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When he dies, it sounds like he's saying "Fuck me..."
the strongest turn 1 in the game right now
Why are people running this card over Armorsmith? Is it that good?
Man I want this guy's voice on one of those robotic disk vacuums:
Remote Turn On: Cleaning Commences!
Enters bathroom: Messy Messy.
Enters kids room: Messy Messy.
Enters cat litter: Messy Messy.
Interrupting couple's moment: Messy Messy.
relly nice magnetic target , and good at the start too, nice combo ahah
That art is gorgeous, I can't wait to see it golden
Man, mech warrior seems like it's going to become a pretty viable deck.
Control warrior might be back in armored version! *heavy breathing in plate armor*
Armorsmith’s best friend.
Stats and the Mech tag are enough to play it.
Look like OP for the 1-drop.
this is that "control" card that your opponent drops on turn 1 that ends up as a 8/16 with windfury divine shield lifesteal on turn 4 to finish you up.
Great stats, great effect, magnetizable and odd compatible. This card is amazing.
One of if not the best card in the expansion so far. This is incredible even without mech synergy, being a strictly better Dire Mole, which is already used in a lot of aggro decks at the moment. This will be used in all types of Warrior [edit: except for Recruit], and will be devastating in a mech deck. Don't underestimate this card. If Warrior is meta, it will be largely because of this.
Oof. What a great Magnetic target.
I believe Druid, Hunter and Rogue are the only classes without a class specific 1 mana 1/3 and this is the third one for Warrior. I might be wrong.
Whirlwind type effect synergy is always welcome in warrior, question is whether there is a spot where you could put it in a deck. (and in deck running Dr. Boom, Mad Genius it probably is decent card)
the main thing is that this effect will be added after magnetic
Well sure. But does he make the cut among all other mechs which we haven't seen yet? Let's wait and see!