diamond 1 and cant get the win for legend...(almost no aggro decks)
still day 4 of ranked:
removed Coerce for Auctioneer Jaxon https://hsreplay.net/replay/5k2dgXWSizep97hrqDZ8ei
went to the old version and the only thing that changed is
-1 Coerce for +1 Brain Freeze
...played a game before bed and got an idea...we just need to remove wide board and we got a win....sooo removed Flightmaster Dungar and added Archdruid Naralex
there is 25% chance to get Ysera Awakens and
even if u dont get it there is Nightmare + Cloak of Shadows combo
non target-able minion, and 4 mana 7/6
so def keep in mulligan vs every one
Also thinking of cutting the Efficient Octo-bot for second copy of Brain Freeze
...soo the Brain Freeze + Nightmare could be a thing
Auto losing to spell and miricle druid....i think its still wruff to remove Efficient Octo-bot
deck is done no need to add or remove cards
got my first real win vs aggro druid :)
take care and gl on ladder
added Flightmaster Dungar removed 1x Coerce
now...do u go for that 12 dmg....by turn 8 the board if full and u are doing the otk...not even on turn 2 to coin Flightmaster Dungar is not wruff...
keep in mulligan
dont have time to test but gonna do that in few days and keep u guys up to date how that went
have fun
Trying stuff out..
we needed right cards in hand...so i added Auctioneer Jaxon
is it a keep in the opening stage?...not vs aggro...
went 14-4 with that version
just a classic shaman game https://hsreplay.net/replay/xSAyTtNPwVqpSYcqYvTajB
gl on ladder
1000 wins in style
went 18-5
If You like games on the edge then this is a deck for you... but be aware its kinda hard to play...
quest mage, D6 warlock and quest shaman are freebies
Plan is simple
get the Swinetusk Shank...its all about that weapon draw...then
draw, then draw, go face, remove /freeze, set up the combo with Efficient Octo-bot and the Brain Freeze or SI:7 Extortion so u can end by turn 6/7/8...
Must have cards in the opening:
Secret Passage is the strongest card in the deck use it well...(MUST KEEP IN MULLIGAN!!)
SI:7 Extortion or Brain Freeze (vs aggro keep SI:7 Extortion and Brain Freeze , 2x SI:7 Extortion or 1x SI:7 Extortion and 1x Coerce )
Silverleaf Poison only if u feel like u need that extra draw https://hsreplay.net/replay/YmgfUiU7rTXHC7a5uhmXk8
DO NOT KEEP Wicked Stab for removal, only if you really know u will use it on turn 5 otherwise its a waste
D6 Warlock- play it like a normal weapon rogue...just go face...https://hsreplay.net/replay/j6pNKtZhRhFXM3YDt6mGi4
there are some hybrid version with heal soo be careful...play smart
Handlock - just play smart, some of them run weapon removal..so save the combo for "late" game (thats turn 7-9 if you played the deck correctly)
also use Coerce...dont give them a chance to set up there combo (not much to say there)
Handbuff and secret - there are 2 copies of Coerce soo use them well (mostly on Goody Two-Shields
Encumbered Pack Mule isnt a big proble since u have weapon and removal cards in deck...
but if they pop off there is no chance to win...
removal cards are must in the opening faze
Quest Mage
is auto win, but some of them run the Grand Magus Antonidas (mage players got smarter...soo dont go under 18hp)
Dirty Tricks is just nuts look for that in mulligan (also look at the "GOOD TO KNOW" just scroll down)
Your main plan is to draw, draw, set up and win...You will have all the time in the world...EZ Clap
Quest Shaman https://hsreplay.net/replay/teSgY9ZEHDhZRMeLYU8NUe
- "the best deck in the game"...quest shaman...they can go wide on turn 3...
if u are able to remove that wide board by turn 5 you are golden
for the mid game your only problem is Canal Slogger if u can zone him using Cloak of Shadows also with Brain Freeze or if they go "wide" on the board just do the same
dont forget some of them run Earth Elemental
soo go for removal cards in the mulligan and search for the weapon and draw cards...
also Dirty Tricks will help u a lot
shadow priest/zoo...can deal good dmg by turn 3/4...soo look for the 1 cost removal spells and use the Cloak of Shadows when u really need to...but hard match up to win
quest priest... just keep Guild Trader in the deck cuz of the Mindrender Illucia and dont let them draw it https://hsreplay.net/replay/R8ewQBghzi9dyVLRcFKwNL
Hunter & Aggro Druid (Also Quest Warrior)
keep the 1 cost removal spells , get the weapon (if possible) and the Secret Passage is your best friend :)
no need to go for the otk just play Garrote since they dont have healing
games will be mostly dependent by draw...ITS ALL ABOUT THAT DRAW
Brute DH https://hsreplay.net/replay/Ww9HSL7BezrcHkdgXLxGFk
isnt that hard match up but if they pop off on turn 4-6 u will have a hard time
take your time to set up if u can, here and there hit face with weapon and Coerce will help u take Brute away from board
also has weapon removal keep that on mind when playing
Dirty Tricks must keep / will elp u a lot
Glide will ruin your fun / or help you depends on what u have in hand and how u played early game
Rogue https://hsreplay.net/replay/HcFif4N4a9CGmHEHnScuv3
weapon rogue/mirror...try to out tempo them...
