really bad card for the game, single handedly will kill every single other control deck because of infinite value and mana cheat at the same time, cards like this, the pirate quest reward, Sargeras, "for the rest of the game" cards should not exist, terrible terrible decision
bad card, it is the 2 mana spell Thrive in the Shadows on a stick and but priest does not need the stick and it is often important to get that 1 mana difference, also that spell can be 0 mana with the legenary spell in action, so the normal useage is weaker than a basic card priest has now, the quickdraw version is whatever, stealing 1 spell is nothing (enemy spells are worse than yours) unless it is a part of an OTK combo or some otherwise winning spell which happens rarely
it should steal the minion instead of copying, i think that was the original idea but then they changed in the last minute to this crap, i cannot imagine this was the original thought because this is one of the worst card i have ever seen, but with stealing it would be a different story
it's not 3, it can be 6, and if you can replay the legendary (like priest can play it 4-5 times in 1 game) the entire board will come back again and again and again
how many class can easily deal with 3x 10/12 with taunt in turn 8 with cards that you would play normally against any other classes? priest (sw: ruin), paladin (eq) and?
the card is good alone but control priest is dead without Lightshower Elemental, Seek Guidance, Xyrella, the DevoutSpirit Guide there will be no win condition or survivability for any control type priest deck, basically every important control priest card rotate out
same, did not get the new expansion packs only the older ones
really bad card for the game, single handedly will kill every single other control deck because of infinite value and mana cheat at the same time, cards like this, the pirate quest reward, Sargeras, "for the rest of the game" cards should not exist, terrible terrible decision
bad card, it is the 2 mana spell Thrive in the Shadows on a stick and but priest does not need the stick and it is often important to get that 1 mana difference, also that spell can be 0 mana with the legenary spell in action, so the normal useage is weaker than a basic card priest has now, the quickdraw version is whatever, stealing 1 spell is nothing (enemy spells are worse than yours) unless it is a part of an OTK combo or some otherwise winning spell which happens rarely
yes, it should say at least: copy a minion with 4/4 stats from your opponent's hand into yours it costs (0) this turn
why would anybody ever do that?
it should steal the minion instead of copying, i think that was the original idea but then they changed in the last minute to this crap, i cannot imagine this was the original thought because this is one of the worst card i have ever seen, but with stealing it would be a different story
it's not 3, it can be 6, and if you can replay the legendary (like priest can play it 4-5 times in 1 game) the entire board will come back again and again and again
to what? it is really important not to allow blood DK to play those cards and i dont see any other reasonable change
absolute garbage, too slow and easy to counter 1* will never see the light of day
the demon seed was also the best legendary quest for lock
how many class can easily deal with 3x 10/12 with taunt in turn 8 with cards that you would play normally against any other classes? priest (sw: ruin), paladin (eq) and?
they fight means they clash only once right? bad card way worse than hysteria
no, the rogue legendary says "this turn" you have to use the (1) cost cards immediately
the card is good alone but control priest is dead without Lightshower Elemental, Seek Guidance, Xyrella, the Devout Spirit Guide there will be no win condition or survivability for any control type priest deck, basically every important control priest card rotate out
too much, how is this even possible?