Start 10/40/100 turns with a Caravan: This is boring. No class has more than 2 copies of a Caravan, so if you want the achievement I suggest you play a good deck with the calss you chose, and put two copies of Caravan into your deck. This will slowly give you the achievement.
I still haven't got that achievement, but I improved my progression quite a bit by accidentally playing it in a Duel fight, then using Ancient Reflections treasure card on it. I got 7 copies of my Caravan, and the opponent couldn't destroy them all. So the counter towards the achievement bumped up by 6 or 7 at once at the end of that turn, and then again for a few turns afterwards.
Of course this relies heavily on luck for getting Ancient Reflections, but still :-)
So I just completed three of the most grindy achievements, all in duels:
1) 'Buff 600 minions with Invigorating Sermon': Playing Duels with the hero power that summons a dude and adds one to my hand (to be able to generate more buffing targets), it took me 3 deep (to 5 or 6 wins) runs to get the full achievement. In 2 out of 3 runs I was able to pick a 2nd copy of the spell from a bucket. Also in 2 out of 3 runs I discovered the passive treasure where I discover a spell when I play my first holy spell in a turn. Sometimes I discovered more copies of Invigorating Sermon this way (or via Snack Run too). It will feel very slow at first, but when on the 8th or 9th game in a duels run your deck is big enough that casting Sermon once can often buff 30-40 minions, especially if you played First Day of School and/or a spell that summons 5 dudes right before
2) Deal 150 extra damage with Nature spells: I don't even have 'Bru'kan', but he is not needed. Cheap source of spell damage (Rune Dagger, Primordial Studies, Imprisoned Phoenix, Bloodmage Thalnos) is good enough. If your goal is to win then blasting their face with multiple Lightning Bolts and so on is good, but the spells that really help you make a lot of progress with the quest are the AOE ones. I had 2-3 occasions where the opponent went really wide and I was able to cast a Lightning Storm with spell damage +2. That's 2 extra damage on each minion you hit and helps a ton with achievement progress.
3) Summon 250 Imps: That was the easiest. Playing Warlock with soul fragment synergies and the passive HP that summons an imp every time you shuffle fragments into your deck (and picking up soul fragment buckets along the way) made it very easy to complete this in just 2 deep runs with Warlock. First one I went 11-3 actually and summoned already 200/250 imps
N'Zoth, God of the Deep can also resurrect Plaguemaw. This achievement is such a pain
### taunt # Class: Druid # Format: Standard # Year of the Gryphon # # 2x (0) Innervate # 2x (0) Lightning Bloom # 2x (1) Nature Studies # 2x (2) Living Seed (Rank 1) # 1x (3) Archspore Msshi'fn # 2x (3) Dreaming Drake # 2x (3) Wild Growth # 2x (4) Circus Amalgam # 1x (4) Germination # 2x (4) Overgrowth # 1x (4) Plaguemaw the Rotting # 1x (5) Greybough # 1x (5) Taelan Fordring # 2x (5) Teacher's Pet # 2x (6) Nourish # 2x (7) Druid of the Plains # 1x (9) N'Zoth, God of the Deep # 2x (10) Scrapyard Colossus # AAECAaHDAwbmugPxugOb2AOm4QPC7AOoigQM6LoD87sDks0Dm84D8NQD9N8Di+QDtuwDvuwDiZ8Erp8E2p8EAA== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
This is a great tip, especially if you slot in two brooms. If you play broom and N'Zoth on the same turn, you can trade into your opponents minions, thus making it easier to activate Plaguemaw.
Looking sb to try to do Yogg's achievement. Silver 9 WILD or Brown 8 on Standart. 2 Decks with Cho (1 priest, 1 paladin). We can try to find eachother.
Looking sb to try to do Yogg's achievement. Silver 9 WILD or Brown 8 on Standart. 2 Decks with Cho (1 priest, 1 paladin). We can try to find eachother.
What region?
Other cards you should include for achievements that interact with your opponent: lots of secrets (so 5 can trigger in 1 turn) and Horde Operative, and Annoy-o-Tron and idr any others.
