Fungal Fortunes
Card Text
Draw 3 cards. Discard any minions drawn.
Flavor Text
Far superior to a beanstalk boondoggle.
Draw 3 cards. Discard any minions drawn.
Far superior to a beanstalk boondoggle.
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oh boy , this will fit right in my wild spell druid deck
Seems like a good card, lot's of potential for example in aggro druid to get that Savage Roar
Crystalsong Portal and King Phaoris synergy.
Discard Phaoris PogChamp
A worthwhile risk that you don't necessarily have to force.
How is it a worthwhile risk to risk discarding the one minion you've built your deck around???
It is not a risk that you have to force. The payoff for drawing 3 cards for 2 mana is incredible. The deck is not so dependant on Phaoris that it will be an auto-loss if you mill him. Obviously it would be terrible, but consider the upside in drawing to your other values versus the slight chance of milling him.
Jade druid again???
It is much more easy build a deck without minions, except maybe the 10 manas legendary, than make a mage deck with few spells.
wow book of specters but for spells. very innovative, HS devs.
Fungal Fortunes aka Reverse Book of Specters. This draws 3 Jade Idols 100% of the time in the lategame but will that enough to see play? Find out on the next episode of Ashes of Outland!
I think this could make the Sunstrider OTK deck, with a few other new cards viable even in standard, but in wild it will slot right into it, no need for jades.
Oh boy, Discard Druid!