Wicked Stab (Rank 1)

Card Text
Deal 2 damage. (Upgrades when you have 5 Mana.)
Flavor Text
Always go for the glowing weak point.
Deal 2 damage. (Upgrades when you have 5 Mana.)
Always go for the glowing weak point.
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Turn 10 : WS Rank 3 x2 + SS x2 + Eviscerate x2 = 12+6+8=26 damage, 10 mana.
I'm sure the costs can be lowered further.
Or....Turn 4: Octobot + Backstab on it, -1 cost for all your cards
Turn 5: WS Rank 2 x2 + SS x2 + Eviscerate x2 = 8+6+ 8 = 22 damage Turn 5.
They finally pull Eviscerate and just replace it with something better? Why?
Wow like I hate it when people say developers have a soft spot for rogue, but what the hell is this? Not "undamaged" not "minion" no pure damange ! And to top it all off its the only ranked spell that scales x2 instead of x1, I can't see this not being nerfed!
it's BETTER than eviscerate!
Ranks 2 and 3 deal 4 and 6 damage.
Post turn 10 this is a 2-Mana Fireball
Wow, new evisc )
New eviscerate anyone?