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    posted a message on New Warlock Card - Malchezaar's Imp

    This is just one of "these" cards.

    It has decent stat-line and very interesting text, that potentially could even let you build a deck around, but... You won't. You'll either end up having 2-4 discard cards and a low probability of using them when MI is in play, or you'll have to use cards that are actually bad when MI isn't in play.

    Though this card is actually good enough to be used in zoo and maybe it will spawn some sort of more aggressive, demon-centered variation of the deck, that runs double Soulfire, double Doomguard, though I don't see that being very likely.

    Surely it will see some experimentation. But this card is far from being meta-defining - unless Blizzard reveals two other discard-synergistic high quality cards

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Battle of Tol Barad - Tavern Brawl #24
    Quote from Mecha_Lynx >>
    Quote from SeriousSam64 >>

    Druid win by Shadowform LMAO!

     Haha yes! I got Shadowform as hunter xD
    edit - lol just got it as Warrior :P
     The value :D
    Here's my take on this brawl. I'm surprised that I'm seeing so few people play stuff like Mountain Giant and Twilight Drake.
    Full House
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    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
  • 4

    posted a message on Warsong Commander Nerf Incoming

    Blizzard logic:
    Make a blatantly OP card;
    People notice;
    People complain;
    Wait 3 months;
    Make a cosmetic nerf leaving the broken mechanic intact;
    People notice;
    People complain;
    Wait 3 months;
    Make the card trash-tier;
    The End
    Or is it?

    The funny thing is that there is a narrow chance that Patron Warrior will still be competitive (not tier 1 though).

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Annoy-o-Tron's Tavern Brawl Deck (Week 16 - Mech Wars)

    Had Recycle, Coghammer and Mech-Bear-Cat
    The deck is terrible. Got my win with this, but I won't go back to this arena just because I don't want to take chances at playing this deck.
    It's as if Blizzard wanted to show off cards that most players had forgotten that they exist.

    Posted in: Annoy-o-Tron's Tavern Brawl Deck (Week 16 - Mech Wars)
  • 1

    posted a message on Black Knight dust or keep?

    Don't dust, it's one of the best neutral legendaries and unlike many classic cards it's unlikely to loose it's value overtime.

    The comment about not playing control isn't a valid one. Top players used to put this even in Face Hunter decks. It's overally OP as long as meta fits it. Any time you're hitting Dragon Priest wall or Druids with Ancients of War it's an auto-include.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Banana Brawl: thoughts?

    First thought - aggro decks are going to be great in this format.

    Made a face-hunter, met a smorck-a-din and a fellow face hunter. And I read there's loads of mages cause flamewaker's a thing. I guess ZOO should be pretty good in this too, the aggressive one that is.

    Well I played one game, conceded the second after getting a shitty enough opening hand (pure 3-drops) to loose the mirror, got my card pack, that's it for me, I'm off to do something else.

    This weeks brawl is basically ladder, only it sucks more cause there's more rng because of the bananas and their quality/relevance.

    I guess you could try and make a mill deck. I guess you could fine-tune the aggro with drakes and giants. But, really - why bother? There's no ranking, there are no rewards and most people will be playing the same stuff as in ladder, only with a greater rng factor.

    Really, really dissapointed.

    ***WARNING - here begins the rant why Hearthstone is DOOMED***
    Well not doomed, but the thing is that Hearthstone encourages to play aggro. Not because of the time limits, not because aggro is cheaper to craft or it requires less skill. It's because of the tempo of the game, of the deck sizes and deck requirements and your win condition - the life pool, capped at 30. Aggro cards are efficient enough to win games and actually aggro decks are less susceptible to bad draws than control or especially mid-range. Yeah, I know, I'm raising eyebrows now. But it's true, it's more likely to get a good or decent opening hand with an aggro deck, and the thing is that decent is enough to put you at that winning spot, cause there's loads more ways to deal damage and finish off the game than to regain health and stabilize on the board. Moreover it's rare that you draw really, really badly with real aggro (I'm thinking the likes of face hunter or old ZOO). And though combo archetypes eventually beat the aggro archetypes on ladder when the meta cycle draws to a close (old Miracle Rogue, old 0TK Hunter, old 0TK Warrior, old Freeze Mage, combo oriented Face Hunter, Gadgetzan Miracle Rogue, Patron Warrior) when the things get stirred up, aggro is the best way to go. It even works in solo adventures, apart from few select challenges that required specific approach, I've defeated most of the bosses with aggressive Hunter builds that focused on face damage and card cycling, because I didn't care about the opponent's tactic, I cared about my tactic - hitting face and drawing more cards to hit face with. And Hearthstone makes that a valid tactic. And Hearthstone encourages you to try out that tactic. And Hearthstone rewards you for using that tactic in almost every game mode. And in fact I think Hearthstone wants you to play using that tactic. And concerning gameplay experience, that makes me a saaaaad panda.

