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    posted a message on Release date and full set of cards

    August 14th - Livestream card reveal.

    August 17th - TGT Cards enabled in Arena.

    August 24th - Full Release.

    Most likely this.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Paladin Card - Warhorse Trainer
    Quote from wisesquirrel jump

    we already got Shielded Minibot, an insane 2 drop.

    Not so insane when all the other classes have an equally good, or better 2 cost minion. Four have already come out this expansion, and only half the cards have been revealed.

    This is part of my point, we are the minion class. But the other classes 2 drops that are coming out are stronger or equal to our 2 drop. But our 3 drop is not stronger, not even equal, but much weaker than the other classes 3 drops.

    We already have bad spells compared to other classes. Why should we not get strong minions? And if not strong minions, then give us the damn spells already.

    Quote from wisesquirrel jump

    Every class is getting bad cards, no need to be frustrated over this one.

    But there is, Paladin has been lacking a good on curve 3 cost minion since forever. Aldor is not a good turn 3 play, it's what you do as a last resort, if you have absolutely nothing else to do. Heck, if we had a good, on curve 3, I'd even consider dropping down to only one Aldor Peacekeeper. It is a good minion but it is hard to get good value out of both of them. Usually one ends up getting wasted just to play the body.

    As we all know, Aldor Peacekeeper is a very situational 3 cost minion, not meant to be played on turn 3. Last expansion we also got a 3 drop, Scarlet Purifier. But once again it was too situational for turn 3. So we already have two 3 cost minions that are highly situational. Adding a third one is not cool. If we are getting another 3 cost minion, why another extremely situational one, we already have that, it doesn't work.

    And not only have we been needing a good 3 cost minion, but just prior to this card being released we saw Argent Lance. A card that has almost no good use due to our already strong weapons. The one case it might actually be playable is if you could have a reliable 3 drop to follow it. Warhorse Trainer being bad is making 2 cards bad. Double the reason to be frustrated.

    We also have seen Silver Hand Regent this expansion. So close, but no cigar. If Silver Hand Regent was a Paladin card, and a 2/4, the problem would be solved. It would still be weaker than Imp Gang Boss and Flamewaker, but it would be close enough. As a 3/3 though, it doesn't work, another tease, so close to having a good 3 drop in Paladin.

    And to top it all off, just last expansion, we saw Imp Gang Boss and Flamewaker. Two extremely strong, on curve, 3 drops, in classes that also have great draw/spells. We can't have good spells because the classes need to be different. But if that's the case, it seems very logical to have the best minions. To see Warlock and Mage with their amazing 3 drops, and then to be a Paladin, the minion focused class, and get given this terrible 3 cost minion. It's a slap in the face.

    I'm fully aware that all classes get a few bad cards each expansion. But there are plenty of reason why this card being bad is so much worse than any other card. Give us some garbage 8 cost minion, or a garbage 1 cost. Lets see more bad spells. Any of those would be much preferred to seeing a bad 3 drop. Specifically the 3 drop is something that we desperately need in Paladin.

    Heck even if we saw a garbage minion at any other cost it would be preferable. A garbage 1, 4, 6, or 8 would be kind of cool in a way, since Paladin doesn't have any minions at those costs. So having a bad card at that mana cost could in some ways be considered better than not having any minions at that mana cost. Even if they are bad, it still allows fun things like all Paladin minion decks.

    And then when the next expansion comes they can make a slightly better one, and it feels like an upgrade rather than this feeling like a worse minion that we don't need, in an already clogged mana spot, but one that now we still need a minion for cause we have 2 successive expansions with failed 3 drops. Now we have to wait for another expansion and Paladin has to waste an additional card at the 3 mana spot. It sort of feels like having so many bad 1 cost spells. It's worse the more clogged that mana spot becomes with bad cards. Having something like a Lowly Squire, would be so much better. Bad card, not going to see play in constructed, but it would fill a mana spot that we have nothing in, so a bad card is kind of ok at an unfilled mana cost as long as it has good art and a cool name.

    Plenty of reasons. Very much the same reasons why Silver Hand Regent is so disappointing to me and I've written about it in many threads. One of the most exciting things this expansion, to me, was Paladin minions, and even more specifically, a 3 cost Paladin minion. Silver Hand Regent is so close, but the stats don't work, it needs the 4 health. So after seeing one minion come so damn close to being Paladin's much needed three drop, but in the end failing. It is so much worse to see a 3 drop that's an actual Paladin class card and to have it be even worse than the Silver Hand Regent. So disappointing.


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Paladin Card - Warhorse Trainer
    Quote from Soulink1 jump

    I would much rather have a 2/4 with text that said "every time this minion takes damage, summon a silver hand recruit". Now THAT would be value

    Quote from TundrazZ jump

    I don't get it. This is just a raid leader with worse effect and better stats... I doubt it will be run

    I agree on both points.

