United in Stormwind Launch Day - Everything You Need To Know!
Hearthstone's newest expansion United in Stormwind launches today, August 3rd. We brought all the information and useful links together in this news post for you.
- The United in Stormwind Expansion is LIVE!
- Yet another 135 new cards have been added to the game.
- Another 35 cards will follow in a Mini-Set midway through the expansion. There's no official details revealed yet!
- You can view all the new cards in our United in Stormwind Card List.
- PvE content for the United in Stormwind expansion will be a continuation of the Book of Mercenaries storylines.
Included for free in the Expansion
- All players logging in will get the United in Stormwind Legendary card Flightmaster Dungar for free!
- All players opening up the first Reward in the new Free Reward Track will get a Legendary Card for free, Lady Prestor!
- All players will have access to the free Core set, a replacement for the Classic and Basic set, read all about it here.
- There has been no mention so far of a chain of Event Quests to celebrate the release, like there often was.
We're investigating reports that Flightmaster Dungar doesn't count toward the Stormwind Legendary Collector achievement. Working on it!
— 💙Celestalon✨🐉 #ActiBlizzWalkout (@Celestalon) August 3, 2021
New Mechanics
- New Mechanic: Questlines - Cards that begin in your hand and have three steps of requirements and rewards, finishing with an upgraded Legendary mercenary minion!
- Mounts - Buff cards that give the target a deathrattle that will summon a Mount Minion, inspired by the original Mount spell.
- New Keyword: Tradeable - Special cards that can be reshuffled into your deck and replaced with a drawn card for 1-mana.
- Profession Tools - Weapons with special effects instead of attack values. Gathering the crafting requirements gets you an awesome effect!
Other Mechanics
Some mechanics that were seen in previous card sets were brought back on new cards, as well as some truly new mechanics were added:
- Interaction with the number of cards drawn that turn.
- Cards that shuffle minions into the deck that cast when Drawn.
- Tokens that go to your hand if they cannot fit the battlefield.
- A spell that gets shuffled back into your deck after use, and gets stronger.
- Handbuffing is back for Paladin.
- A minion that increases damage taken by 1 from all sources, for BOTH players.
- Start your game as a different class, until you play your first Rogue card!
- Handsize interactions for Warlock.
- Force your opponent's minions to attack a chosen minion on the Player's side.
- You can view all the new cards in our United in Stormwind Cards List.
10 Legendary Questlines each representing a different class. The mercenaries stories will continue in United in Stormwind, as well as hopefully later in the new Game mode, Mercenaries.
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Arena Changes
The Arena rotation is being shaken up. This time it is the following card sets that are active:
- United in Stormwind
- Forged in the Barrens
- Wailing Caverns Mini-Set
- Madness at the Darkmoon Faire
- Darkmoon Races Mini-Set
- The Witchwood
- Saviors of Uldum
- Rastakhan's Rumble
- Core
Theorycrafted Decks
We created a special Decks post yesterday, with a lot of new archetypes and a lot of new deck ideas. You can find the links to that Decks post below.
Alternatively, create your own deck with the Deckbuilder, add a good guide on how to pilot the deck and help create the post-launch meta!
That should get you started! Thanks for being with us throughout this exciting United in Stormwind reveal period. Shoutout to everyone who helped in one way or another during this time, the other moderators and staff and the devs and all the users who gave us useful suggestions and feedback, and to everyone who enjoyed and supported our coverage. You rock!
If you are looking for some company while opening packs or playing, come chat with us on our Discord.
United in Stormwind Card List & Expansion Guide
Learn more and see all the cards in our dedicated Card List.
My luck this expansion... Horrendous to say the least... To start things off: one of the two golden legendaries from pre-order bundle was... Drum roll, please... None other than mighty Anetheron himself... Other one was Rise to the Occasion, it's not great, but not terrible either. Next I have opened 145 packs total... 5 legendaries... FIVE!!! The first guaranteed legendary in 10 packs was literally in 10th pack... Every other legendary averaged to 1 in every 30 packs... (After last legendary the pity timer is sitting on 16.) Welp, at least golden packs contained something I wanted: Seek Guidance. Yeah, I know, I know it's terrible, but I love the art on it so much.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Welp... This comment aged quick... Opened 2 packs I got from rewards track and second one contained double legendary. Sure, both of them are mediocre at best, but it does bring average amount of packs required per legendary to the "standard".
The first time I didn't preorder the set, but used my ingame gold.
I think I've never been that lucky before. 9 Legs and 1 Golden Leg in 100 Packs. I even got three legendaries in a row (in three packs). I've never seen that before. Amazing.
Dude you hit the jackpot. Most legs I've ever pulled was from the Boomsday preorder and that was 6 (no gold)
So, looking at questlines, the story is Tamsin opening a portal for Demons, and now they attack Stormwind?
Bought today 80 Stormwind packs.
Started opening:
After opening 9 packs I got first legendary -The Rat King
That was weird, but OK.
After that I opened 37 packs and I finaly got second legendary card - Find the Imposter.
I think OK, OK now must be better...
Well - I opened after that rest of the pack = no legendary cards xD.
You know - it was fun experiencing getting wrecked in one the first ranked games by Warlock with his The Demon Seed, and in the next game win with other Warlock by concede, when I used Savory Deviate Delight on his Blightborn Tamsin - yeah, that was fun win, but..
But opening these packs actually hurts :S
Still every second deck in wild is cancerous Secret Mage
opened 81 packs, only got 3 leg
i love playing against all last expansions meta decks. Having a great time...
huh.. anyone else notice the slightly different art on golden vs non-golden Pandaren Importer?
I wonder if this is intended or the golden animation ig bugged..?
pretty sure the lower arm is supposed to move a little, and if you look closely, you see that it's just missing. has to be a bug
I'm killing it with Raid the Docks in Wild. Really fun! I can aometimes complete it on curve and play Cap'n Rokara at turn 5.
I have 19 Year of the Phoenix card packs - should I open them before buying Stormwind packs?
Because that's my plan...
I opened two that I had - and got duplicates. I don't think they are doing what you think they do.
from 42 packs I got 2 useless legendary. I can remember when icc is the meta and from every 10 packs I got latest one legendary. But now.. when a new something releases i get a lot of option to spend a lot of money
What new standard decks are people seeing so far? Any new wild?
new expansion,new broken stuff in wild so niceeeeeee CAN WE SEE THIS CARD NERFED ALREADY Sorcerer's Apprentice TO NOT MAKE A SPELL COST 0 , PLS?
Mage Quest (Spell mage version) is very fun and not at all hard to complete.
I have a bug, that i don´t get the achievements for "Stormwind Legendary Collector", "For the Alliance!" and "Stormwind Neutral Collector", but i have all cards. I think the problem is that i have "Cornelius Roame" only in golden.
Known issue. Has to do with Flightmaster it seems, not Roame.
"We're investigating reports that Flightmaster Dungar doesn't count toward the Stormwind Legendary Collector achievement. Working on it!"