Hello I have played hearthstone since beta and only ever bought 2 pre orders (KotfT + WW) then just stopped and used gold. Recently I have used all my dust and spent a lot of gold on all the heroes available in the store so won't have much for the upcoming exp (usually have around 6k gold to buy packs. I'm thinking of getting the 90 packs for £70. I have a good job and never buy myself anything so that's my rational.
Is there anybody else who buys this pre bundle stuff. I won't be doing it for another couple of years after this if I do. Prices are extortionate.
This will actually be the first time I don’t preorder since they started those bundles. The game has felt like it’s in a frustrating state for over two years. It’s has become lose to aggro turn 4 or from hand otk turn 7-8 in standard. I don’t want to play a game where people can draw the entire deck in 7-8 turns. The game just doesn’t feel like it has any actual back and fourth. That seems like a rant but the standard and wild game states have been bad, in my opinion, for a while.
I do buy them (the cheapest option) since gold alone isn't enough for a full collection. But yes, the prices are ridiculous.
Back in the old days I used to grind arena for packs to avoid having to pay. That's not an option anymore, I don't want to pour my entire life into Hearthstone.
used to buy the $400 in amazon coins for 50k coins but now its 450 bucks. prob will stop buying also since they refused to refund the mini exp pack golden version i accidentally got
Bro you don't need to justify or rationalize it. If something makes you happy and you enjoy it, it's ok to spend some money on it, if you can afford it ofc. It doesn't matter what other people tell you, if you wanna spend money on the game that you love, just do it, and have fun :)
Used to, but then Blizzard doubled their prices on Brazil. I'm just playing because of dust and gold saved. But it is unlikely I'll spend as I used to if any. There are still some promotional bundles at a reasonable price, but that is about it. Most of these bundles are from standard packs, so I don't get to choose the product I want to buy unless Blizzard allows me to. So, f you Blizzard Activision.
If you have been playing for a while, you do not need to buy both bundles. You can just get the bigger one. If you have been saving your Standard packs from Brawls (open them first!), you'll have plenty of gold and dust to complete the entire set.
Full disclosure: I'm not buying this set because the theme does not interest me at all, the cards seem unpleasant, and too many of last year's cards were unpleasant. But if you're into it, one bundle will do the trick.
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"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
£69.99 for one expansion bundle seems ridiculous when it won't get you any where near all the cards of the set. If you spent this much on a Ps5 game you'd expect to get full content. And this rolls around a few times a year!
Haven't bought in ages but this expansion got me hyped. I started HS in beta and have spend some money on it over the ages. I think I bought pre-Bundles once or twice, only when I was fully invested in the game and when the expansion seemed like really fun. As Blizzard got more and more greedy I stopped it all together. With time I started to disenchant every golden card I had and cards in wild too, making me stuck in standard (I recently discenchented my most precious old school card, a golden OG Prophet Velen I had since Beta ....., broke my hearth).
But now my wild collection of legendary consists of only absolute staples or legendaries from my two main classes I kept (Priest/Rogue). I did not wanted to buy the bundle but I did not wanted to have to disenchant another sentimental card I had like Velen so I considered it. While super expensive, I cracked up due these factors:
-Having actual cards to dust (because I ran out of it and I am sick of it)
-Nostalgia (10 years anniversary man, if I ever buy a bundle, it is this one)
-Patches Hero Skin (Rogue main here)
-Reward track (In Murder at Castle, I did not wanted to buy the Bundle because too expansive but man, do I want to ever get this Sanguin Sylvanas skin, so for this once, I pay and get a few extra hero skins. God damn you sales manager at Blizzard for your cognitive-frustration-reward bs system, you can put this pen you're trying to sell me where I think it should belong)
-Expansion power level (seems pretty high and I like quite a few cards, but remember that when you buy pre-bundle, you mostly buy it for all of the extras, as you get easy packs along the way so if you are patient you will get the cards you need)
-Being able to play other classes than my main ones as it used to be back in the days
Buy if it pleases you and don't if you find it too expansive. While on a design and gameplay perspective, I still love HS, I despise the casino company that runs it.
Ye, I usually buy at least one of the bundles. I've missed two pre-orders since Goblins ans Gnomes but I think I'l give this one a miss. I'm a bit underwhelmed by the set to be honest so I'll buy 80-packs with my gold and that will have to do for now.
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Hello I have played hearthstone since beta and only ever bought 2 pre orders (KotfT + WW) then just stopped and used gold. Recently I have used all my dust and spent a lot of gold on all the heroes available in the store so won't have much for the upcoming exp (usually have around 6k gold to buy packs. I'm thinking of getting the 90 packs for £70. I have a good job and never buy myself anything so that's my rational.
Is there anybody else who buys this pre bundle stuff. I won't be doing it for another couple of years after this if I do. Prices are extortionate.
