Flavor Text:
Rumor has it that his two siblings are called Apples and Oranges.
Replaces the normal discover pool cards with the bananas from Banana Brawl:
(give a minion +1/+1),
Big Banana
(give a minion +2/+2),
Rotten Banana
(deal 1 damage),
Deviate Banana
(swap a minion's Attack and Health) and
Bananas, Mukla's Son
. Can be used in miracle shenanigans and to screw up the opponent's discover pool.
, a baby ape, a son of Mukla, is a non-combat pet in World of Warcraft. Bananas is summoned by a Banana Charm that is obtained from King Mukla TGC card. It's available only to those who receive the King Mukla card in the
World of Warcraft
Through the Dark Portal TCG expansion that has the "scratch off gently" strip that reveals a code. The code is turned in to Landro Longshot in Booty Bay who then gives the Banana Charm.
What do you think about this idea? The cards that replace the normal discover pool are the bananas from Banana Brawl; Bananas, Big Banana, Rotten Banana, Deviate Banana and this card.
Bananas is the TGC pet obtained from Banana Charm. Lorewise Bananas is a son of Mukla. I am a bit uncertain about the name of the card. It can't be only Bananas because that is the name of the spell. "Prince" Bananas and Bananas, Baby Ape didn't feel that great. So far this name is the best I came up with.
Gilneas Roulette! The first one who draws the bullet, wins the duel. Can be used as a meme card especially when DUELING with a friend or even competitive with Myra's Unstable Element to create a cool, potential lethal. Downside is it may end up hitting a worthless minion so requires a lot of setup.
Flavor Text: It's just a normal chicken gone past its best before date.
Creates a problem to the enemy whether to attack or not. Vulnerable to any ping effects. The monstrosity balances its statline by requiring 3 turns before it is able to attack.
I am pondering between these 2 wonky spells. Which one of them sounds crazier and better? I like the flavor with Kael'thas's scheme that the more he "plans" his scheme each turn, the more crazy he goes and just casts more fireballs all over the place.
Flavor Text:
The void is like a vacuum cleaner. Except one day it can swallow you as well.
The first minion will simply gain the Deathrattle. If it's for example
Tirion Fordring
, the card text becomes "Divine Shield, Taunt, Deathrattle: Equip a 5/3 Ashbringer, Deathrattle: Add the card text of this minion to a random minion" which upon death will bounce to yet another minion. The stacking effects keep stacking until the board is fully cleared at once so there is no minion to bounce to. Since the effect stacks only the card texts, no spells or enchantments can be bounced.
What do you think about this idea? The first minion that this effect bounces to would only gain the deathrattle in addition to its own. For example if it bounced to Tirion Fordring, the abilities would be "Divine Shield, Taunt, Deathrattle: Equip 5/3 Ashbringer AND Deathrattle: Give this minion's abilities to a random minion". Then the next minion would gain the previous effects in addition to its own and they would keep stacking forward until all the minions on board were removed for once so there was no minion to bounce to.
Also void revenants are actually NOT DEMONS. Should I stay trustful to the lore or use the demon tag since all void minions in HS have been demons?
Very interesting. Extremely broken under certain conditions I'm sure due to being neutral (getting this to go on Immortal Prelate, Da Undatakah and then Tirion Fordring come to mind), but very interesting none the less. Does it also keep any enchantments/buffs?
I don't think the tribe really matters that much. Blizzard themselves haven't been very consistent with them either. I'd say the tribe should generally match the card image so it visually makes sense.
Very good points! I intended it wouldn't keep any spell effects, only "abilities". It's tough that the difference between an effect, an ability, an enchantment, a buff and a card text is very vague. I think I should change the word "effect" to "card text" although that sounds very lame. I know the card is capable to generate some broken combos but due to the randomness who gains the deathrattle, I think it balances the card (and makes it even crazier). Gonna increase the mana cost by 1 just to be sure! :)
What do you think about this idea? The first minion that this effect bounces to would only gain the deathrattle in addition to its own. For example if it bounced to Tirion Fordring, the abilities would be "Divine Shield, Taunt, Deathrattle: Equip 5/3 Ashbringer AND Deathrattle: Give this minion's abilities to a random minion". Then the next minion would gain the previous effects in addition to its own and they would keep stacking forward until all the minions on board were removed for once so there was no minion to bounce to.
Also void revenants are actually NOT DEMONS. Should I stay trustful to the lore or use the demon tag since all void minions in HS have been demons?
What do you think about the idea and balance of this card? Idea is you fill the empty spots on the battlefield, potentially blocking your opponent from playing any minions on their following turn and setting you up for lethal turn. Downside is if your opponent can some easy way buff the ravens for their turn. Inspiration comes from the curse of the raven lord in HOTS.
Flavor Text:
There are no known reports of gnome thievery. Maybe they are too small to be seen or maybe because they can carry so little nobody even notices something is missing.
I was thinking to design a card with an idea that if everything you own is already stolen from your opponent, steal even more! Would combo quite well well Togwaggle's Scheme and Academic Espionage. What do you think about the idea and the balance? I was comparing the mana cost to Azalina Soulthief and Hex Lord Malacrass.
Flavor Text:
She foresaw you would read this flavor text.
My take on The League of E.V.I.L's Madame Lazul. She will allow you to peek a part of opponent's hand and potentially give you a copy of a card if you foresee right what card the opponent will play. This will also force the opponent to reconsider what card to play next.
