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    posted a message on Core cards
    Quote from Pherosizm >>
    Quote from SirJohn13 >>

    Yes to keep using them you'd have to craft them or open them in those new 'Wild' packs

    Quote from Pherosizm >>

    That's an excellent question. I feel like the brand new cards should be gifts to the players for their collection, since they aren't obtainable in any packs to speak of, anyway.

    If they just take them away and say, "lol, just craft them" it'd be kind of a big finger up to everyone.

    I would guess as we get closer to rotation and the new core set they'll speak of it.

     Well, I've already stated how I feel about that, if that's really how it'll work out.

    ... something something greedy company.

     I mean, if we're being pedantic it's not a big finger up to everyone, just to the wild playerbase. Not like standard players will miss cards they can't possibly use.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on How many OTK decks are live at the moment in Wild and Ranked
    Quote from FortyDust >>
    Quote from SirJohn13 >>


    Warrior doesn't have any OTK decks

     Warrior does have one, and it's quite viable because it crushes all Rogues. It's a Control-Pirate hybrid that uses Captain Galvangar, Faceless Manipulator, To the Front! and Battleground Battlemaster as the combo finisher, capable of well over 30 damage in one turn.

    In fact, I'm pretty sure all classes have at least one OTK available at this time.

     In what parallel universe does this deck crush anything exactly? If this deck was actually good against rogues it'd be played in high legend and yet...no one does, cos the deck is complete and utter garbage.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Does anything beat ping Mage?
    Quote from FortyDust >>
    Quote from JJSawry >>

    I wouldn't worry about pingmage for now. Mozaki is probably a bigger issue, and a far worse experience to face.

     Of the three Mage archetypes, (Ping, Big Spell, Mozaki OTK), Mozaki has the lowest win rate by a VERY wide margin.

     Considering that big spell mage literally isn't a deck anywhere outside of bronze and that mozaki is one of the top choices at 1k legend...what are you smoking, exactly?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on What are Wild players looking forward to this set?

    Basically just curious to see whether guff will work in alignment druid. Seems to me like a decent enough card (play it at 5 straight into alignment the next turn) but heh, no idea.

    Other than that...not much else. Meta will still be odd questline hunter, questline warrior and even/painlocks. I hope I won't see more galakrond shaman because god that's such a boring archetype to face. But yeah, that's it, questlines are too powerful for many other strategies to be particularly viable.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2
    Quote from AndreiRO >>
    Quote from Pherosizm >>

    I'm so glad that quest mage is considered such a low tier, bad deck, so that when I lose to it I can feel even worse because certainly I should not be losing to such a low tier, bad deck.

    What the fuck is wrong with me, huh?

    Fuck creativity, fuck fun cards and fuck board interactions. Just get all your shooty spells and point them upstairs because you really don't need anything else in this game.

     It's definitely a good deck and all the pros who say otherwise can go fuck themselves. I don't even win with elemental shaman or hunter all the time which are supposed to be good against it. And no, I'm not bad at the game. When mage draws the nuts, you can't do anything. It's the most underrated deck in the meta for some reason (maybe because good players play double Neophyte, double watch post in every single deck?? )

     Uhm, it's not pros who say the deck is tier 3 (and incidentally, pros have been snubbing questline mage forever in tournaments, for pretty obvious reasons), but stats from both hsreplay and vs. If you keep losing to it with decks that have 53% wr (ele shaman) and 68% wr (face hunter) then either you're unlucky, your opponent is lucky...or you're not playing very well the matchup. Elemental shaman isn't dominant in any way shape or form against mage but if you keep losing to questline with a deck that has a 68% wr against it across ladder and a 72% wr in legend...well, the problem is probably you, not the opponent's deck.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on 0 cost cards

    Yeah, that'd be such a great solution for questline pwar, questline hunter and even renolock. Wow, truly solved the meta, thank you.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Hearthstone not fun in this state
    Quote from HighDef2021 >>

    Hearthstone is not fun, it's simply an addiction. If Hearthstone was so fun, you wouldn't have a second edition of a salt thread that dominates the forum in post count. Playing GTA is fun. Playing your guitar is fun. Building your own PC is fun. Hearthstone is not.

    It's also fading. This forum is nowhere near as active as it used to be (I've been lurking for a while).

     I mean, salt posts dominate literally everything else in all competitive games fora, I've seen this kind of thing in quake champions, overwatch, valorant, cs:go...without even mentioning shit piles that are DOTA and LOL, which house some of the most toxic communities in the entire gaming industry. Do you want to guess why? Could it be because you don't play GTA against anyone else, you don't play your guitar against anyone else and you don't build your PC against anyone else? Might have something to do with that...possibly.

    Here's a hint for you, people who have fun have almost literally no reason whatsoever to step on a forum to say "hey, I'm having so much fun". After all, why would you interrupt the fun you have to let other people know? People who are not having fun, on the other hand...there are those who aren't having fun and decide to just do/play something else. And then there are those who need to let everyone know that game x isn't fun, community x is shit, devs x are incompetent and franchise x is doomed. That's how these things work.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on How to deal with OTK decks?

    The fact that you let a warlock complete their quest and reach fatigue is probably a big reason why you keep losing against them. I can't even remember the last warlock I faced that completed the quest in standard, let alone used fatigue to kill me.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Questlines and deck building.
    Quote from Legend_Entomber >>
    Quote from olestuga >>

    Yep, playing against these broken ass Questlines is by far the worst experience(since Baku/Genn) in HS for me. I don't mind losing, but seeing the exact same shit every game is just boring as fuck.

     Baku/Genn was rotated to Wild early after just 1 year in Standard, hopefully they will do the same to these Questlines as they are pretty much restricting deck-building creativity for Standard until 2023...... 