    Warhorse Trainer. Why are we getting another bad 3 drop? We already had Scarlet Purifier from last expansion, didn't work, too situational. And now we get this garbage. Once again, a card that is too situational for turn 3, only 2 more health for a worse effect than the unplayed Raid Leader. Not even close to as good as Imp Gang Boss or Flamewaker.

    Why do these classes get better minions than Paladin? They already have much better spells, and are two of the classes currently dominating the game. Look at all the two drops coming out that are better than Shielded Minibot, Druid got 2, Warrior got 1, Shaman got 1, all of them better than Shielded Minibot. We had a good minion, and now it's like, oh Paladin had something good? Better give it to all the other classes, only fair, right? But when it's the other way around, and Paladin is the class gaining something that the other classes had, all the sudden it's like, oh NO, Paladin can't have that, we must make it garbage, cause reasons. And there are no reasons, just bad logic.

    And not only is this card bad, but it also makes Argent Lance bad. The only way Argent Lance could be good, is if Paladin had a great turn 3 minion, meant to be played on curve. Didn't happen so now not only is this card bad, but it also ruins Argent Lance since we almost certainly will not be getting another 3 cost minion this expansion.

    After seeing this terrible card, that new Paladin Epic up for vote better be batshit insane, shitting on all cards that came before it. And ffs, it better not be another 5 cost.

    And give us a 2 mana, 3 damage removal already. Cause Paladin certainly ain't getting "OP" minions, actually weaker than most other classes minions. And we don't have the spells either. Fuck you Blizz.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on New Paladin Card - Warhorse Trainer

    Warhorse Trainer

    Not sure if I like it all that much. I guess the stats are good and the effect is situationally good. But compare it to Imp Gang Boss and Flamewaker. Unlike those two cards, which can be played on curve, this is another conditional 3 mana minion.

    And I mean come on. Warlock and Mage having better minions than Paladin. How is that fair? We are the minion class, and we even pay for it with terrible damage spells and lack of removal. We deserve the stronger minions.

    We needed something that could be dropped on turn 3, with no prior set up, and still be strong. When are you going to have a Silver Hand Recruit on turn 3? Having coin and playing Muster for Battle on turn 2 is about the only way it can happen, and many classes are quite keen to clear that board right after the Muster is played. And even that can only happen 50% of the time at most since it relies on the coin. So once again, it is a highly conditional card.

    Just last night I was saying how Argent Lance, a card that is pretty accepted as not that great, might actually be playable if Paladin gets a great 3 cost minion, meant to be played on curve.

    Well here's a 3 cost minion, but it is another conditional minion, not a turn 3 play. Seems to be better in aggro and aggressive midrange/tempo decks rather than control and late game decks. Aggro already runs Muster for Battle and some even run one Quartermaster, but it is on the verge of being too expensive for full aggro, Warhorse Trainer seems like it will do the job better in aggro Paladin, as it is cheap, but still pushes extra damage out of your recruits.

    Unfortunate. I really want a super late, control Paladin to work. Or Dragon Paladin. Don't care so much about aggro Paladins getting better.

    Still trying to figure out the logic of these cards. Warhorse Trainer and Silver Hand Regent should trade stats. Warhorse Trainer is a card that is better to be played once you already have a board, it doesn't matter so much if it survives, the best use will be to have a bunch of recruits already on board, and then play this card to buff and attack with them. Survival thru a turn is not required from Warhorse Trainer to get value out of it, and as such it would be totally fine as a 3/3. Silver Hand Regent on the other hand, is a card that needs to be played first, and needs to survive to get the value of it's text. It needs the 2/4 so badly.

    It really makes no sense Blizz. Why do the stats of these cards work against what the text is trying to accomplish?

    I guess in the end 2/4 is better than a 3/3. Right? Maybe not. It's more likely to be played in faster, aggro decks, so 3/3 might actually be better for Warhorse Trainer, pushes that 1 extra damage. And Silver Hand Regent would definitely be better as a 2/4. Come on Blizz, why?


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Priest Card - Flash Heal

    The power creep is real.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Grand Crusader

    Grand Crusader

    Did they forget to make the card yellow? Sure seems like it should be a Paladin card. Really wanted a 1, 4, or 6 mana minion for Paladin. In reality it doesn't matter much though, practically a Paladin card anyways, even though it's neutral, since it should seemingly be better in Paladin than any other class. Was really hoping to get a good 6 mana minion out of this expansion for a Taunt Paladin deck. But which to choose? Grand Crusader or Master Jouster. Only got room for 1x of one of 'em.

    And just as a side note, does anyone else feel like the art from these two cards, Grand Crusader and Master Jouster, fits Paladin better than the Tuskarr Jouster that we got? Odd. Not complaining too much, I like turtles, but Paladin already has so many 5 mana minions, wish they would spread our minions out to other mana spots. Now we have Bolvar Fordragon, Quartermaster, Dragon Consort, Tuskarr Jouster, Cobalt Guardian(JK LOL), and all the other good neutral 5s such as Harrison Jones, Loatheb, Sludge Belcher, and Antique Healbot all fighting for the 5 mana spot. Too many 5s.



