
Card Text
Discover a Hero Power and set its Cost to (0). Swap back after 2 uses.
Flavor Text
Saying the spell’s name makes it work better.
Discover a Hero Power and set its Cost to (0). Swap back after 2 uses.
Saying the spell’s name makes it work better.
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This is pretty good with weapon rogue in standard right now. Since daggering up is pretty useless when you have a big, chunky weapon in hand already.
Finding steady shot has been able to help close out games, so that's pretty cool. 1-mana: deal 4 damage to face.
Apart from the fact that Kingsbane Rogue has closed slots, if there is any addition to be made I would use that card. Probably 1 off, not double.
There are sometimes where tech cards won't even help you. And if you discover something like Steady Shot, or Life Tap, or even Shapeshift you're good to go. The thing is that you get an extra button for 2 turns that may help you close the game faster. You sacrifice a slot, but you turn your worthless hero power into something useful.
I don't know.
So, let's see...
That just leaves Life Tap, which is 1 mana take 4 damage draw 2 cards, which I think is a strong effect, even in spite of rogue already using their health as a resource.
This feels like "discover a 1-cost spell from another class and cast it over the course of two turns", with the caveat that the pool you're discovering from is smaller than that and doesn't really have any blatant duds. Note also that the odds of being offered at least one of the three ping hero powers is 1 - (6/9)*(5/8)*(4/7) = 76.2%, which is respectably dependable. I think it actually stands a chance of seeing play in aggro rogue – it's versatile yet respectably consistent, and finding Life Tap is quite powerful. Plus it's quite a fine thing to find in your Secret Passage!
Grizzled Wizard + Finley except you can run two of these
This is actually significantly more powerful than people are thinking, simply because replacing your hero power refreshes it. For example, on turn 3, you can hero power to get your dagger and attack, then play this to replace your hero power and cast that new power for free. Then, next turn, you can cast the free hero power and attack to use the final charge of your dagger, which gives you the option to re-equip that turn.
That also means it's not really any worse in Duels than in Standard, which I think is cool.
not a bad card to generate but unless there is some wacky HP combo for rogue, I don't see this being worth a slot
The Rogue Hero power loses value as the game gets longer, so it's not entirely useless. However, I find it hard to imagine a deck where it's worth a space in the deck.
I really like how this looks. Very rogue flavour.
Now, I just really want to believe that you can find upgraded hero powers, but that would be too good... right?
Inspire Rogue meta domination!
So 1 mana, discover a 1 mana effect you can use twice. Its low value, high randomness, low payout. Its only real value is in it being a 1 mana card for spell triggers and combo effects.
I think it will get played in Wild. There are turns where you wish you could play with a hero power. Especially Kingsbane Rogue, where the hero power is dead, or even some Controlish Rogues with Spectral Cutglass, where the hero power is also dead.
Would a aggressive deck really waste a card slot on a card that gives them a new hero power? or would they rather put in more aggressive options or counters to other powerful decks? In my eyes the answer is clear.
Now we're talking.
Wow basically a 1 mana for 4 mana value
Not really, because hero powers aren't really worth 2 mana. I don't see a world where this is any good, but maybe there's some support on the way.
Have you played much rouges? Most of the time, the point is to have as many cards as possible, that all generate a little tempo, and a few that create a lot of tempo. This is PERFECT for not just some rogue decks, but most. Because you play tempo, you can easily benefit from most of the hero powers, and every time you get life tap the game gets a lot easier.
May not see a lot of play, but it does look very fun. Being able to swap hero powers and make it cost zero is adaptive: you may want the healing of a priest or the draw of a warlock. It will be a great card to get off of value generation cards, the problem being is that rogue does not have that many cards that can generate from their own class. (Instead they use other classes cards)