Nature Studies is nice on turn one, if you have drawn Wild Growth or Overgrowth already or can pick it (slim chance), while Moonlit Guidance can let you draw one of the two and perhaps play it and get a copy.
I am currently running Nature Studies in my standard ramp druid deck, but can anyone share experiences with or thoughts about Moonlit Guidance ?
Because I cant see what to cut. I need that ramp spells to get to 8+ mana for the higher cost cards and if I cut two of the higher cost cards I could end with 8 mana, but nothing to play except cards that gives mana.
Nature Studies and Moonlit Guidance does the same in terms of helping me play my ramp cards, so I think its down to one or the other.
And its a little in favor of Moonlit Guidance, but it was close because Nature Studies sometimes got me a spell that weren't in my deck, that helped me win the game. Maybe I should play with one of each. :)
Studies better against fast decks (tempo neutral, average/random value generation), guidance better against slow decks (tempo loss, strong/consistent value generation)
Studies more efficient, guidance more consistent
Studies favors risk and reward, guidance favors player knowledge
Regular everyday HS player here: I like both for the flexibility. But I guess if you had to cut one of them it'd be nature studies because you don't always hit really useful spells.
The discount is great but you'd rather have more of the spells you actually put in your deck than choosing from 3 random ones.
It depends on how picky you are on what spells you get, if you half to pic one over the other. nature-studies can give you anything will the other dos not.
Studies is an insane card for druid, it helps speed up ramp, it helps find the ramp. I just don't see a ramp druid without the card, even if wild dilutes its pool a bit. The only question is, should Moonlit Guidance be included? It's great if you need value to win, but not so great otherwise. Does it help much against priest? Against aggressive decks, that tend to be an issue for ramp druid? Possibly not. So unless you play an incredibly slow, value based meta for some reason, you don't really need it.
Always Moonlit Guidance, especially in a ramp druid deck - the value you get from it is just insane and the chance to get something useful out of it (where the odds are higher cause it is a card from your deck and not randomly generated cards like in the Studies) is much bigger. The only druid deck where I might consider Nature Studies over Moonlit Guidance would be in an Aggro Druid deck, but even there I would rather cut the Studies than Guidance.
Defiantly since spending more mana for better affects is what druid is all about, however he might be considering nature studies for early gam sport so he dos not diy.
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Which would you consider the best card in ramp druid of Nature Studies or Moonlit Guidance ?
Nature Studies is nice on turn one, if you have drawn Wild Growth or Overgrowth already or can pick it (slim chance), while Moonlit Guidance can let you draw one of the two and perhaps play it and get a copy.
I am currently running Nature Studies in my standard ramp druid deck, but can anyone share experiences with or thoughts about Moonlit Guidance ?
why no bot
Because I cant see what to cut. I need that ramp spells to get to 8+ mana for the higher cost cards and if I cut two of the higher cost cards I could end with 8 mana, but nothing to play except cards that gives mana.
Nature Studies and Moonlit Guidance does the same in terms of helping me play my ramp cards, so I think its down to one or the other.
Done some testing myself now.
And its a little in favor of Moonlit Guidance, but it was close because Nature Studies sometimes got me a spell that weren't in my deck, that helped me win the game. Maybe I should play with one of each. :)
Studies better against fast decks (tempo neutral, average/random value generation), guidance better against slow decks (tempo loss, strong/consistent value generation)
Studies more efficient, guidance more consistent
Studies favors risk and reward, guidance favors player knowledge
Studies isn't card draw, guidance can be
It's up to you really
Moonlit Guidance can also be nice vs agro, if you have no luck drawing your ramp cards.
Regular everyday HS player here: I like both for the flexibility. But I guess if you had to cut one of them it'd be nature studies because you don't always hit really useful spells.
The discount is great but you'd rather have more of the spells you actually put in your deck than choosing from 3 random ones.
I run moonlit in my current ramp deck.
The version I run is quite different from the most popular ones though, in that it runs more nature spells in order to get the most value from Topir.
I can't say if it will be better in your deck, but for the deck I am playing, moonlit is definitely better.
Because it's not a Mech deck ;)
Budum, Tisch.
It depends on how picky you are on what spells you get, if you half to pic one over the other. nature-studies can give you anything will the other dos not.
Moonlit, hands down. The only reason you'd even run Studies in the first place is because of Topior.
Studies is an insane card for druid, it helps speed up ramp, it helps find the ramp. I just don't see a ramp druid without the card, even if wild dilutes its pool a bit. The only question is, should Moonlit Guidance be included? It's great if you need value to win, but not so great otherwise. Does it help much against priest? Against aggressive decks, that tend to be an issue for ramp druid? Possibly not. So unless you play an incredibly slow, value based meta for some reason, you don't really need it.
Always Moonlit Guidance, especially in a ramp druid deck - the value you get from it is just insane and the chance to get something useful out of it (where the odds are higher cause it is a card from your deck and not randomly generated cards like in the Studies) is much bigger. The only druid deck where I might consider Nature Studies over Moonlit Guidance would be in an Aggro Druid deck, but even there I would rather cut the Studies than Guidance.
Defiantly since spending more mana for better affects is what druid is all about, however he might be considering nature studies for early gam sport so he dos not diy.