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    posted a message on Does Doomguard need HoF’d?

    ,, Dark pact and cube are problems. Blizzard fucked up. Like always. Every retard can play cubelock, this deck doesn't require any decision or skill. ,, by Alex_Sobol  ( 1st page )

    Every pro player I've heard agrees that Cube Lock is really hard to play correctly. You should go to some tournament and beat all of them  if you are so sure you know more about the game than they do. After that maybe you can teach them how to play the complex decks like Pirate Warrior / Aggro Paladin xD.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Does Doomguard need HoF’d?

    I don't think anything needs to be done with Doomguard.

    The problem about charge minions is when they are used to go all face with an aggressive strategy or when you otk with it. Also, Blizzard knows it's dangerous to print cards that cheat out demons for little mana ( not just because of Doomguard but any big demon they might wanna print) , that is precisely why the 2 cards that cheat out demons can be countered by silence / weapon removal. The only way to cheat out a doomguard that your opponent can't stop is Possessed Lackey into Dark Pact and then you don't have enough mana to play Cube before the opponent can respond.

    Doomguard has 7 health so it used for board control more often then not. I've played Cube Warlock and the thing is, most of the time you win with board control, not an OTK . Even when you win with doomguards it's just 15 damage with the cube + sac combo most of the time  and not the 25 that very rarely happen ( and the damage can be stopped by taunts unlike the stuff Raza Priest / Quest Mage do )

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on OLD Play A Friend! 5.0

    Battletag: Banelock#2585
    Region: EU
    Trade Only?: Yes

    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
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    posted a message on Problem with The Darkness

    Well I don't think it counts as a 20/20 minion until it's awake ( just like a dormant Sherazin ) and by that time a priest can easily deal with it even without Twilight AcolyteThe Darkness is such a badass card though I am sure to try it if I open it :)

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Ever Worth Believing a Friend Request?

    Only worth if you don't mind reading through horrible insults to your mother / family / health / hearthstone skills and you as a person


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on The perfect nerf for Razakus Priest

    In my opinion they should just have Raza the Chained effect be : If your deck has no duplicates, your starting hero power costs (0) this game '' similar to Justicar Trueheart . That would also nerf reno priest decks that change hero power other than Shadowreaper Anduin but that's just a negative synergy and you would avoid those cards in reno priest I guess.

    I remember the MSoG meta reno priest and it was not obnoxious at all (while also being a decent deck) and Raza the Chained was good enough to see play there even if it was affecting only your normal hero power so he would not be useless.

    Thing is Shadowreaper Anduin hero power is strong enough on it's own and he would see play even without Raza the Chained , as a board clear + some extra control vs board or finishing power vs face when opponent is out of resources so that would not be bad either.

    Even if Raza rotates soon it will be forever destroying wild because all the control tools priest will get in the future will enable the OTK so much that only other OTK decks that can do it faster will stand a chance ( and contrary to popular belief Blizzard DOES care about wild, they did say they would nerf Naga Sea Witch if the giants hunter deck became too strong ) . Also ALL inspire cards are completely broken with a repeatable 0 mana hero power ( especially Spawn of Shadows ) so Blizzard would probably never be able to print a good inspire card ever again if it is left like this.



    Posted in: Priest
  • 2

    posted a message on New Rogue Secret - Evasion

    I am not a rogue player and I hate ice block but this card is amazing! It takes skill to know when and how to play it and it enables control rogue which is an archetype I actually like in rogue. Also if you play against this secret you actually can play around it by bringing the rogue to low hp by surprise ( to like 5hp ) and then if it gets played just deal 5+ damage in one go.

    Ice block just unconditionally grants you an extra turn no matter the board state or anything else which is why I think it should get changed but Evasion can actually be better sometimes because if you play it smart you can become immune on like 15 hp or something instead of 1 even if your opponent has a strong board.

    Never been this excited for a rogue card :) ( rogue being my least played class along with hunter )

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Warlock Weapon - Skull of the Man'ari

    Such a dissapointment when I read the ,,at the start of the turn,, . I mean this is the only legendary weapon revealed thus far that does NOTHING if it gets oozed instantly and its not cheap at all so if it does happen you lost tempo so much you probably loose.