Trigger 20/60/200 Sigils... am i missing something??? if you do all 4 per game then you need to do 50 games... and ofc you not gonna do all 4 each game more likely you do 0-2 per game... so thats like 100+ games for this achvement
Trigger 20/60/200 Sigils... am i missing something??? if you do all 4 per game then you need to do 50 games... and ofc you not gonna do all 4 each game more likely you do 0-2 per game... so thats like 100+ games for this achvement
You're not missing anything. Several of the achievements are like that, sadly
Trigger 20/60/200 Sigils... am i missing something??? if you do all 4 per game then you need to do 50 games... and ofc you not gonna do all 4 each game more likely you do 0-2 per game... so thats like 100+ games for this achvement
Trigger 20/60/200 Sigils... am i missing something??? if you do all 4 per game then you need to do 50 games... and ofc you not gonna do all 4 each game more likely you do 0-2 per game... so thats like 100+ games for this achvement
Far from the worst, and I'm 99% done with all modes (except General).
Some of the achievements for the miniset are truly obnoxious. I'm still waiting to decide whether the dh one or the paladin one are the actual worst. One needs opponents to do something, one needs complete randomness that has really low odds of happening. Truly a joy to behold.
i dont think the paladin is that random, first i thought the chance was astronomically low to get 3 of the same adventurers (for the possible 8) and the 4 even lower, but when i started the game, in my first game i immediately got the 3 same, and in the next game i got the 4 instantly so i played only 2 games played the Party Up card 4 times and finished the achievement, and i just dont believe that im this lucky, rng has to be manipulated in some way and i completed every achievement from the miniset, the DH is the worst (slowest)
i dont think the paladin is that random, first i thought the chance was astronomically low to get 3 of the same adventurers (for the possible 8) and the 4 even lower, but when i started the game, in my first game i immediately got the 3 same, and in the next game i got the 4 instantly so i played only 2 games played the Party Up card 4 times and finished the achievement, and i just dont believe that im this lucky, rng has to be manipulated in some way and i completed every achievement from the miniset, the DH is the worst (slowest)
yeah, i'm pretty sure you got very lucky my man. i am going to bed sad now, having played 43 Party Up!s, and while i have gotten a whole bunch of triples, no quads yet....
Looking sb to try to do Oh My Yogg achievement. I'm in legend on EU, so I need you to be legend too. I have decklists for both of us and a method to increase our chances. Send me an invite if you're interested (even if you see this a little late):
Regarding the DH achievement "Tormented Hearts": does the extra 15 mana need to be spent in one game? Because the progress is still '2' for me after several games.
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I still haven't got that achievement, but I improved my progression quite a bit by accidentally playing it in a Duel fight, then using Ancient Reflections treasure card on it. I got 7 copies of my Caravan, and the opponent couldn't destroy them all. So the counter towards the achievement bumped up by 6 or 7 at once at the end of that turn, and then again for a few turns afterwards.
Of course this relies heavily on luck for getting Ancient Reflections, but still :-)
Casual-yet-daily player
You can complete this in Duels (casual mode) not the one you have to pay?
Yes, you can do it there.
So I just completed three of the most grindy achievements, all in duels:
1) 'Buff 600 minions with Invigorating Sermon': Playing Duels with the hero power that summons a dude and adds one to my hand (to be able to generate more buffing targets), it took me 3 deep (to 5 or 6 wins) runs to get the full achievement. In 2 out of 3 runs I was able to pick a 2nd copy of the spell from a bucket. Also in 2 out of 3 runs I discovered the passive treasure where I discover a spell when I play my first holy spell in a turn. Sometimes I discovered more copies of Invigorating Sermon this way (or via Snack Run too). It will feel very slow at first, but when on the 8th or 9th game in a duels run your deck is big enough that casting Sermon once can often buff 30-40 minions, especially if you played First Day of School and/or a spell that summons 5 dudes right before
2) Deal 150 extra damage with Nature spells: I don't even have 'Bru'kan', but he is not needed. Cheap source of spell damage (Rune Dagger, Primordial Studies, Imprisoned Phoenix, Bloodmage Thalnos) is good enough. If your goal is to win then blasting their face with multiple Lightning Bolts and so on is good, but the spells that really help you make a lot of progress with the quest are the AOE ones. I had 2-3 occasions where the opponent went really wide and I was able to cast a Lightning Storm with spell damage +2. That's 2 extra damage on each minion you hit and helps a ton with achievement progress.
