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    posted a message on Look at this game, and tell me what I was supposed to do, Warlock is simply broken...


    Quote from Chocobrownies79 >>

    Look can we stop arguing?  the post was about warlock's overabundance of board clears, not "your deck isn't complex" "yeah it is let me prove it".

    Each deck has its strengths and weaknesses.  Aggro beats combo, combo beats control, control beats aggro.  Simple stuff, on paper.  What that doesn't tell you is that any deck piloted correctly is stronger than any other deck piloted incorrectly.  And I'm not talking "play minions go face" with aggro or "hyper draw and stall till you hit your combo" with combo or "sit back and clear board over and over" with control.  I'm talking about matchups, which is (theoretically) reason this game is so complex and fun.  It's all about reading your opponent's hand, deck, archetype, gameplan, etc.  A good example of this is Miracle Rogue.  First time I tried to play miracle rogue (during the Un' Goro meta) I lost like 8 games straight because I didn't know how to properly play around clears, burst, board flood, etc, and I was so confused because I'd heard about all these people playing it and how it was so awesome but until I got to be able to read my opponent's hand and deck I didn't know what I was doing and therefore lost over and over.

    You lost against a Warlock.  Their deck is made to beat yours.  Accept it, and figure out what you did wrong and improve your next match.  That's about all you can do.

     This. This dude here understands. 
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Look at this game, and tell me what I was supposed to do, Warlock is simply broken...

    As many already stated different styles of decks have different winrates against different matchups.
    Some asked for Control Warlock's weaknesses so here are a few examples of unfavorable match-ups: the deck type loses hard against Control Priest and, if one doesn't draw either one of his two Dark Pacts, you're pretty much doomed against aggressive styles of play. Control Warlock is also highly unfavored against Quest Rogue. Also, I played against many Control or Cube variants and have beat them pretty consistently with Control Mage (100% winrate against Taunt Druid which I read someone complaining about). The up and coming nerfs will highlight these weaknesses, effectively limiting the amount of Warlocks you'll see.. Well this what I suspect could happen, but who knows for sure? 

    As for this game: you played well imo, but were unlucky (as opposed to your opponent who was very lucky in drawing all the right answers and his DK just in time). What I would've done differently was play Al'Akir the Windlord earlier, but even then I'm not sure if it would've affected the outcome of the game. In defense of the warlock player, he did set up his Lord Godfrey pretty well, which can be pretty tricky to do.

    The point I'm trying to make is that since your question was: "Tell me what I was supposed to do", well IN THIS GAME there's nothing you could've done to change the outcome. But from the footage and gameplay you provided I'm pretty sure the match-up is closer to a 50% winrate, which can be frustrating if encountering it often, but nothing impossible to overcome (especially with the new nerfs).

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Most fun card to you?

    Reno Jackson.. Playing him riiiight before your opponent kills you is one of the BEST feeling EVER LOL.
    I always feel like busting a nut when it happens haha

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Card Nerf - Dark Pact

    I'm gonna be honest, I would've preferred if they left it at 5 or 6 since as a Renolock player I need every bit of healing I can get when I don't draw Reno, but I can't deny that Cubelock and Warlock as a class in general is/was pretty overpowered due to the number of healing cards available. At 4 heal this card got a LOT worse imo.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 9

    posted a message on Kobolds & Catacombs - Hearthstone's Seventh Expansion

    Too late. I "feel" for those who crafted Keleseth this month lol 
    There are so many new board clears and obstacles:  Warrior now has a new really good board clear Reckless Fury, Warlock is probably setting up a wall of taunts, other than the fact that it's one of the classes with the beast board clears of the game, Mage already has a lot of anti-aggro tools, and now has even more so due to new card-generating cards, Dragon Priest now has Duskbreaker which is insane as he can get an additional 2 from Netherspite Historian and we still need to see the new Hunter cards which I suppose are more Control oriented (thus some type of shitty board clear is to be expected).
    I wouldn't say aggro is dead. Keleseth decks could still survive if they're able to Highroll against certain decks, but I'd say for the most part we'll see a return of The Caverns Below since the new secret and legendary will make the Quest 10x easier to complete. So we'll have a Control heavy meta (the better decks so far seem to be Jades,  big druid,Razakus Anduin, Dragon Priest, Fatigue Warrior, Control Warlock, probably some kind of new OTK Mage and Elemental Mage, or probably even some kind of functional Mill Rogue), Quest Rogues, and a few sparse aggro and mid-range decks here and there.
    BUUUT until they reveal all the cards all bets are off, though the scenario I described is what I believe we'll see.

