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    posted a message on I don't care what you say i'm having fun!
    Quote from Gray_Fox >>
    Quote from INDIGOMx >>

    Guess you're not having fun anymore


     His rank progression halted, lost another 3 ranks with different deck, felt into depression of not gaining easy ranks. Back to playing pirate warrior.

     Destroying poor Rogues though... Is Rogue still class KEKW.......

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 0

    posted a message on I don't care what you say i'm having fun!
    Quote from INDIGOMx >>

    Guess you're not having fun anymore


     You guys are so funny.. Thinking only the one card with the 0 mana 6/6 was so busted. Even before the patch most games I didn't draw the 6/6 before turn 6-8 so it doesn't matter as much as you think. The deck is still Crushing after nerf in D5 .. 

    Pirate druid was a thing in wild before this card and will still be.. its just got boosted a bit more and now after the patch it still good but not crazy.

    The screenshot i posted happened 3 times maybe in 25 games so that's not where the High W/R comes from...


    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 1

    posted a message on I don't care what you say i'm having fun!

    This !!! 


    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 0

    posted a message on Garbage game

    Yea Next expansion it won't be Garbage. KEKW . Every expansion people cry for the same reasons.....

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 4

    posted a message on Mercs sadly Pay to Win
    Quote from Pherosizm >>

    Feels like Mercs is a PvE mode with PvP tacked on afterward.

    The way its designed will definitely give advantage to anyone who plays more or spends more... so really it's not going to be fun unless you're maxed out, too.

    I'd ignore PvP entirely, in my opinion... 

     Yea that's what im doing :) the thing is Blizzard team said in their post about Mercs that they Developed an all New PVP Algorithm so that is matches players with exact skill and lvls ....So I guess that was BS...

    Posted in: Mercenaries
  • 5

    posted a message on Mercs sadly Pay to Win

    The PVE mode is fun for me i like games that have dungeon runs. 

    The PVP mode sadly is not fun.  I opened around 10 merc packs. I won one or 2 PVP games at first. I am the lowest rank btw. After that I can't seem to win a game. 

    All the people I play against have heroes around the same lvls but their abilities are maxed out. So they do double the damage I do ....

    So have most of you who play this mode bought a lot of packs to upgrade abilities or what?

    Anyone else finds PVP bad or it is just me?

    Posted in: Mercenaries
  • 0

    posted a message on Mysteries of Stormwind - New Card Back Puzzle!



    Posted in: News
  • 7

    posted a message on Why there is so much hate on Mercenary mode or on Hearthstone in general?
    Quote from Strongpoint >>
    Quote from Tallaris >>

    Because they added a new game mode while standard and wild format suck ass for most players. So its like "yeah we know you don't like how to game is going to look now, but anyway, we're not donna do anything about it and btw, here is a new game mode"

     Lol. This is a permanent situation. "Most players" (aka vocal internet minority) always whine how bad the game is

     Well if everyone complains about how bad a game is even pro players and streamers that play 8 hours a day Maybe IT IS. 

    And the rest of us are just bored of seeing the same shit over and over again for years.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Delete your deck by turn 7 !!!

    It's bronze, you know...

     and ? its start of the new rank season that's why its bronze. Also  Soul Rend is in most control warlock decks ... What do you think if this was Diamond the opponent would leave me with full board of minions? he would be dead next turn anyway.

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 0

    posted a message on Delete your deck by turn 7 !!!

    So warlocks play this card Soul Rend KEKW...

    It's a good card guys burn all of your deck and pray :) 

    Faced 3 warlocks that did that and can't even finish the quest.. 


    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 1

    posted a message on Android App not working after update

    yea me too. i download the update open hs app and says you need to update and errors.. nothing works.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Just my Luck in pack opening.
    Quote from Wogie >>

    My best so fat ^^

     lol ok i hate you :)

    this happened once in how many years of you playing HS? 

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 0

    posted a message on Just my Luck in pack opening.

    I see people opening golden legendaries and some two or three of them in a pack. Are those pics real?

    I opened 90 packs got some legends and epics but the best pack was this ...

    Is this supposed to be a rare pack and if so how lucky do you need to be to open 2 legends in a pack? Have never done it.


    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 4

    posted a message on The Hearthstone you knew and loved is gone forever; How does that make you feel?

    Yea it felt the same. Somehow it Feels like blizzard is cramming 3 games into 1 and possibly more in the future. I don't mean that's necessarily bad but yea, HS as we once knew it is Gone. Now is more obvious than ever that every new thing is more about making more money, bringing more players into the game and making old players spent more if they want to play all modes.

    That's why they put all the new modes into HS to make you see them , try them , and spent money on them...  they could be separate games but i doubt they would be successful.

    Anyway i stopped paying for this game a long time ago and I never will again... so i don't care how many modes they force on the old Hs format as long as I can play them a bit for free and have fun its ok.. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on A New Puzzle - Mysteries of Stormwind

    Lets see... solve it fast please :)

    Posted in: General Discussion
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