    Quote from D00mL0rd jump

    You might think this card isn't bad until you realize that 1/3rd of paladin cards are shitty 1 mana spells.


     It is pretty funny how many bad spells there are in Paladin. 13 of 26 of the Paladins non-minion cards are 1 or 2 mana. That's 1/2 their spells/weapons and many of them are unplayable in constructed. The other 13 cards that cost 3 mana or more are a bit better but even some of those are unplayable.

    The other side of it though, is the 10 minions. I'd be happy to get any of the 10 minions. I guess Cobalt Guardian, Scarlet Purifier, or Bolvar Fordragon might be the worst ones to get, but even they are not terrible. Ok Cobalt is terrible, but only in Paladin, if Mech Mage got ahold of one of those, it would be much stronger.

    And even though a lot of the spells are unplayable in constructed, some of them are not terrible, much better since they don't take up a deck slot.


    Quote from McBeard jump

    I'm optimistic about 2 things:

    1. There will be 8 other cards of similar strength capable of drawing other class cards.
    2. There will be other cards like Silver Hand Regent that offer other hero-power-type abilities (Like Tournament Medic for Priest hero power.)

    With these kinds of cards, you could build a deck with a side-spec. Mage/Paladin, Priest/Rogue, etc. It probably won't be reliable nor viable, but certainly fun and worth trying IMO.


    This is what I've been hoping for since I saw Silver Hand Regent followed by Tournament Medic. Seemed like after these two cards they almost have to release the 7 others that have the class hero power in the text. They better.

    And even though Paladin is the only one that has this kind of card so far, it seems like they should do it for all the classes. Sure hope they do.

    And Silver Hand Regent should be 2/4. Even as a 2/4 it would be much weaker than Imp Gang Boss and FlamewakerSilver Hand Regent is slower than those other two cards, and yet it has weaker stats so it is easier to remove, and it costs more to actually use the text. Silver Hand Regent most certainly should have been a 2/4.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Tuskarr Jouster

    Are you sure it's neutral? Cuz it kinda looks like a paladin class card..

    For the first few hours on the site they had it listed as a neutral, so the first few pages might be people thinking it is neutral. I sure thought it was.

    Now that it is a Paladin card though, seems.... risky. Paladin generally doesn't like playing RNG cards.

    TBH Paladin deserved a heal that was better than Antique Healbot, and that's where my problem with this card comes in. If you get the RNG to work it will be better than Antique Healbot, but if you miss on the RNG text, it will be much worse. Paladin invented the Battlecry: Heal hero text. They deserve to have the best hero heal on a minion. Antique Healbot creeped out the Guardian of Kings, and Paladin deserves the creep to take it back. Antique Healbot, a neutral, is still better. UNFORTUNATE.

    TBH it really seems like Tuskarr Jouster should have additional stats or remove the RNG component. Simiilar to Master Jouster's problem: too much of the value of the card is put on a RNG roll. If Master Jouster only had the Divine Shield on RNG roll and Taunt was guaranteed, it would be much, much better and similarly, if only half of the Tuskarr Jouster text was on RNG it would be more appropriate, such as heal 4 guaranteed and heal 4 more based on the RNG roll.

    With so many cards seeming to be 1-2 stats under or missing something, it might be a sign Boom and PShredder will get nerfs. Eadric the Pure seems like a pretty good card, I like it alot, but like with most of the cards from this set, it really feels like it could have 1-2 more stats to be balanced. 4/8 is completely fine in a world where Boom exists. I mean even if Eadric was 4/8, Boom would still be stronger, and this is a recently released, 7 mana class card. We all know class cards are supposed to be stronger than their neutral counterparts. So if Eadric the Pure stats are a 3/7 and Boom doesn't get nerfed, well that's just messed up. Blizz got some 'splainin to do.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on New Card - Armored Warhorse

    Armored Warhorse

    Bad card is bad.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Eadric the Pure

    Well at least they got one thing right this expansion. Eadric the Pure, a great card, truly worthy of Legendary in Paladin, the minion class. Basically an upgraded Aldor Peacekeeper: more health and AoE Humility. It actually has great trading stats, rare compared to many of the other minions released so far this expansion.

    Posted in: Eadric the Pure
  • 11

    posted a message on New Paladin Card - Argent Lance

    Argent Lance. Not a fan. We already have Coghammer. We need 3 damage on 2 mana. Not more 2 damage things, let alone a weapon almost identical to one we already have.

    Doesn't even really make sense. The mechanic suggests it's for late game, high cost decks. But if that's the case, might as well just run Coghammer because who cares about the mana cost if you are a late game, control deck, and on top of that Coghammer has guaranteed 3 durability plus an additional Taunt/Divine Shield on a random minion.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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