Holy Champion
Card Text
Overheal: Gain +2 Attack.
Flavor Text
She really likes seeing people get better. That's why she hurts them in the first place.
Card Sounds
Overheal: Gain +2 Attack.
She really likes seeing people get better. That's why she hurts them in the first place.
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One of the best card for priest in arena. If you control the board and opponent doesn't have removal, "Finger lady" becomes a huge minion.
I can't understand why is this card so underrated? It always forces the enemy to use up his premium removals, and if not he is dead. It's a win condition on it's own and can aburdly run out of control. Heck, if i don't have a turn 6, i can still play her and heal myself and get a 5/5 with potential for more with battlecry: heal for 2 for 6 mana. Or better: it's a 5/5 for 5 that discounted my hero power by 1 in this turn. And exact this flexibility makes her so strong.
Still: there's no single deck that uses her or at least try to use her.
I could understand that she was pretty bad before WoG simply because of the existence of Big Game Hunter. But this card is gone, so why nobody tries her? If at least decks try her and would fail, then i could understand it, but nobody even takes her to consider, even through she always uses either up an enemys premium removal or allows you to deal heavy damage or trade very favorably.
I've put a deck together with her and I've been having good success with it, got to rank 12 solely with it so far and I've been steadily climbing. http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/609581-midrange-resurrect-priest
I agree she's underrated, which is why I crafted two Golden versions of her and I'm dedicated to making her work.
Holy Champion, for when you need to do some pwning. Priest style.
This with Shadowboxer, Lightwarden, and Kvaldir Raider on board with a Holy Nova makes for a sweet combo :)
Or excavated ebil and circle of healing. + 2 attack for all minions on the board with over 3 health
Just owned a dragon priest with a 19/7 Holy Champion. I love this card !
i got an 87 10 holy champion through bm.
Gotta admit, this card really is damn good. Combo her with Shadowboxer and Holy Nova, and you've got a pretty potent combo. I've had her at 15+ attack at times lol. Certainly one of the better cards from TGT.
If you can manage to get Power Word: Glory on her it triggers her bonus before the attack just FYI.
this card is so underrated :(
It's the dragon priests.
I run this in dragon priest...
Most dragon priests don't run this, maybe there is a better dragon to put in instead of holy champion.
yeah twilight gaurdian but I dont have enough dust!
RIP in peace Garr! Turn 4 this into Circle of Healing to not only leave his field clogged by 0/5s but give you a 17/5 minion on the board. Beaten on Heroic without any Firesworn exploding at all.
Just did that as well ^~^
Didn't even have to make a custom deck, got lucky with the mulligan in my Control Priest (with only one Holy Champion) and finished him quick on my first try.
Love it when she says, "How many fingers do you see?"
This card is a common card that behaves like a legendary. Becomes unmanageable for opponents very quickly. Forces opponent removal early so now your boom and sneed's are more likely to stick around. Makes light well relevant again.
nerf that shit its to fucking insane