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    posted a message on Post-Nerf Control Shaman

    1. In this list in perticular, Barnes has won me so many games due to the high chance of pulling something good, or pulling something big and using ancestral spirit on it. I've tried cutting it but the deck is just better. Maybe if you ran stonehill defenders it would get a little worse.

    2. Before this version, I was running a more midrangey version of the deck and volcano absolutely clogged my hand. With this version it isn't as much of an issue, but it still can be probalematic. On the other hand, if you don't have a clear on queue you lose. Maybe a solution would be to cut some of the other situational cards you mentioned for more card draw which this deck definitely could use more of.

    3. I had stonehill defenders in the deck and initially liked them, but after cutting them in this list for loothoarders and adding some more late game with The Lich King I just began doing better.


    Overall, I feel as if the deck would be viable if it had a little more healing to stabilize and it had more card draw.

    Edit: I added 2x Acolyte and took out ancestral spirit. I'm also trying Hallazeal over the Lich King but I'm not sure about that yet. The added card draw definitely makes the deck better. Also, Acolyte combos well with volcano.

    Posted in: Post-Nerf Control Shaman
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    posted a message on Oil Rogue

    Why did you end up going with one Sprint and one Gadget? Did you try both and it just seemed to work better this way? I feel like if would hurt consistency having a lot of one-ofs, but then again, I haven't played the deck and there's a ton of card draw so I wouldn't really know.

    Posted in: Oil Rogue
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    posted a message on Hadronox

    If Deathwing Dragonlord can work without being cheated out, this probably can too. Plus it makes almost every card in big druid a good pull from Barnes.

    Posted in: Hadronox
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    posted a message on [S39 Legend] Dragon Druid

    In my opinion, mire keeper is a great card. The only reason no one plays them in any popular druid decks is because it is not good in aggro, and jade druid doesn't want to play it when they have jade blossom. I would highly recommend keeping them in the deck, or at least replacing them with some early game minion and not lunar visions. Tyrantus is cool though. I personally don't own him so I haven't tried it out. 

    Posted in: [S39 Legend] Dragon Druid
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    posted a message on S37 Savjz’s Un’Goro Y’Shaarj Ramp Druid

    The quest is redundant. It makes your starting hand worse, and it gives you a reward you don't need at that point in the game.

    Posted in: S37 Savjz’s Un’Goro Y’Shaarj Ramp Druid
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    posted a message on Secret Paladin Returns! [MSOG]

    Getaway Kodo and Noble Sac ( the best secret in the deck ) don't work with eachother.


    Posted in: Secret Paladin Returns! [MSOG]
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    posted a message on eSports Ramp Druid

    If you're facing a ton of control warrior on ladder it might make sense, but most of the time ysera is way too slow, and way worse against aggro/shaman. Geddon definitely improves winrates vs. shaman. If you really don't like Geddon which is understandable because it's almost useless when youre ahead, I would highly recommend that you replace it with Bloodmage Thalnos.

    Posted in: eSports Ramp Druid
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