3) Summon 250 Imps: That was the easiest. Playing Warlock with soul fragment synergies and the passive HP that summons an imp every time you shuffle fragments into your deck (and picking up soul fragment buckets along the way) made it very easy to complete this in just 2 deep runs with Warlock. First one I went 11-3 actually and summoned already 200/250 imps
N'Zoth, God of the Deep can also resurrect Plaguemaw. This achievement is such a pain
### taunt
# Class: Druid
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Gryphon
# 2x (0) Innervate
# 2x (0) Lightning Bloom
# 2x (1) Nature Studies
# 2x (2) Living Seed (Rank 1)
# 1x (3) Archspore Msshi'fn
# 2x (3) Dreaming Drake
# 2x (3) Wild Growth
# 2x (4) Circus Amalgam
# 1x (4) Germination
# 2x (4) Overgrowth
# 1x (4) Plaguemaw the Rotting
# 1x (5) Greybough
# 1x (5) Taelan Fordring
# 2x (5) Teacher's Pet
# 2x (6) Nourish
# 2x (7) Druid of the Plains
# 1x (9) N'Zoth, God of the Deep
# 2x (10) Scrapyard Colossus
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
This is a great tip, especially if you slot in two brooms. If you play broom and N'Zoth on the same turn, you can trade into your opponents minions, thus making it easier to activate Plaguemaw.
Looking sb to try to do Yogg's achievement. Silver 9 WILD or Brown 8 on Standart. 2 Decks with Cho (1 priest, 1 paladin). We can try to find eachother.
What region?
Other cards you should include for achievements that interact with your opponent: lots of secrets (so 5 can trigger in 1 turn) and Horde Operative, and Annoy-o-Tron and idr any others.
EU. I can help you with other too
Trigger 20/60/200 Sigils... am i missing something??? if you do all 4 per game then you need to do 50 games... and ofc you not gonna do all 4 each game more likely you do 0-2 per game... so thats like 100+ games for this achvement
You're not missing anything. Several of the achievements are like that, sadly
Use both elekks
Far from the worst, and I'm 99% done with all modes (except General).
Take a walk on the wild side...
With the mini-set we will get another Sigil, so that's potensially 6 per game.
Some of the achievements for the miniset are truly obnoxious. I'm still waiting to decide whether the dh one or the paladin one are the actual worst. One needs opponents to do something, one needs complete randomness that has really low odds of happening. Truly a joy to behold.
i dont think the paladin is that random, first i thought the chance was astronomically low to get 3 of the same adventurers (for the possible 8) and the 4 even lower, but when i started the game, in my first game i immediately got the 3 same, and in the next game i got the 4 instantly so i played only 2 games played the Party Up card 4 times and finished the achievement, and i just dont believe that im this lucky, rng has to be manipulated in some way and i completed every achievement from the miniset, the DH is the worst (slowest)
yeah, i'm pretty sure you got very lucky my man. i am going to bed sad now, having played 43 Party Up!s, and while i have gotten a whole bunch of triples, no quads yet....
They said no more achievements like oh my yogg but wtf this is more rng... 0.88%... i had luck and i completed all
Looking sb to try to do Oh My Yogg achievement. I'm in legend on EU, so I need you to be legend too. I have decklists for both of us and a method to increase our chances. Send me an invite if you're interested (even if you see this a little late):
Regarding the DH achievement "Tormented Hearts": does the extra 15 mana need to be spent in one game? Because the progress is still '2' for me after several games.