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Imba Vein Popping N'zoth Mage

  • Last updated Feb 10, 2017 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 27 Minions
  • 3 Spells
  • Deck Type: Tavern Brawl
  • Deck Archetype: N'Zoth Mage
  • Brawl: Battle of Tol Barad
  • Crafting Cost: 10800
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 2/10/2017 (Gadgetzan)
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This is not an another brainless cheap mungo-bungo brawl deck. Perhaps you can snatch a faster win with a cheap aggro deck consisting of some booooring stuff. I'd ask - Is this your style? Well it ain't mine, so if you want to win with style and make your opponents eyes bleed of the value you drop on the board - read on!:)

Just my 2 copper

The purpose of this deck is to squeeze the most fun out of the RNG brawl, while providing a better than good win-rate. This is not a cheap deck but as someone who haven't dusted cycled out cards I really wanted to bring back some old favs of mine thus Sneed's Old Shredder and Dr. Boomand I encourage you card hoarders to do the same. Screw 400 dust decks, just leave them to the newcomers. This has to be about fun, viability and even more unexpected game twists! Add a layer of RNGsus on top and we're set to go!

If you don't have those two cards, I'd say don't bother with this deck. Oh, and before you ask, yes - N'zoth the Corruptor is mandatory in an N'zoth deck:) If you take that out it deck becomes something else.

Deck Origin

I've had some fun with one of the main page mage decks. I have changed a few things around, mainly adding N'Zoth, the Corruptor, Sneed's Old Shredder, Dr. Boom and Sylvanas Windrunner modifying further while playing.

Outcome so far

I went 14-2 with this deck. Keep in mind it's RNG fest with random spells but this list provided me with some insane style wins:)


Mulligan for: Mana Wyrm, Mad Scientist, Babbling Book, Bloodmage Thalnos, Mechwarper or Dirty Rat

If you have Mechwarper and Piloted Shredder keep them. Otherwise dump the Mechwarper if you have say Mad Scientist or Bloodmage Thalnos in a draw.

Edit: I've included 2xQuesting Adventurer's, which work waaaay better and provide some even more insane synergies and ultimately - wins!

Don't keep any secrets in your starting hand due to Mad Scientist synergy!

Dirty Rat and Deathlord justification

There are many low cost cards, as that's when most of the magic happens. I like using Dirty Rat's for the sole purpose of depriving the opponent of the possibility of playing minions. That means less 0 mana spells for him, and Dirty Rat's + Deathlord are doing a decent job walling the early minions. 

Often you'll get some random spells to deal with extra minions on board and the opponent will run out of steam.

Further changes

I'll have some more fun today so possible refinements incoming. Specifically I'm thinking of losing the Stonesplinter Trogg. It seems to have insane synergy with the mechanic but that's on paper. Out of experience the opponent usually gets a random spell to deal with it early and efficiently.

Edit: Dropped it for Harvest Golem. Harder to remove and has deathrattle synergy. Im glad of the change.

General strategy thoughts

There are many win-conditions and synergies in the deck. The main synergy being the spell synergy obviously (hence the mage). Mana Wyrm, Flamewaker's and Demented Frostcaller's to highlight. The latter can freeze entire opponent's board with a few 0 mana spells. The late game win-condition is ofcourse N'Zoth, the Corruptor. Don't be afraid to drop it on turn 10, as you've prolly played many deathrattle minions this late into the game. It's good to have played Sylvanas Windrunner before playing him but it's not necessity. Usually Piloted Shredder's are a good value and hard / costly to deal with.

Failed ideas

Medivh, the Guardian does not work. 0 cost spells summon only liabilities:) Gorillabot A-3 also didn't work for me. There are to many cards in your hand after a while. Some of random cards give you card draw. Some (Infest) clog your hand with cards. I've found Deathlord to work better for reasons stated above. Mechwarper 's didn't work so well. You get more tempo swings out of RNG (brawl 0 mana spells). I've includedQuesting Adventurer's which is explained in above paragraph.