EDIT: I am quite impressed how close my entry is to real Madame Lazul that was revealed a day after my submission.
Flavor Text: Rumor has it that his two siblings are called Apples and Oranges.
Replaces the normal discover pool cards with the bananas from Banana Brawl: Bananas (give a minion +1/+1), Big Banana (give a minion +2/+2), Rotten Banana (deal 1 damage), Deviate Banana (swap a minion's Attack and Health) and Bananas, Mukla's Son . Can be used in miracle shenanigans and to screw up the opponent's discover pool.
Bananas , a baby ape, a son of Mukla, is a non-combat pet in World of Warcraft. Bananas is summoned by a Banana Charm that is obtained from King Mukla TGC card. It's available only to those who receive the King Mukla card in the World of Warcraft Through the Dark Portal TCG expansion that has the "scratch off gently" strip that reveals a code. The code is turned in to Landro Longshot in Booty Bay who then gives the Banana Charm.
What do you think about this idea? The cards that replace the normal discover pool are the bananas from Banana Brawl; Bananas, Big Banana, Rotten Banana, Deviate Banana and this card.
Bananas is the TGC pet obtained from Banana Charm. Lorewise Bananas is a son of Mukla. I am a bit uncertain about the name of the card. It can't be only Bananas because that is the name of the spell. "Prince" Bananas and Bananas, Baby Ape didn't feel that great. So far this name is the best I came up with.
Gilneas Roulette! The first one who draws the bullet, wins the duel. Can be used as a meme card especially when DUELING with a friend or even competitive with Myra's Unstable Element to create a cool, potential lethal. Downside is it may end up hitting a worthless minion so requires a lot of setup.
Flavor Text: It's just a normal chicken gone past its best before date.
Creates a problem to the enemy whether to attack or not. Vulnerable to any ping effects. The monstrosity balances its statline by requiring 3 turns before it is able to attack.
Flavor Text: If you can't pay, I'll kill you. If you pay, I'll kill you later.
Without a Coin: deals 2 damage and adds a Coin to the hand. With a Coin: deals 4 damage.
Thief's Bargain is a Subtlety Rogue PvP talent that reduces the cooldown of Vanish spell by 45 sec, but reduces maximum health by 15%.
I am pondering between these 2 wonky spells. Which one of them sounds crazier and better? I like the flavor with Kael'thas's scheme that the more he "plans" his scheme each turn, the more crazy he goes and just casts more fireballs all over the place.
Flavor Text: The void is like a vacuum cleaner. Except one day it can swallow you as well.
The first minion will simply gain the Deathrattle. If it's for example Tirion Fordring , the card text becomes "Divine Shield, Taunt, Deathrattle: Equip a 5/3 Ashbringer, Deathrattle: Add the card text of this minion to a random minion" which upon death will bounce to yet another minion. The stacking effects keep stacking until the board is fully cleared at once so there is no minion to bounce to. Since the effect stacks only the card texts, no spells or enchantments can be bounced.
Very good points! I intended it wouldn't keep any spell effects, only "abilities". It's tough that the difference between an effect, an ability, an enchantment, a buff and a card text is very vague. I think I should change the word "effect" to "card text" although that sounds very lame. I know the card is capable to generate some broken combos but due to the randomness who gains the deathrattle, I think it balances the card (and makes it even crazier). Gonna increase the mana cost by 1 just to be sure! :)
What do you think about this idea? The first minion that this effect bounces to would only gain the deathrattle in addition to its own. For example if it bounced to Tirion Fordring, the abilities would be "Divine Shield, Taunt, Deathrattle: Equip 5/3 Ashbringer AND Deathrattle: Give this minion's abilities to a random minion". Then the next minion would gain the previous effects in addition to its own and they would keep stacking forward until all the minions on board were removed for once so there was no minion to bounce to.
Also void revenants are actually NOT DEMONS. Should I stay trustful to the lore or use the demon tag since all void minions in HS have been demons?
What do you think about the idea and balance of this card? Idea is you fill the empty spots on the battlefield, potentially blocking your opponent from playing any minions on their following turn and setting you up for lethal turn. Downside is if your opponent can some easy way buff the ravens for their turn. Inspiration comes from the curse of the raven lord in HOTS.
Flavor Text: There are no known reports of gnome thievery. Maybe they are too small to be seen or maybe because they can carry so little nobody even notices something is missing.
If you already stole everything to your deck from the opponent, why not to steal their hand too? Major synergy with Academic Espionage , Myra's Unstable Element and Tess Greymane . On the other hand the condition is very hard to fulfill. Thank you whatTheHeck and Wailor for balancing suggestions!
I was thinking to design a card with an idea that if everything you own is already stolen from your opponent, steal even more! Would combo quite well well Togwaggle's Scheme and Academic Espionage. What do you think about the idea and the balance? I was comparing the mana cost to Azalina Soulthief and Hex Lord Malacrass.
Don't make it a card with "transform" effect.
Right click the image, select "copy image address" then paste that into source area of Insert/edit image.
Flavor Text: She foresaw you would read this flavor text.
My take on The League of E.V.I.L's Madame Lazul. She will allow you to peek a part of opponent's hand and potentially give you a copy of a card if you foresee right what card the opponent will play. This will also force the opponent to reconsider what card to play next.
EDIT: I am quite impressed how close my entry is to real Madame Lazul that was revealed a day after my submission.