Cult Neophyte
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Battlecry: Your opponent's spells cost (1) more next turn.
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Make a new recruit's deficiencies your efficiencies.
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Battlecry: Your opponent's spells cost (1) more next turn.
Make a new recruit's deficiencies your efficiencies.
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for 2 mana we already have premium stats (more than just 2/2 for 2) and good battlecry. Good for aggro and tempo decks
I'm calling it that this will be one of the best cards in the set for any aggro deck. Solid stat line for the cost, low cost and actually decent battlecry for what an aggro deck wants, which is slow down your opponents response to your board. Seems perfect.
The same use of Loatheb, playing aggro and try to delay a mass removal, I not sure if will work well, 5 manas more is much more reliable but aggro prefer much more a 3/2 for 2 instead a 5/5 for 5.
Mini Loatheb it seems. But i can't see a specific use for it yet.