Been playing around with the new token druid, which is a great deck - flooding the board with little guys and buffing them is always fun. But it occurs to me, why not squeeze in a cheap or free Sea Giant while you're at it? Is there something I'm missing here?essay writer
1) You need to minimize the number of minions you run in order to benefit from Fungal Fortunes 2) If the opponent doesn't play minions then the Sea Giant costs at best 4 mana which is just mediocre 3) It is a minion which means it has anti-synergy with Glowfly Swarm
It has anti-synergy with Fungal Fortunes and Glowfly Swarm, two of the most important cards in the deck. Similarly, i experimented a bit with Wandmaker, but ended up cutting it.
I have not seen it EVER in token druid, which is curious.
I think the reason is that it goes all in on making wide boards and buffing them up, and they are all aggro decks, meaning Sea Giant is too slow, and will lose you games if you draw it early. For the record, Sea Giant was never run much in zoo either. If he was discounted enough, you already won...
I have not seen it EVER in token druid, which is curious.
I think the reason is that it goes all in on making wide boards and buffing them up, and they are all aggro decks, meaning Sea Giant is too slow, and will lose you games if you draw it early. For the record, Sea Giant was never run much in zoo either. If he was discounted enough, you already won...
Yep that it's not about discarding .... it IS Just TOO Slow you don't need it ... the deck wins by refilling the board with spells.. an buffs. The Giant was only good in ZOO decks Warlock that played cheap minions every turn.
Been playing around with the new token druid, which is a great deck - flooding the board with little guys and buffing them is always fun. But it occurs to me, why not squeeze in a cheap or free Sea Giant while you're at it? Is there something I'm missing here?essay writer
Of course, what to replace is a question...
Because you would discard it with fortunes i think
1) You need to minimize the number of minions you run in order to benefit from Fungal Fortunes
2) If the opponent doesn't play minions then the Sea Giant costs at best 4 mana which is just mediocre
3) It is a minion which means it has anti-synergy with Glowfly Swarm
It has anti-synergy with Fungal Fortunes and Glowfly Swarm, two of the most important cards in the deck. Similarly, i experimented a bit with Wandmaker, but ended up cutting it.
I have not seen it EVER in token druid, which is curious.
I think the reason is that it goes all in on making wide boards and buffing them up, and they are all aggro decks, meaning Sea Giant is too slow, and will lose you games if you draw it early. For the record, Sea Giant was never run much in zoo either. If he was discounted enough, you already won...
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
Yep that it's not about discarding .... it IS Just TOO Slow you don't need it ... the deck wins by refilling the board with spells.. an buffs. The Giant was only good in ZOO decks Warlock that played cheap minions every turn.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the only neutral giant left in Standard is Clockwork Giant