Invigorating Sermon

Card Text
Give +1/+1 to all minions in your hand, deck, and battlefield.
Flavor Text
Every underdog sports coach knows this one.
Give +1/+1 to all minions in your hand, deck, and battlefield.
Every underdog sports coach knows this one.
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Should have been +1/+2.
Prince Keleseth without the deck-building restriction? Oh goody.
I love this card, design-wise. I can't quite put my finger on why, but it feels like it fits Paladin's class identity perfectly. Winning by playing this card and then edging your opponent out bit by bit with the slight advantage it gives you strikes me as super satisfying.
My favorite card of the set already. I love my Hand Buff Paladin in Wild and this should help. Won't necessarily be good, but it looks fun.
This will make Hand buff Paladin in Wild a lot more fun
Slow. Unless you have a decent board or tokens on turn 4, this is totally irrelevant. And no, it's not like Survival of the Fittest. +1/+1 won't make that much of a difference.
Good thing it's not 3 mana, or Wild Odd Paladins would rampage.
Looks like there are new paladin cards that make Holy spells cheaper though, so might not be too slow.
A honest buffer, unlike Survival of the Fittest.