    How did the player base react to Baku/Genn decks that push Blizz send them out of Standard early?

     This is a dumb take, no offence. Baku and genn weren't rotated to wild because "they restrict deck building creativity" (lol), they were rotated to wild because they were powerful, omnipresent and, most importantly, couldn't be nerfed. The questlines can be nerfed and I 100% guarantee most people by the time next rotation comes around will be whining about something completely different from questlines, because that's always how this works. Recency bias is a bitch.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Wait, people GENUINELY think the game is rigged?

    These threads are always a lot of fun, I'll admit. It always devolves into a bunch of nonsense between the hearthstone equivalent of flat-earthers and people who have at least a bare understanding of how chance and statistics work. 

    It's amazing how much these people really resemble flat-earthers, antivax, qanon etc etc. The pattern is eerily similar. Just make a frankly preposterous point that goes against logic and actual objective facts and when asked to prove in some way shape or form said point, hide back behind "well if you've played half a game, you'd know hearthstone was rigged", "oh, you're asking me proof but why don't you give me some" and the evergreen "THE PATENT OMG SOMEONE THINK OF THE PATENT". 

    It's 100% pointless to argue with these people. It's not that they lack understanding of what "random" is or how statistics work (which they most assuredly do) but that they lack the basic premise that should be at the base of a discussion...rational thought. Their belligerent refusal to understand what they're arguing about also can't help matters that much.

    I was even going to go on a tirade explaining how if there was any "rigging" we'd know but...what's the point. It's like me trying to tell my cat not to climb the plant, I may shout as much as I want but the cat isn't able to understand me and does what she wants because that's how she is. 

    So please do carry on with the conspiracies, but I would like to ask you to at the very least come up with something new or a bit more original because the Hanon points are really...stale. A few reptilians, a kabal or two and maybe the NWO would make things more interesting.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2
    Quote from BillyBoomhauser >>

    Would love a Reno deck that doesn’t get rinsed by the hyper-aggro Tier 1 decks. Games are winnable but only if you heavily tech and draw the nuts early on to stay alive.

     Try reno evenlock, seems to be performing exceedingly well against everything

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on The massive Ignite issue in Standard
    Quote from sanchogrande >>
    Quote from ShadowAldrius
    >>But Ignite NEEDS the quest

     What? Is that true? Isn't ignite good in pretty much any deck? I can't imagine not wanting it in a mage deck.

     Why on earth would you want a 2 mana deal 2 damage shuffle a pointless 2 mana deal 3 in your deck? Unless your whole deck was based on exactly card draw and spell power? Ignite is garbage if it doesn't fit exactly with what the deck wants to do, in the same way that no druid deck in wild runs jade just because "wow, such value". Clunking your future draws for a pointless 2 mana card that scales awfully slowly is a terrible plan.

    Quote from OoZuNoO >>
    Quote from ShadowAldrius >>

     It REALLY isn't garbage. Wildfire is an insanely strong card now alone. And Mordresh is a huge tempo swing AND finisher.

     Tried every build I could think/find, Quest mage still better in every way. HP Mage just cant kill your opponent fast enough, its tier 3 at best. Any mage deck that doesnt abuse Incanter's Flow and RSW has zero chance of being good rn, hopefully that changes with the miniset.

     Uh...you realise quest mage is tier 3...right? What you're saying it ping mage is just as good as quest mage then.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on nerfs are in

    Love to see illucia absolutely obliterated from orbit, what an amazing day.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2
    Quote from BillyBoomhauser >>

    Questlock aside, Mage is really toxic in Wild at the moment. Was all over a Mage as an Odd Hunter and one turn away from killing him whilst I was at full health, before he played all his cards from hand and OTK'd me. His animations made his turn last forever whilst I just sat there and slowly died.

    Fun and interactive. Well done Blizzard. 

    I think I'll sit this season out. Like a previous poster mentioned, even winning makes me feel salty. I'm sick of this hyper-aggro rubbish.


     You play the most generic hyper aggro garbage deck in odd dh and you're sick of the hyper-aggro rubbish? Did you fall off a chair and hit your head when you were a young lad or what?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on The massive Ignite issue in Standard
    Quote from SLima >>
    Quote from FortyDust >>
    Quote from lv426a11 >>


    p.s. *off-topic*  tell me again why renew and apotheosis got nerfed???

     Renew was too much value for one low price, and allowing it to be generated by Wandmaker made it way, way too good. Releasing it at a Cost of 1 was just plain wrong.

    Apotheosis was nerfed because of its interaction with Samuro, no other reason.

    I assume you are wandering down this path because you think Quest Mage should not be allowed to outlast a fatigue-style Priest deck. The thing is, the recent versions of Quest Priest are perfectly capable of beating Mage long before fatigue, even if the Priest never finishes the quest. They just win with a lot of heals and good boards that the Mage can't deal with. This is much a much healthier win condition than dragging every game into fatigue.

     I really want to know what kind of Quest Priest you are talking about here. Sorry, but it simply seems wrong. How does Quest Priest beat a Quest Mage? Building a board is useless because the Mage just freezes the minions over and over again. You straight up help them finish their quest faster by playing minions. Healing? Like, are you serious here? Quest Mage can burn you down from 30 health easily after Arcanist Dawngrasp is played. Healing is completely worthless against them. So, i want to know about this magical quest priest list that somehow beats Mage. It doesn't sound realistic at all. 

     Quest priest has the exact same winrate quest mage has (47%), and this is according to internal blizzard data, not "my incredibly relevant personal experience on ladder" (https://twitter.com/sky_tding/status/1435452830748344320/photo/1) . As to how, it's not particularly difficult, if a priest lands robes of protection and/or the 4/6 watchpost what do you think a mage can do exactly? In no way shape or form is it a good matchup but priests hardly roll over. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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