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    posted a message on Is Hearthstone dying?

    Without seeing number of active players (only Blizzard know them), it's difficult to say. I have been thinking Hearthstone has a close to impossible entry barrier for new players, since about 2018. But somehow HS has had staying power and will for year.

    Now, the big thing is them killing esports by removing open cups a few years ago. That was a major red flag. And now the tournaments are fewer, and you can only qualify for them by no-lifing ladder. So esports is dead.

    However, it does seem like there will always be quite a few people playing hearthstone just because it's one of the best multiplayer card games out there. So as long as they think pumping expansions keeps them on a plus, they will probably keep doing it.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on BOB The Bob Bartender

    Gave up on standard a while back. There is no vision or clarity anymore. Bob is not even among the biggest offenders.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on StarCraft mini set

    You never know with mini sets. Sometimes they do a reveal, sometimes they don't until very shortly before. Clearly during winter holidays reveals won't happen though.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Wacky Waxy Winter Veil Is This Week's Tavern Brawl

    Please stop

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Game crashes 50% of times with this deck.

    No respect for the playing fanbase, all the talented creators of HS are gone and replaced by bare minimum box tickers 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on 1500 XP Quest Trading - Play A Friend! (#7)

    Battletag: FallGuy#21813

    Region: EU

    Trade only? : yes, you go first

    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
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    posted a message on Patch 31.2 Balance Changes Teaser - Many Constructed Buffs and Nerfs!

    Dang he's finally going to 11 mana. Sucks to not be druid.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Nobody judges this game objectively

    You cannot have objective discussions about balance, because there is no set guidelines of what is "fair" and the card design philosophy also changes frequently. Defending a busted interaction that was overlooked by devs and pointing towards a counter that makes your deck worse is pretty stupid though. As for freebies, i am of course happy to get them, but let's not forget the number of legendaries, the number of expansions and minisets, the number of classes have all increased, and pack prices have also increased. The freebies don't make up for these practices.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on [Game] Name another card that has the same...

    Dr. Boom

    Has a hero card.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on The 'No more homebrew' theory.

    Homebrew was never really a thing, you can make a case for it before we broke down hearthstone into pure statistics through hsreplay (mainly), vicioussyndicate or other stat collecting websites.

    Hearthstone has, for years, been about taking some cards that are huge power outliers, and pairing them with the best support cards. With data for thousands of games available, you can find out what the weakest cards in the deck are, and phase them out. It's a team effort, actually, where every player is a small cog in the machine that makes the best decks.

    How about homebrew streamers/competitive players? Thinking of Viper, NoHandsGamer, DaneHS, etc. there are many examples of players making off meta decks work. But it's often because they reach the peak of the peak, where it's quite predictable what you will be facing. And if an unexpected class happens to line up well against the top meta decks, it can be seen as successful homebrew.

    In reality, for any games, the more players you have, the more hyper focused and refined decks will be.


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Discussing Quasar Rogue
    Quote from SpaceTimeDream >>
    Quote from Hearthsam >>
    Quote from SpaceTimeDream >>

    I am against "but not less than (1)" because I want to see Quasar included in a non-otk oriented decks in the future. I don't think it is fair to fundamentally change the design of the card because of an inconsistent deck that wins on a coin flip. 

     Why do you want the card to be something it's not? It's an entirely combo setup based card, no control or value deck is going to run a card that says "discard your hand". It's really not an inspiring card for anything else and only lends itself to toxic, mass mana cheating gameplay.

     Guess this is an OTK setup card then Astral Communion.

    Why do YOU want me to use the card your way? I don’t understand. You see only OTK, I see building a control deck or anything else and having fun doing so.

     This card makes no sense in control. You wouldn't play this in control warrior. This card only works with two preconditions:

    1. Lots of card draw.

    2. Sacrificing a turn for lots of tempo or otk later. Outside of building massive boards or preparing OTKs, this card doesn't do anything.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Discussing Quasar Rogue
    Quote from SpaceTimeDream >>

    I am against "but not less than (1)" because I want to see Quasar included in a non-otk oriented decks in the future. I don't think it is fair to fundamentally change the design of the card because of an inconsistent deck that wins on a coin flip. 

    As I said, Rogues have access to multiple spells that draw cards and can target face for damage. They will eventually rotate out. I am only bringing the possibility of changing them for discussion but I think it is highly unlikely that they are touched.

     Saying "this card will be fine because draw cards will rotate" is high end copium. Firstly, new cards will likely be printed that make rogue draw. Secondly, this type of card will always only be played in otk or tempo decks. Just makes no sense in other decks.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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