First Day of School

Card Text
Add 2 random 1-Cost minions to your hand.
Flavor Text
"Report to the bookstore to buy your books, the alchemist to buy your potions, and then get your wands at the… wandryroom?"
Add 2 random 1-Cost minions to your hand.
"Report to the bookstore to buy your books, the alchemist to buy your potions, and then get your wands at the… wandryroom?"
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0 costs cards should be removed from the game.
I've got some good news for you on this one, at least.
Great for Prismatic Lens as well
Actually this is really good card. Just imagine getting all those good 1 drops every class has except paladin
All possible 1 cost minions, known so far and sorted by class, and my rating for how good they are in an aggressive Paladin deck. 1-5 (1 Bad, 2 Meh, 3 Ok, 4 Good, 5 Excellent) I'm probably a bit off on the rating on some cards, I'm surely no pro player. Of course the rating could vary depending on specific builds, like Murloc cards getting higher rating if you use Murloc build etc. In total 9 "Bad", 26 "Meh", 20 "Ok", 9 "Good" and 5 "Excellent" cards. Give me your thoughts!
Demon Hunter
Battlefiend 2
Crimson Sigil Runner 3
Shadowhoof Slayer 2
Ur'zul Horror 3
Acornbearer 3
Dwarven Sharpshooter 3
Helboar 2
Shimmerfly 2
Timber Wolf 1
Violet Spellwing 2
Wand Thief 4
Aldor Attendant 3
Brazen Zealot 3
Imprisoned Sungill 3
Cleric of Scales 1
Disciple of Galakrond 1
Imprisoned Homunculus 3
Psychic Conjurer 2
Reliquary of Souls 3
Scarlet Subjugator 2
Frazzled Freshman 5
Blackjack Stunner 2
Bloodsail Flybooter 3
Pharaoh Cat 4
Spymistress 4
Dust Devil 3
Sludge Slurper 4
Surging Tempest 3
Blood Imp 2
Fiendish Servant 4
Flame Imp 4
Voidwalker 4
Imprisoned Gan'arg 5
Risky Skipper 2
Sky Raider 3
Abusive Sergeant 3
Angry Chicken 1
Argent Squire 3
Beaming Sidekick 3
Blazing Battlemage 5
Bloodsail Corsair 1
Depth Charge 1
Elven Archer 2
Goldshire Footman 2
Grimscale Oracle 1
Ethereal Augmerchant 4
Guardian Augmerchant 5
Hot Air Balloon 5
Hungry Crab 3
Infectious Sporeling 2
Jar Dealer 2
Leper Gnome 2
Lightwarden 2
Mogu Cultist 1
Murloc Raider 2
Murloc Tidecaller 2
Murmy 2
Potion Vendor 2
Rocket Augmerchant 4
Secretkeeper 2
Shieldbearer 1
Soulbound Ashtongue 2
Southsea Deckhand 2
Stonetusk Boar 3
Voodoo Doctor 2
Toxfin 2
Worgen Infiltrator 3
Young Dragonhawk 2
Young Priestess 3
Shadowhoof Slayer should be 3 (an attack chance is always nice)
Wand Thief should be 5 (instant combo, and getting a Mage spell for Paladin is great)
Dust Devil should be 2 (turn 1 drop without being able to follow up at turn 2 kinda hurts)
Infectious Sporeling should be 1 (that thing is an anti Paladin tool that most likely hurt you when you least expected it
I agree with the rest
Got a Wild neutral to add Shifter Zerus
Well, Duel Paladin was never relevant, but glad we finally got an anti aggro tool for it
Looks like aggro pali is back plus with the new minion goody two shields, this would be a perfect synergy with it
Agreed. Trump made the comparison to Firefly ( the 1/2 that gave another 1/2), and this is on average even better.
I believe this goes straight into an midrange deck since aggro most likely still wants to play Murlocs over random 1drops.
Surprising that no one has commented on this yet. It is an insanely good card. Two bodies for ZERO mana? That's awesome! There are lots of very decent 1-drops in the game, even in standard.