Oil Rig Ambusher

Card Text
Battlecry: Deal 2 damage.
If this entered your hand
this turn, deal 4 instead.
Flavor Text
Days since last accident: 0
Battlecry: Deal 2 damage.
If this entered your hand
this turn, deal 4 instead.
Days since last accident: 0
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God Bless the Enclave
So, you can shadowstep this to deal 4 damage again?
decent card that will see a lot of play because of the lack of better alternatives
Finally a replacement for my Stormpike Commando!
Better than "SI:7 Agent"
I maybe a decent rogue main, but I'm having trouble trying to understand how to correctly use this card and what decks to put it in. I prefer a very mid-ranged value rogue, so is this card useful in that deck archetype?
More burn from Secret Passage.........
Interesting design. I imagine this in any aggro Rogue in Standard.
Kind of cool, new, interesting design.
"If this entered your hand" just seems like unnecessary and unfun rng at first. But I guess you could manipulate it if you can guarantee to draw/add/return it to your hand.
Entered your hand is a broad phrase. Drawn, Discovered, created by a card, using Secret Passage, Mindrender Illucia (if you're the priest) Shadowstep, etc.