Pandaren Importer
Card Text
Battlecry: Discover a
spell that didn't start
in your deck.
Flavor Text
She carries everything you didn't want and more!
Battlecry: Discover a
spell that didn't start
in your deck.
She carries everything you didn't want and more!
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Something wrong with golden animation
Love the interaction the new rogue Legendary, you can discover from the class you start as.
is it a discover a pool of cards you didn't build into your deck or is it discover a card that was added
I can't be the only one who thought you could discover a spell in your deck that you didn't start with-- thinking this would be great for C'thun.
I see it also in standard decks with Kazakus, Golem Shaper some classes have pretty good 4 mana spells and could get them then again. And it wild imagen a Prince deck where you have to stop using so much diffrent mana costs :D
Τhis card is so good for a Shadow Priest deck . You can discover holy spells without having them in deck , so thats good . Even if you use wand makers in deck you can discover some healing so this card is a 3 stars for me
I am going to dust all the spells from my collection that I don't want this card discovering 🧠
It's not gonna work. You can still discover them
But you can't get a conditional good spell like against the odds or the 3 manas lifesteal 4 damage from Wandmaker, this one can.
So what happens if I include all 28 Paladin spells and two copies of this card… would I discover a card from another class then?
Paladin has 29 spells, and is going to be getting more in the new expansion. (Probably a mount card among other things)
Excellent card, specially for priests, now we can acess silence easily if needed and healing with the heal 5 you don't put in the deck because the heal 3 discover a spell is much better but sometimes you need more.
x2 of this card in all priests lists for sure.
Not counting new spells there are currently 20 +/- 2 spells (depending on inclusions) people dont put in their deck so the chance to hit cheap extra heal is around ~30% while the chance to hit silence is ~14%. Wandmaker has a higher chance to hit either, i currently dont see this card replace wandmaker (unless the add horrible 1 mana spells) or any other card in priest.
It's a discover effect, so you have 3 chances to hit that 30%, and every time you don't hit it, your chances of hitting it go up.
Depending on what you're not running.
But honestly, 1/3 for 2, +1 to your hand, as usual, is just good. And even if there are cards you don't necessarily want, the card pool doesn't really have anything outright useless or bad in it like it used to.
Those 30% allready include the triple chance, and no your chances dont go up if you fail to discover the correct option (desperate prayer and flash heal so 2 out of ~20 spells -> ~10% x3)
I also dont think the card is bad, i jsut dont think it is good enough to replace anything in the current menagerie priest archetype.
Oh, you were talking about a specific list.
I think this card more than anything is for lists running with specific restrictions. So Frost Mage/Holy Priest/Shadow Priest decks. You have good odds on getting a card that you wanted to include but felt you couldn't.
Priest has lots of good tech cards, though. Cards that they don't run, so I feel like even in those circumstances, an early game card that cycles itself still has potential as an inclusion.
I feel like this might see play in "spell type" decks, like freeze mage or shadow priest if that becomes a playable archetype other than that i dont see what kind of decks would run this.
The number of spells in Standard is about to increase quite a bit, so this won't be as consistent as Scorpion and Lunacy have been. (Nor will Scorpion and Lunacy, for that matter.)
In standard the pool of spells is already kind of limited, so the pool of spells you don't use can be very small. That said, they do tend to be spells you don't even want to run, so I'm looking forward to seeing this find a proper use case.
I absolutely loathe these kind of "Discover an answer you didn't put in your deck" cards. They need to stop making them.