Armor Vendor

Card Text
Battlecry: Give 4 Armor to each hero.
Flavor Text
"You look like the kind of person that would buy three sets of armor. One to wear, a spare, and a spare for the spare."
Battlecry: Give 4 Armor to each hero.
"You look like the kind of person that would buy three sets of armor. One to wear, a spare, and a spare for the spare."
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This card is a godsend for some classes. This is a huge boon for Warlock and Mage, the former has great synergy with the hero power and the latter has more life gain and can stack a lot of armor in conjunction with Ice Barrier. And just great in general for all classes wanting to play any sort of value or control playstyle. And since it's a battle cry cards that double up it's battlecry or add copies to your hand is great too.
Yes!!!! We need more cards like this!!! 10/10
Weakens aggros and buffs control decks.
Is this an new expansion? Because the symbol in the middle is different. Also I never heard of this card.
She looks amazing!! I bet she can do some wonderful things to the meta! Make HS healthy again!
a symmetrical effect defensive 1 drop? In hearthstone? never
This card seems too good at what it does.
Platebreaker meta coming? lul
Good anti aggro card. Sort of similar to mistress of mixtures. Looks more convenient thou
Pretty amazing one drop for any deck that's not a face deck honestly.
fck me, this is a good card for any control deck
how tho? this card gives armor for both players
A horse also has hair on its back;)
now i can gurantee Tickatus is getting nerfed.
a HUUUUUGE buff for control decks, a neutral Eternium Rover