Reliquary of Souls

Deathrattle: Shuffle
'Reliquary Prime'
into your deck.
These three represent Anger, Desire, and Suffering. Much like raid night guild chat.
Deathrattle: Shuffle
'Reliquary Prime'
into your deck.
These three represent Anger, Desire, and Suffering. Much like raid night guild chat.
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LoL... "Don't Leave Me!" 🤣
great shaman card hehe
This card belongs in a N'Zoth, the Corruptor deck and maybe add a Shadow Essence or two.
Mortyyy! Look Morty I am a card in Hearthstone now mordyyyyyyyyy
"Beware, I live!"
This deck is such a meme against toxic gnome face hunter xDD I had like 5 games against them. Thanks to the variety of AoE spells and support in general. I just waited them out, shuffled 3 primes into my deck and been watching hunter as he awaits inevitable.
Compared to other Primes, this one seems really weak. Sure the lifesteal might be nice for the priest, but the body itself is really easy to deal with, and again, if you look at all the other Primes, they seem broken compared to this one. Dropping that minon on the board will not reverse a situation, if you're behind on board well it'll be a small bump for the opponent to overcome.
Seems more like a balanced minon than a real Prime to me.
I can imagine it being decent against Demon Hunter to try to combat the aggression, reckon it fits into Highlander pretty well.
Yea i agree it looks like a good card but nothing to special. Obviously kargath prime is the worst prime card. But after that this might be next in line.
Kargath is litterally one of thee best primes by far! he's got an immediate effect, you can ensure his death rattle goes off whilst removing an enemy minion, then his prime does the same only on steroids and gives you 10 armour 100% of the time...
First of all a 4-4 with rush is not a card you would ever add to you deck. So every game you dont draw kargath prime you would have been better of with some other card. And kargath is worse then natalie alot of times, natalie can ignore taunt, freeze trap and can actually kill anything and usually leaves a bigger body behind. The armor actually matters in alot less games then you think, 100 procent the most overrated prime card. However the priest prime is not very good either, since priest dont have any card draw we never get to see our prime lol. After 23 games i have been able to play it 2 times and then zeph and maiev dealt with it easily, meh.
lol you must be rank 20, kagath is literally played in 80% of legend decks for warrior,
its def one of the top 3 primes, is basicly korkron elite but can't hit face but better stats, also the prime giving 10 armor is busted,
the worst is likely lady vassh since she only works in specific niche decks
More Res Priest Shenanigans, maybe in some different form without Cloning Gallery, but this is definetly more Resurrect Fuel.
Yo, Angelo!
Turn one: Reliquary of Souls
Play no more minions.
Turn four: Psychopomp
Enjoy 3 Primes shuffled into your deck.
Even Embalming Ritual on the minion would be good.
Reliquary of Souls
Can't wait to try out this new Priest archetype only to get shit on by every other deck imaginable and told not to cry about ress priest being the only viable priest deck.
He looks like Ballos.
cave story?