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This lovely creature gets the distinction of Worst Card Ever Made.
And amazingly, it's bad-ness is what makes it so good if you put it into the right deck...
Or if your opponent gets it from a random summoning effect. XD
shaman evolves into howlfiend...the one time i'm playing c'thun
This card is actually great in Zoo, it can single-handedly snowball itself to victory. The drawback is insignificant when you are going all-in.
When a card is so bad it's only saving grace is giving it to your opponent (Treachery)
I wanna quit hearthstone right now, playing handlock and got this from fucking bane of doom...
lol this avatar kkkkk
http://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/55594-bloodbloom http://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/42033-kara-kazham http://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/62894-howlfiend http://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/62875-treachery http://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/62840-defile
this card is so fucking op WTF... LMAO 3 mana 3/6 Like really? are u fucking serious?
not like discard lock wasnt strong enough so they decided to buff it even more with the new legendary and this LMAO. fucking joke.
The strength is mostly it's effect, not the stats (though they're pretty good as well).
How akward are you if your opponent Play Lakkari Sacrifice Turn 1 and play Coin + This in Turn 2
You don't want this card anywhere near your deck unless Blizzard print 15 cards that benefit from discard mechanic to fill at least half your deck with in wild.
Warlock now has the option to actually devour your deck! If you combine it with treachery, granted that 5 cosplay. But the next turn. You could basically destroy a person's entire hands, just need to time it really well with your portal!
Not saying it's going to be a thing. But if this and Treachery somehow manage to find themselves in a competent deck then it will be the most toxic experience. What deck is fine with having their hand destroyed without a say in the matter? Decks that don't have a large hand size past turn 3 wouldn't care, and decks with no reliance on any specific handful of cards would probably be fine... So that leaves hard aggro decks and zoo. Any other deck would be absolutely crippled if a feasible warlock combo occurs.
Doesn't help that this card is absolutely unplayable unless you want to try using it with Treachery. Whether it's good or not, Blizzard probably planned on this synergy which means they've done a complete 180 on their statement that they will never print cards that discard your opponent's hand or deck because it creates a very unfun game for whoever's on the other side. This is why Illidan went from "Battlecry: Both Players discard 3 cards then draw 3 cards." to its current battlecry. Blizzard didn't want to enforce a playstyle where a player has their hand/deck crippled with no say in the matter.
I am going to highly doubt that's going to show up because that is way to power one technically you would have to see your opposing hand. Now having the random juncture and have it to start at the beginning of your enemy hero turn would make that card really good. Basically, a secret doom Say. Now what would be really devious, is making a Deathwing, but instead of your hand it your opponent's hand!
I doubt anyone would play this card just cause it has an extra three health...espicaily if the extra health is beneficial to your opponent. Keeping this around would be dangerous for your hero, this card won't see any play by me for sure.
This only works if your hand is empty.
This + Blood-Queen Lana'thel + Clutchmother Zavas + Cruel Dinomancer is definitely something I'll try in a deck.
imagine completing quest with this
and this gets damaged again and you discard the nether portal 4Head
This card will be greater than you imagine.
The point of Nether Portal is it doesn't have an immediate effect. it gives value over time and sooner you play it, higher change you to win.
if this card allows you to play Nether Portal on turn 5, then it's worth to discard all your hand until turn 5.