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King Mukla Odd Rogue

  • Last updated Oct 24, 2018 (Boomsday)
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  • 25 Minions
  • 5 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Odd Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 12880
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/23/2018 (Boomsday)
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Hey Guys! 
This is a modified Odd Rogue list I've been using to climb ladder with. I'm currently sitting at rank 3-2, I could probably hit legend with it but I'm honestly a little lazy so I probably won't, lol. 

This deck is literally just like any other odd rogue deck-- mulligan for a 1 drop (note the inclusion of Crystallizer instead of Argent Squire because of the better statline), a 3 drop (generally we're looking for Hench-Clan Thug or King Mukla, or a Vicious Fledgling), and then something like a Cold Blood, or another one drop or 3 drop. Typically keeping a 5 drop is a bad idea unless you are favored in the matchup, in which case it's definitely ok to keep cards like Leeroy Jenkins or Cobalt Scalebane, provided you have a 1 drop and a 3 drop in hand already.

As you could guess from the title, King Mukla is incredibly strong in this deck! 9 times out of 10 he sticks to the board, especially on turn 3. This is because he isn't susceptible to meta removal such as Swipe, Frostbolt + ping, silence effects, etc. 
This does not mean that he is without his drawbacks, however. Mukla is still weak to cards like Hex, Polymorph, Fireball, Shadow Word: Death, and Naturalize, so it's important to know your matchup so you don't waste 3 mana to give your opponent two carsd. It is also important to make sure you have established board control so as to avoid your opponent buffing his minions with Mukla's Bananas. If your opponent manages to buff/play a minion and buff it, make sure to have Deadly Poison or Vilespine Slayer to punish them by killing their buffed minion. 
The later into the game, the worse Mukla gets. His best time is between turns 2 and 5. You can even use The Coin to play Mukla on two for a spicy surprise! ;)

There's also a lot of controversy over whether or not Myra's Unstable Element is good enough for odd rogue, and in my opinion, it definitely is. It almost always provides you with one last swing in order to close out the game-- it is NOT a tool to use if you have other options, this is a last resort card.

EDIT 1: I added +1 Captain Greenskin and -1 Cobalt Scalebane and I'm loving the change. The only setup it requires is that you have to have your weapon equipped, but as Odd Rogue, we already were planning on having it up so it'll always connect. A 3/2 weapon or a 3/3 weapon really packs a punch! It's great for controlling the board or for a little more reach for lethal. 

If you have any comments, criticism, or questions, let me know in the comments! 
Thanks for reading :)