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
  • 2

    posted a message on Blackrock Mountain: Blackwing Lair Opens Thursday, BlizzCon Benefit Dinner

    This week might be the end to the rise of ZOOlock. 4 out of 7 released cards are potent board control cards (warrior, rogue, warlock and mage) and one is an early game heavy-hitter that trades very favourably with basically anything at it's mana tier (shaman card). I'm actually wondering if Warlocks will carry Chromaggus, they have probably the best class synergy with it.

    Posted in: News
  • 3

    posted a message on New Card - Axe Flinger

    Everybody's making up combos... What's funny that this card is actually pretty strong without combos. This is a perfect fit in a face-warrior deck. There's like close to nothing that deals clean five damage on turn four (fireball and I think that's all). So this card will absorb 5+ damage, deal at least 4 damage to enemy's face and probably kill at least one small minion. That's insane value. You can't ignore it because Warrior can turn this baby into a factory of pain, and against other aggro decks like face Hunter you can use this to clean their low-drops while still putting a clock on the opponent. Against a belcher it pushes 4 damage behind the taunt and 4 damage into the taunt. It's pure aggro gold. And the fact that you can use it as an insane finisher with Bouncing Blades just makes it more fun. If nothing equally insane gets revealed, this card can define the meta.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Card - Hungry Dragon

    In arena this is most of the time a top pick, but might bite you back if you're facing a lot of aggro.

    In constructed it's a card that can either define the meta or be completely excluded from play.

    It's extremely good on it's own, but standalone 4-drops for a long time were a rare sight in Hearthstone. Yeti's were always considered very good value yet they rarely saw competitive play. Even the Mechanical Yeti isn't an auto-include in mech-decks. Actually the only stand-alone 4-drop played across many decks is Piloted Shredder and it's feature lies not in the stats but in stickiness and the mech synergy. Other 4-drops are also synergetic like Argus, Twilight Drake, Mountain Giant, Dark Iron, Violet Teacher or Blastmage or they fill in a function in a deck like Sen'jin or Gnomish Inventor.

    Actually this card might be extremely bad if aggro is again on top of the meta. Giving your opponent another minion if he's playing zoo or face-hunter might be a terrible play.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on [LEGEND] Holy 4000 (deck & guide)

    In all honesty my original reply was bit to harsh, but I haven't experienced such a crushing loose streak in months, won only 3 games in 15 or more. And in fact the opponents were a bit lucky, and they were mostly running aggro. The thing is, what really made me feel bad, was that the deck made me entirely helpless. I just didn't have any cards that could impact the game, so the opponents luck only provided some flashy finishes to games that were over basically on turn 3. Maybe in a more control-ish environment it does well, but my experience with it is simply terrible. I gave it another shot today and to same effect. The flaw to me is pretty obvious - although there are small and medium cards in the deck, the curve is too slow, as are the cards themselves.

    But based on your concept I took what I thought of as flaws and started fiddling with the deck and came up with something like this:

    Mechanized Agriculture
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    It's obviously vulnerable to big AOE like shadowflame+giant or auchenai+circle combo, but the first impression is that it handles the aggro and mid-range pretty well. By no means is this an aggro deck itself, the small drops are just to start controlling the board from turn one, the key is keeping key minions above 2 health not to die to lesser aoe. You trade and you trade, squeezing in some damage here and there until you've got a kill from the board. Although it's pretty blunt (like most mech decks), it seems effective. Shrinkmeister is surprisingly good when you've got 1-drops so that you can kill opponent's 1-drop for free, without taking damage and still squeeze in a 3/2 on curve.

    I'm sure it needs testing and tweaks here and there, but from what I've already seen it should get even stronger in the nearest future with the nerf of Undertaker. So all in all thanks for the inspiration, cause recently I was looking to put my Voljin and Foe Reaper to some good use.

    Posted in: [LEGEND] Holy 4000 (deck & guide)
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