    On top of that even if the worst case doesnt happen it does nothing to the board the next turn as well unless it pulls a taunt/charge/the aoe dreadlord guy that might not be relevant ( no 1 hp enemy minions )

    I am a warlock main and was expecting the skull of the manari cause of the art so was very hyped...:(

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Warlock Spell - Cataclysm

    Just confirmed against the innkeeper... Malchezaar's Imp DOES draw when you discard cards with Deathwing. That being said the wording on this card is a bit different, it says ,,destroy all minions. discard your hand. ,, with the dot it implies that the first written effect happens and then the second one so I had to check that also.

    I used a Lightwarden because it has the same trigger as the imp ( Whenever ) and then used Siphon Soul on it ( it also has the dot after the Destroy a minion ) and lo and behold the Lightwarden got an attack bonus cause of the 3 heal ( even though it is stated after the destroy a minion part ) and then died.

    I think this confirms that Cataclysm WILL work with Malchezaar's Imp unless blizzard changes the rules for this card only xD.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Warlock Minion - Voidlord

    9 mana cards need to be game winning good ( you probably cant play ANYTHING on the same turn you play it not even hero power ) and the only time when this is game winning is against an aggro deck ( that doesnt have a silence for it ) and by the time you get to 9 mana a control lock vs aggro matchup is over in a lot of cases...

    If only it was 8 mana it would be great for sure. At 9...maybe ok with Krul.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Hold my beer, Azari!

    What a cool idea!

    Will try out this list for sure if I open the KIng in a pack, already have all the other cards :)

    Posted in: Hold my beer, Azari!
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    posted a message on does netdecking deserve Criticism?

    I don't think all netdecking deserves critisism

    I netdeck the decks that I enjoy and I don't think there is anything wrong with that. At the starts of KotFT I got a golden Hadronox from a pack so I wanted to use it in a deck but knew if I made the deck it would be a lot worse than a deck some pro made that plays hs like 10x more than me and is probably better at deck building than I am. So I netdecked and had some fun with a taunt druid ( that didn't suck as much as if I made it but still wasn't that good  xD )

    Also since the day Bloodreaver Guldan was revealed I was like I HAVE TO play it in a deck with Krul and Reno and the other wild toys. And so 1st day of KotFT came and there was no netdeck yet so I made my version. It wasn't that good ofc, didnt know exactly how many board clears to put in, how many heals , what was too greedy and what was ok greedy...etc and I was loosing more than I would like...so in a week or 2 I netdecked a list and it is my favourite deck ever ( reached legend with it in wild just for fun, I already had the card back ).

    But there are also people that netdeck something just because its ,,the best deck in the meta,, and that is something I dont like. Those people I feel play only so they win not because the game itself is fun. I just cant imagine anyone having fun playing a simple deck like pirate warrior / tempo rogue / big priest and having fun if it was not for winning itself being fun for them. Highlander priest has some depth to it ( except when you god draw ) but I just dont like decks that deal more than 20 burst damage without board so I dont netdeck it.

    For the wild renolock deck I crafted the krul and golden dk and didn't regret it at all ( even though its not a tier 1 deck ) but I refuse to craft patches / keleseth / velen no matter how good those decks are simply because they are not fun to me.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on OLD Play A Friend! 5.0

    Battletag: Banelock#2585

    Region: EU

    Trade Only?: Yes


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    posted a message on OLD Play a Friend! 4.0

    Battletag: Banelock#2585

    Region: EU

    Trade Only?: Yes

    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on New Card Revealed: Skulking Geist

    So funny reading through these comments now that the expack is out for a week and jade druid is stronger then ever before xD.

    I am not really a jade druid player myself   played it a bit at the start of msog and now that its op   but I always found hate for it to be unfounded since its really not fun to play against the  ,,I will just remove everything you play and you cant do anything the entire game,, decks 

    Full face decks deserve a lot more hate in my opinion.


    Posted in: News
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