So DJgrapejuice likes the cardgame how it is, but feels bored cause its the same game right. So he wants the developers to include different games and modes in it so all he has to do is keep paying blizzard whatever they charge and he doesnt have to think about what he wants or where he can find satisfaction. Just let them tell him what to do and he can stay with them. I guess business works just well on GenZ here and other post, if only gaming could be more meaningful like by wining games you support the troups in ucraine or the $$ you spend would go to starving children or hey how about safe the planet.
It okay to stop enjoying a game, and look for something else. I just figured the community that enjoys a game I did for a long time might have some similar taste and good recommendations. I’m not even trashing the game, but people are on here acting like I kicked their dog..oh well. I appreciate the people being positive.
That’s fine and I accept that, but it makes the game feel stale really fast. I’m not blaming any person but after playing 30 games this season, which I know isn’t a huge number by any means, I just saw the same couple decks over and over. Again it’s fine it just feels like every other season. again I do think this is a good game, I just don’t think I want to invest time or money into this game right now.
I’m not trashing the game despite the name of the thread. It’s a good game but after almost ten years of playing, I just cannot get into anymore. It the same 6-7 net decks starting in the lowest tier of play as soon as the expansion drops. Every single expansion just feels the same and it doesn’t feel like the game hasn’t really evolved in any meaningful way in the last 3-4 years.
again I think a great card game and I’ve been paying and playing since the preorder bundles started. Which I don’t mind, but it just feels a stale. I’ve tried duels which is kinda fun and I pop on battlegrounds occasionally. I just think the standard format needs some love.
Anyone have recommendations on an alternative for a while?
I didnt see a thread near the top for this, but is there a reason that the bristlebach does trigger any “after a Blood gem is played…” stuff in combat. The card specifically says “Play a blood gem on all your quillboar” but it doesn’t refresh the divine shield or apply extra stats.. etc. It also seem strange that it doesn’t persist through combat, but I can understand that for in combat buffs
I just think they need to work on their discover mechanic rules, because I can’t mentally handle the idea that blood DK discovers 5+ class legendary cards from a tiny pool every damn game. Sorry to anyone that thinks it’s okay, but you shouldn’t have 3 patchworks, 2 of that new legendary spell, 2 scourges, etc cause as everyone has forgotten LEGENDARY card are meant to be played once, or rarely twice. I know there are a few examples of repeatable spells and such. But in general you get one copy and it should be a game changer…
This will actually be the first time I don’t preorder since they started those bundles. The game has felt like it’s in a frustrating state for over two years. It’s has become lose to aggro turn 4 or from hand otk turn 7-8 in standard. I don’t want to play a game where people can draw the entire deck in 7-8 turns. The game just doesn’t feel like it has any actual back and fourth. That seems like a rant but the standard and wild game states have been bad, in my opinion, for a while.
I don’t understand why they don’t make a quick easy change to brann, something like “your first battlecry every turn is doubled”. Would help stop some of the BS combos that are around. Also the card was given for free for the season they should be gutting that card while it’s in standard, After the first few months of abuse.
i think that they say that, but what they mean is we’d rather just “reprint” the card with the new keyword, even though it’s a digital card game and that means you don’t have to wait for a “reprint”.
I wouldn’t call it a redesign, the card is exactly the same in situations.. it wasn’t even about that card specifically, Instead I was just saying that maybe they can balance some cards using something that isn’t just mana +- or stats +- By using some of the keywords as control to tune down or up cards. I think that manathirst in particular is a great tool to give under or over performing card increased or decreased flexibility.
I understand it’s called “Casino Mage” but I think games like this should be toned down. But not destroyed.
turn 3 - mailbox dancer turn 4 - coin coin Balinda 9/9 turn 5 and 6 - rune of the arch mage - objection+ counter spell + arcane defenders in BOTH of them. turn 7 - parrot - don’t recall the spells I was fairly annoyed at this point. turn 8 - parrot again included pyroblast for good measure.
so in total he cheated at least 80 mana over 4 turns…. I do understand this is pretty god roll. But even on average this spell is strong, especially when played for 5 mana.
I think this spell should add the manathirst keyword -
manathirst (9) - targets enemies if possible.
this says “hey you can cheat it out, and it could still high roll, but it’s more dangerous this way”.
it doesn’t mean you can’t have strong turns but I think it help balance the card so it doesn’t just steal the game.
I'm sure other cards could use a similar treatment to also buff them or balance them not all manathirst. I think it’s a good tool and should be an evergreen keyword. I think it would be a nice way to change cards.
Sometimes it for sure feels rigged, I was the second person in the lobby to TT6. there was 1 other person playing naga who was still on TT4. In 4 turns I couldn’t find either of the T6 naga. The next turn the other Naga player hits TT6 and has two copies of the buff naga.
I dont hate discover, I just think it should have serious restrictions on how many and what can be generated. If you have a patchwerk in your deck you shouldn’t get 2 more. discover should also have a tax. Cause finding something that fills the gap in your deck or responds to a board state you are not prepared for, of help your end the game, should NEVER come with upside. Cause the massive upside is having the cards.
The “Legendary” cards are balanced around playing exactly one of them. But there are tools all over the place to make their battle cry happen twice and play 3 copies of it.
Remove 95% of the stupid damn discover and mana cheat garbage. It’s soo easy to cheat your way to a win. I lose to generated cards over 25% of games easily. 2,3,4 copies of the same broken legendaries is so common in the game right now that the “LEGENDARY” tag mean almost nothing besides “this card is probably broken, good thing you can only play 1, JK here is a copy and another” . Could you image having to put things in your deck to play them??!???!! Not hearthstone.
