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Mark of Y'Shaarj
keeper of uldaman is so much better for 2 extra mana you get a 3/4. I'll take a hero power that gives me a 3/4 anyday.
Keeper withou a stick
A reprinted version of Keeper of Uldaman without a body.
Keeper of Uldaman -> Sunkeeper Tarim -> Dark Conviction
ugh, this with the new 1 drop divine shield taunt :(
Righteous Protector-> coin + Righteous Protector + Dark Conviction
Opponent concedes
Eater of Secrets XD
this will make dealing with fat taunts and The Lich King much easier, paladin lacks strong single target removal and Keeper of Uldaman was the best thing paladin had, this is the same effect just cheaper and without the irrelevant 3/4 body also can be used as a small tempo boost to your Righteous Defender, will see a 2 of in all midrange decks and some control decks
This is basically a "choose one" effect for paladin
The time has finally come for my Angry Chicken Quest Paladin lol
Cheap and versatile, gonna see this is a good amount of decks.
Such as?
Such as Zoo, Control and Quest.
But I think this card seems more valuable as an Arena card than in constructed.
Uldaman, but without da man
good one x'D
But she's a woman.
Righteous Defender followup
if you play it defensivley, you don't need it. It's better to play something else in that case.