quest rogue can out tempo you with the Scabbs Cutterbutter play...if that happens just use Secret Passage and search for Cloak of Shadows and prep for Garrote weapon dmg
Miricle - shouldn't be that hard...cuz you are faster then them and you dont care about there minions talking about Loan Shark...out tempo them
and classic garrote - there are 2 types of players...ones who go all in and have a good draw...https://hsreplay.net/replay/pktPtkVrKoLyMxJiFHf4o2 and ones that have a bad draw and take there time...just out tempo them if u can
Vs everyone else draw draw draw, set up the combo and pray u can win by turn 7/8...ITS ALL ABOUT THAT DRAW!!...max dmg u can do is 32 from Garrote and Guild Trader + 2 Wicked Stab 12/16 + weapon dmg if possible = ez win
BAD MATCH UPS that will most likely end in a lost
- Elemental Shaman ( if u get Silverleaf Poison and Paralytic Poison on the Swinetusk Shank there is a win condition...)
- Miricle Druid (auto lose)
but u cloud win if he goes Celestial Alignment, turn 1 go Cloak of Shadows or do nothing... and on turn 2 Efficient Octo-bot and the Brain Freeze or SI:7 Extortion ....into second Cloak of Shadows... max dmg is 32 + 12 + 7 from weapon (u cant really hit face but we gonna count it cuz of 2 copies of Coerce ) = 51 and 44 without weapon...thats best case scenario...
- Spell/Anacondra Druid (the version with Celestial Alignment))...
same stuff as miricle druid....but if they go wide u go face...meaning that u have wapon with 6/7 dmg and at least 1 Cloak of Shadows in hand second one wont be hard to find...
- Zoo/Shadow Priest
if u dont get the wepon by turn 3 = bottom right
- Secret Paladin
hard game if u let them do there thing...
- Aggro Druid
try to remove taunts and u might still have a chance
- quest shaman
losing only when they go wide on turn 3 and u cant remove the board KEKW
- face hunter
losing only when they outtemopo you...
- brute dh
there is a thing with Dirty Tricks
Lets say it's your opponents turn...u have 10 cards in your hand, Dirty Tricks is active and your opponent plays a spell that secret wont activate...you will burn just a card from your draw turn...
just keep that in mind when u need to set up the otk https://hsreplay.net/replay/YmgfUiU7rTXHC7a5uhmXk8 (turn 6)
- Dirty Tricks is useless vs elemental shaman :/
- Troublemakers Ruffian attacks go through Cloak of Shadows https://hsreplay.net/replay/v3DNbf8tu2BzwUsXq3WiyF (burned second copy of Cloak of Shadows a bit unlucky)
SI:7 Extortion could be used to shuffle out the Bleed https://hsreplay.net/replay/teSgY9ZEHDhZRMeLYU8NUe
well You just need to feel the deck/meta, first couple of games....Decktracker is a must! (look at the replay of "this is the best game i had" to see why)
and dont question my eng :)
have fun :)
this is the best game i had https://hsreplay.net/replay/qLCMFnBk5rLp7nTPL6qbvF (16-5)
and another one https://hsreplay.net/replay/Ka2swZdTo8HGynSnAG85yG (18-5)
Good work!
There are many mages in season! So we have chance to play good by this deck. We just need a little bit luck.
3 games in a row, can't draw the fucking weapon for the life of me in like 20 cards drawn
Third one was 8 cards left, both weapons, both secret passage
10/10 would recommend
"uninstalled hearthstone and going to wait for mini set" I lol'd
I like to read your notes! Don't give up.
VERSION 2 with Rustrot Viper
This deck always falls short in something - draw, damage, mana... Feels like it neefs more "oomph" in general or a lot more "oomph" in one area to be viable...
Played 160+ games with that deck
Know what u are talking aboutand you are right, but still had more fun with this then any of decks in this meta...dont know why...
Tier 3 deck btw :)
since u posted this deck and it gets played, in case of mirror match, just be faster?
edit : sry u already said it haha
https://hsreplay.net/replay/HcFif4N4a9CGmHEHnScuv3 (that was my first mirror match)
https://hsreplay.net/replay/hGbNJuBTupRXeNXVYoFQAL ("Classic" mirror game)
i used Wicked Stab (Rank 2) and Guild Trader
also play Cloak of Shadows when u really need to
well, the player who will have better draw and a bit of luck will win
12-2. works vey well for me
one loss was just because i made a big misatake
Quick tip...
JUST RUN Rustrot Viper in every deck KEKW
lol this deck is hilarious
it wont let me edit the deck so...
Removed Backstab and added Maestra of the Masquerade
just for fun :)
and mage started running Grand Magus Antonidas ... Sadge