This will actually be the first time I don’t preorder since they started those bundles. The game has felt like it’s in a frustrating state for over two years. It’s has become lose to aggro turn 4 or from hand otk turn 7-8 in standard. I don’t want to play a game where people can draw the entire deck in 7-8 turns. The game just doesn’t feel like it has any actual back and fourth. That seems like a rant but the standard and wild game states have been bad, in my opinion, for a while.
I bought both pre-order bundles.
I do buy them (the cheapest option) since gold alone isn't enough for a full collection. But yes, the prices are ridiculous.
Back in the old days I used to grind arena for packs to avoid having to pay. That's not an option anymore, I don't want to pour my entire life into Hearthstone.
used to buy the $400 in amazon coins for 50k coins but now its 450 bucks. prob will stop buying also since they refused to refund the mini exp pack golden version i accidentally got
Nope. I will buy packs with gold, disenchant the gold cards and the cards that rotate out and use the dust to create the cards I still need.
This way I didn't need to buy packs with real money for years
Tempted to, although I am sitting on 50k in dust. I somehow don't like falling behind.
No need to. I do my quests and every expansion have 10k gold to spent.
100 free packs per xpac and plenty of dust for any epics / legends I want to craft right off the bat.
F2P for life!
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ * Record holder for fastest rank 50 - legend f2p run (15:12 hours) * ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
I usually buy the pre-order bundles, I've missed one in 6/7 years but I'm giving this set a miss. It looks quite dull to me so far.
Bro you don't need to justify or rationalize it. If something makes you happy and you enjoy it, it's ok to spend some money on it, if you can afford it ofc. It doesn't matter what other people tell you, if you wanna spend money on the game that you love, just do it, and have fun :)
Used to, but then Blizzard doubled their prices on Brazil. I'm just playing because of dust and gold saved. But it is unlikely I'll spend as I used to if any. There are still some promotional bundles at a reasonable price, but that is about it. Most of these bundles are from standard packs, so I don't get to choose the product I want to buy unless Blizzard allows me to. So, f you Blizzard Activision.
Nobody in Latin America other than rich whales will be buying bundles. Blizzard priced them out last patch.
If you have been playing for a while, you do not need to buy both bundles. You can just get the bigger one. If you have been saving your Standard packs from Brawls (open them first!), you'll have plenty of gold and dust to complete the entire set.
Full disclosure: I'm not buying this set because the theme does not interest me at all, the cards seem unpleasant, and too many of last year's cards were unpleasant. But if you're into it, one bundle will do the trick.
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
When I was living in Latin America, the WoW subscription was like 5% of my salary. Now in Europe (same job) it's like 0.3%
Poorer countries are always shafted by things like this.
£69.99 for one expansion bundle seems ridiculous when it won't get you any where near all the cards of the set. If you spent this much on a Ps5 game you'd expect to get full content. And this rolls around a few times a year!
Anyone buying?
Haven't bought in ages but this expansion got me hyped.
I started HS in beta and have spend some money on it over the ages. I think I bought pre-Bundles once or twice, only when I was fully invested in the game and when the expansion seemed like really fun. As Blizzard got more and more greedy I stopped it all together. With time I started to disenchant every golden card I had and cards in wild too, making me stuck in standard (I recently discenchented my most precious old school card, a golden OG Prophet Velen I had since Beta ....., broke my hearth).
But now my wild collection of legendary consists of only absolute staples or legendaries from my two main classes I kept (Priest/Rogue). I did not wanted to buy the bundle but I did not wanted to have to disenchant another sentimental card I had like Velen so I considered it. While super expensive, I cracked up due these factors:
-Having actual cards to dust (because I ran out of it and I am sick of it)
-Nostalgia (10 years anniversary man, if I ever buy a bundle, it is this one)
-Patches Hero Skin (Rogue main here)
-Reward track (In Murder at Castle, I did not wanted to buy the Bundle because too expansive but man, do I want to ever get this Sanguin Sylvanas skin, so for this once, I pay and get a few extra hero skins. God damn you sales manager at Blizzard for your cognitive-frustration-reward bs system, you can put this pen you're trying to sell me where I think it should belong)
-Expansion power level (seems pretty high and I like quite a few cards, but remember that when you buy pre-bundle, you mostly buy it for all of the extras, as you get easy packs along the way so if you are patient you will get the cards you need)
-Being able to play other classes than my main ones as it used to be back in the days
Buy if it pleases you and don't if you find it too expansive. While on a design and gameplay perspective, I still love HS, I despise the casino company that runs it.
Even as of today, this model is dead. Games that comes out at a full package are getting more and more rares :s
i bought the 50€ one
I didnt buy for the first time in 8 years.
Legend count: 32 Total AP count: 36K
Ye, I usually buy at least one of the bundles. I've missed two pre-orders since Goblins ans Gnomes but I think I'l give this one a miss. I'm a bit underwhelmed by the set to be honest so I'll buy 80-packs with my gold and that will have to do for now.