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this card is fucking broken insane value one of the best spirits
Shame that the tokens all look the same. Would've been cooler if they handled it like they did with Jade Golems. I wanted to see a 1/1 Tiger kitten.
Time to be a psychopath and play a bunch of 0 cost spells with this out...
Very good in a Quest Paladin or some sort of Lynessa/Buff archetype. Very nice synergy with Spikeridged Steed and Arcane Tyrant.
Somehow I feel like even if this ends up being really strong (and it might be) Quest Paladin is still going to be terrible, because running the Quest will put you at more of a disadvantage than just playing a regular deck with buffs.
the tiger summoned is just a neutral minion without any ability right?
Simply stats and no ability, yes, but while we're not sure yet, it's more likely to be a paladin token minion rather than neutral.
Oh hey, Summoning Stone with stealth! Who'd'a thunk it.
Oh hey, ringing bells won't summon Doomslayers.
I must say, the consistency of the tigers are definitely something I value this card for. Sure, highrolling with random summoning effects are fun, but with this you eliminate the risk of summoning pathetically weak high-costed minions.
Nah, odd paladin already has decent cards and a high winrate.
If you give it more tools it will feel unfair like even paladin before the call to arms nerf.
Even Paladin is looking better and better
I would say control/heal paladin is getting buffed this expansion, not just even paladin.
I think this will get played a lot since whenever it's resurrected, even though it will only have 1 health, it will reactivate stealth.
Blizzard REALLY hates odd paladin. The message is pretty basic DON'T FUCKING PLAY ODD, GO CONTROL INSTEAD.
Huge stat gains with Blessing of Kings (basically 4 Mana for 8/8, and Bittertide Hydra saw play for 5 mana)
Super value with A New Challenger...,
Fill your board with Sound the Bells!,
Super sticky with Desperate Stand and tanky with Spikeridged Steed.
This card can snowball games out of proportion. Obviously good with the Tiger Loa. Slow Palladins incoming?
Tigers are my favorite animals anyway... If I'm not getting it, I'm crafting both Spirit and Loa...
Yup. And if you did, on turn 7 you can also cast A New Challenger...
Imagine facing a Palladin with this board on turn 7:
Stealth2/9 Spirit of the Tiger with Taunt and Deathrattle: Summon a 2/6 Taunt Dino-1 6/6 Tiger
-1 7/7 Tiger
-1 6-cost Minion with Divine Shield Taunt
Sounds broken. Mid Range Pally incoming?
Oh, true. But a 2/9 is still fairly tanky, and you can also play this on turn 6 and cast Desperate Stand on it^^
I can see now how control paladin might be a little bit more viable. Tempo swings like this are what slower paladins were really missing. Can't wait.