    Posted in: Guides
  • 12

    posted a message on Kobolds & Catacombs - Hearthstone's Seventh Expansion

    From the looks of it I'd say this expansion's gonna be sooooo fun.. at least during the first 2 weeks.. BUUUT I'm unfortunately afraid that, like with almost every other expansion, some broken-ass decks will pop up and make the meta unplayable for most original decks till the next rotation.

    Posted in: Guides
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    posted a message on Kobolds & Catacombs - Hearthstone's Seventh Expansion

    +1 for the effort, but all in all seems like a really bad idea. The discard mechanic doesn't go well with Control-oriented cards. (Who knows maybe a Control deck only packing the Quest and a couple of Cataclysms might pop out, but I doubt it's gonna be a good one)

    Posted in: Guides
  • 0

    posted a message on New Warlock Minion - Voidlord

    meh, since Paladin dropped out of meta after the nerfs the only ones running Silence effects are Priests and only some aggro decks. With this upcoming expansion though we'll see a rise of Ironbeak Owls and Spellbreakers

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New Warlock Minion - Voidlord

    This card is generally bad IMO. I find it doesn't synergize well with Bloodreaver Gul'dan... Think about this: when summoned back by Guldan you're occupying 4 demon slots, 3 of which with 1/3s, which instead could have summoned a Doomguard, Despicable Dreadlord, or other stronger demons with a much higher impact on the board. It may be kinda decent if your opponent doesn't clear and, on your next turn, you're able to play a Crystalweaver which would make them 2/4s and a 4/10 with taunt... Still pretty weak in my opinion and still very easy to clear. Highlander decks with Krul the Unshackled may somewhat be able to put this minion to use without too much disruption, but it just doesn't seem worth it since it's most likely just a dead card in your hand till turn 9 and with relatively low impact value when played solo (especially since Silence effects will be VERY common this meta). From the few new Warlock cards that we've seen, it seems Blizzard wants some kind of Taunt Warlock which slows down the game enough to play Azari, The Devourer. There are still many cards to be shown, so there's still hope.. But unless Warlock gets some type of reliable heal taunts aren't gonna be enough to combat decks such as Machine Gun Priest, Burn/Tempo Mage etc.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Blood-Queen Lana'thel

    No, you don't have to have her in your hand. It checks how many cards you've discarded during the match. So whether you randomly get her through something such as a Firelands Portal, or you previously discarded her and then summoned her back through Cruel Dinomancer, or summon her directly from your hand or from your deck, she'll gain +1 for each card you've discarded. Hope this helped

    Posted in: Blood-Queen Lana'thel
  • 1

    posted a message on Thijs Krulzakus Warlock

    I removed The Lich King and put instead Lord Jaraxxus since I find TLK to be a bit too unreliable. I often get Army of the dead, that's pretty bad with this deck. A problem I found is that, due to the weak early game of the deck, I'll reach the 8th or 9th turn with very low HP, and while a Taunt such as TLK can save you on some occasions, Lord J. will turn games around most of the time. Also, with today's Druid-Meta games tend to be much slow making greedy decks more viable (just look at Big Priest, which, unless they have Barnes, play their first card on the 6th turn). Some other minor changes I made, which IMO make the deck overall better, are:
    -Bloodmage Thalnos +Sunfury Protector

    -Happy Ghoul +Mind Control Tech

    Posted in: Thijs Krulzakus Warlock
  • 2

    posted a message on [Easy R5-Legend] Bloodreaver Krullock

    The deck is just INSANE.. Goddamit wild is so so funn :)

    Posted in: [Easy R5-Legend] Bloodreaver Krullock
  • 0

    posted a message on No Regrets! Discard Demonlock

    Have spare 1600 dust and haven't crafted Patches, so I'd like to know how this deck's doing?? I'm crafting either Patches or Leeroy

    Posted in: No Regrets! Discard Demonlock
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    posted a message on Kazakus Warlock

    So I've updated the deck with your suggestions and I really really like it. It brings me back to the good old' times when Reno was still around. I'm currently sitting at rank 14-13, with around a 50-55% win rate. I still have to understand wether I can improve the winrate by teching something.. But the meta seems a bit too diverse. (the class I encounter the most is midrange hunter, so there's little to tech there)

    Posted in: Kazakus Warlock
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