Players already said Legend didn't mean anything when Face Hunter and Secret Paladin were the top of their respective metas.
Getting to Legend still takes a lot of effort and time, especially now that it's very difficult to get above a 50% winrate with any deck.
Rank floors are healthy because it allows players to experiment and play fun decks without being punished harshly, this is healthy for everyone, those trying to climb and those just trying to mess around.
Made it to Legend for the first time, really quite happy, was a real grind, lots of frustration (was trying all month) and probably won't go for it again. I used many different decks, but this deck took me smoothly from rank 4 to legend in two days.
The deck used does very very well against Pirate Warrior and Murloc Paladin, which is why I used it.
Pretty obvious that I main Rogue. I enjoy it head and shoulders above any other class in the game, I just wish it had more archetypes viable at high level.
I love combo heavy decks, but I try to also play control combo with Rogue sometimes.
The other thing I love is Rogue can't hide behind secrets like Mage can, every play Rogue makes has to be perfect to not just lose/die.
I'm thinking about running an updated Reno Rogue, obviously Rogue can't make use of Kazakus sadly, but some fun improvements I think like Lotus Agents and Shaku to add into the list, as well as Jade cards.
Do you think running the Pirate Package still is best to fight off early aggression? 1x Patches, 1x Bucc, 1x Swas.
I'm thinking this combined with Mistressof Mixtures will now allow Reno Rogue to survive to make it to Reno or Defender of Argus.
Funny thing is even though Miracle Rogue is tier 1 at the moment, it's overall played less than Pirate Warrior, Jade Druid, Aggro Shaman, Reno Warlock, Dragon Priest, Reno Priest, except in Legend.
At least people won't complain about running into too many Rogues, but this might be why the class is not expanded on much.
I wouldn't attempt to discuss this here twitchy, generally the Hearthstone community is very hostile towards any new ideas or changes to the game, even if it's a separate harmless mode for people who enjoy control games.
Personally I don't mind aggro being killed off in the least bit.
Bring on the Control Priest and weaker Jade Druid, and the combo decks to counter them.
I'm going to be playing Control Hunter all this season, trying to make it work somehow.
Players already said Legend didn't mean anything when Face Hunter and Secret Paladin were the top of their respective metas.
Getting to Legend still takes a lot of effort and time, especially now that it's very difficult to get above a 50% winrate with any deck.
Rank floors are healthy because it allows players to experiment and play fun decks without being punished harshly, this is healthy for everyone, those trying to climb and those just trying to mess around.
I just miss control warrior and Handlock of old, they were skillful decks that you really had to think your turns out.
In my opinion you should cut Aya and Jade Spirit, and throw in two Tar Creeper.
Finally fucking made it, and not with a smorc deck, it was with Elemental Control Shaman, really proud of myself for that.
Made it to Legend for the first time, really quite happy, was a real grind, lots of frustration (was trying all month) and probably won't go for it again. I used many different decks, but this deck took me smoothly from rank 4 to legend in two days.
The deck used does very very well against Pirate Warrior and Murloc Paladin, which is why I used it.
I'm really curious how you beat Midrange Hunter, they always run easily over me.
Pretty obvious that I main Rogue. I enjoy it head and shoulders above any other class in the game, I just wish it had more archetypes viable at high level.
I love combo heavy decks, but I try to also play control combo with Rogue sometimes.
The other thing I love is Rogue can't hide behind secrets like Mage can, every play Rogue makes has to be perfect to not just lose/die.
It's by far the most fun class in Arena as well.
Gluttonous Ooze might be what control Rogue needs to run.
I'm thinking about running an updated Reno Rogue, obviously Rogue can't make use of Kazakus sadly, but some fun improvements I think like Lotus Agents and Shaku to add into the list, as well as Jade cards.
Do you think running the Pirate Package still is best to fight off early aggression? 1x Patches, 1x Bucc, 1x Swas.
I'm thinking this combined with Mistress of Mixtures will now allow Reno Rogue to survive to make it to Reno or Defender of Argus.
Has anyone experimented with a list?
Funny thing is even though Miracle Rogue is tier 1 at the moment, it's overall played less than Pirate Warrior, Jade Druid, Aggro Shaman, Reno Warlock, Dragon Priest, Reno Priest, except in Legend.
At least people won't complain about running into too many Rogues, but this might be why the class is not expanded on much.
I wouldn't attempt to discuss this here twitchy, generally the Hearthstone community is very hostile towards any new ideas or changes to the game, even if it's a separate harmless mode for people who enjoy control games.