It okay to stop enjoying a game, and look for something else. I just figured the community that enjoys a game I did for a long time might have some similar taste and good recommendations. I’m not even trashing the game, but people are on here acting like I kicked their dog..oh well. I appreciate the people being positive.
That’s fine and I accept that, but it makes the game feel stale really fast. I’m not blaming any person but after playing 30 games this season, which I know isn’t a huge number by any means, I just saw the same couple decks over and over. Again it’s fine it just feels like every other season.
again I do think this is a good game, I just don’t think I want to invest time or money into this game right now.
I got about 50 hours out of d4. It’s a perfectly fine game, but I hope it also gets better soon haha
I’m not trashing the game despite the name of the thread. It’s a good game but after almost ten years of playing, I just cannot get into anymore. It the same 6-7 net decks starting in the lowest tier of play as soon as the expansion drops. Every single expansion just feels the same and it doesn’t feel like the game hasn’t really evolved in any meaningful way in the last 3-4 years.
again I think a great card game and I’ve been paying and playing since the preorder bundles started. Which I don’t mind, but it just feels a stale. I’ve tried duels which is kinda fun and I pop on battlegrounds occasionally. I just think the standard format needs some love.
Anyone have recommendations on an alternative for a while?
I didnt see a thread near the top for this, but is there a reason that the bristlebach does trigger any “after a Blood gem is played…” stuff in combat. The card specifically says “Play a blood gem on all your quillboar” but it doesn’t refresh the divine shield or apply extra stats.. etc. It also seem strange that it doesn’t persist through combat, but I can understand that for in combat buffs
I just think they need to work on their discover mechanic rules, because I can’t mentally handle the idea that blood DK discovers 5+ class legendary cards from a tiny pool every damn game. Sorry to anyone that thinks it’s okay, but you shouldn’t have 3 patchworks, 2 of that new legendary spell, 2 scourges, etc cause as everyone has forgotten LEGENDARY card are meant to be played once, or rarely twice. I know there are a few examples of repeatable spells and such. But in general you get one copy and it should be a game changer…
This will actually be the first time I don’t preorder since they started those bundles. The game has felt like it’s in a frustrating state for over two years. It’s has become lose to aggro turn 4 or from hand otk turn 7-8 in standard. I don’t want to play a game where people can draw the entire deck in 7-8 turns. The game just doesn’t feel like it has any actual back and fourth. That seems like a rant but the standard and wild game states have been bad, in my opinion, for a while.
I don’t understand why they don’t make a quick easy change to brann, something like “your first battlecry every turn is doubled”. Would help stop some of the BS combos that are around. Also the card was given for free for the season they should be gutting that card while it’s in standard, After the first few months of abuse.
i think that they say that, but what they mean is we’d rather just “reprint” the card with the new keyword, even though it’s a digital card game and that means you don’t have to wait for a “reprint”.
I wouldn’t call it a redesign, the card is exactly the same in situations.. it wasn’t even about that card specifically, Instead I was just saying that maybe they can balance some cards using something that isn’t just mana +- or stats +-
By using some of the keywords as control to tune down or up cards. I think that manathirst in particular is a great tool to give under or over performing card increased or decreased flexibility.
I understand it’s called “Casino Mage” but I think games like this should be toned down. But not destroyed.
turn 3 - mailbox dancer
turn 4 - coin coin Balinda 9/9 turn 5 and 6 - rune of the arch mage - objection+ counter spell + arcane defenders in BOTH of them. turn 7 - parrot - don’t recall the spells I was fairly annoyed at this point. turn 8 - parrot again included pyroblast for good measure.
so in total he cheated at least 80 mana over 4 turns…. I do understand this is pretty god roll. But even on average this spell is strong, especially when played for 5 mana.
I think this spell should add the manathirst keyword -
manathirst (9) - targets enemies if possible.
this says “hey you can cheat it out, and it could still high roll, but it’s more dangerous this way”.
it doesn’t mean you can’t have strong turns but I think it help balance the card so it doesn’t just steal the game.
I'm sure other cards could use a similar treatment to also buff them or balance them not all manathirst. I think it’s a good tool and should be an evergreen keyword. I think it would be a nice way to change cards.
Fucking delete rogue of completely rework their bullshit. This guy concocted 3 dmg + kill a minion 3 times in 2 turns. Played astalor fucking 5 times.
Sometimes it for sure feels rigged, I was the second person in the lobby to TT6. there was 1 other person playing naga who was still on TT4. In 4 turns I couldn’t find either of the T6 naga. The next turn the other Naga player hits TT6 and has two copies of the buff naga.
I dont hate discover, I just think it should have serious restrictions on how many and what can be generated. If you have a patchwerk in your deck you shouldn’t get 2 more. discover should also have a tax. Cause finding something that fills the gap in your deck or responds to a board state you are not prepared for, of help your end the game, should NEVER come with upside. Cause the massive upside is having the cards.
The “Legendary” cards are balanced around playing exactly one of them. But there are tools all over the place to make their battle cry happen twice and play 3 copies of it.
Remove 95% of the stupid damn discover and mana cheat garbage. It’s soo easy to cheat your way to a win. I lose to generated cards over 25% of games easily. 2,3,4 copies of the same broken legendaries is so common in the game right now that the “LEGENDARY” tag mean almost nothing besides “this card is probably broken, good thing you can only play 1, JK here is a copy and another” . Could you image having to put things in your deck to play them??!???!! Not hearthstone.